



Global Mountain Cinema, edited by Kamaal Haque, Christian Quendler, and Caroline Schaumann (under contract with Edinburgh University Press).



Special issue "Beyond the Classical Bergfilm." In Colloquia Germanica 56.4 (2023), edited by Kamaal Haque and Christian Quendler. [Access issue here]





Special issue on “Cinematic Mountains.” In New Review of Film and Television Studies 21.1 (2023), edited by Cornelia Klecker and Christian Quendler. [Access issue here



Special issue on “Mediating Mountains.” In JAAAS 2.2 (Spring 2021), edited by Eva-Maria Müller and Christian Quendler. [Access issue here]



Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Capelle, Birgit, "Mountains and Waters of No-Mind: A Transcultural Approach to Moments of Heightened Awareness and Non-Substantialist Ontology in Henry David Thoreau, Jack Kerouac, and Gary Snyder."  Journal of the Austrian Association of American Studies 2.2 (Spring 2021): 117–140. [Access article]
Claxton, Mae Miller, "Bearing Witness: Mountains as Sacred/Exploited Spaces in Appalachian Narratives." Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review 48.3–4 (Spring/Summer 2021): 170–185. [Access article]
Claxton, Mae Miller et al., "Round Table Discussion: New Forms and Strategies of Cultural Self-Expression Emerging from Struggles over Representations of Appalachia." Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review 48.3–4 (Spring/Summer 2021): 266–277. [Access article]
Cubitt, Sean, "Imagining Taking Tiger Mountain (by Strategy): Two Landscapes of the Anthropocene, 1970 and 2014." New Review of Film & Television Studies 21.1 (Spring 2023): 38–52. [Access article]
Fackler, Katharina, "Looking at Appalachia: Online Intermediality, Collaboration, and Mountain Multiplicity." Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review 48.3–4 (Spring/Summer 2021): 188–211. [Access article]
Fuchs, Michael, “Vanishing Glaciers, the Becoming-Unextinct of Microorganisms, and Fathering a More-Than-Human World: Climate Change Horror in the Alps.” Fafnir: Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research 6.2 (2019): 11–24. [Access article
Fuchs, Michael and Christian Quendler, “The Vertical Dimension of the American West: Mining and the Media Archeology of Navajo Land.” Entanglements, Narratives, and the Environment, edited by Nicole Haring, Roberta Maierhofer, and Eva Bauer. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2024. 117–137.
Haque, Kamaal, "Joining the Ranks: Arnold Fanck's Later Films." Colloquia Germanica 56.4 (2023): 325–339. [Access article]
Kindinger, Evangelia, "'The Best Way to Fight Them is Refuse to Leave': Mountain Removal and White Vulnerability in Ann Pancake's Strange as this Weather Has Been." Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review 48.3–4 (Spring/Summer 2021): 246–265. [Access article]
Klecker, Cornelia and Christian Quendler, "Introduction: Cinematic Figuration of Mountains.” New Review of Film & Television Studies 21.1 (Spring 2023): 1–18. [Access article]
Ladinig, Anna, "Ambiguous Images of Soviet-Kyrgyz Mountainscapes in The Sky of Our Childhood (1966)." New Review of Film & Television Studies 21.1 (Spring 2023): 75–95. [Access article]
Lehmann, Benita, "Jennifer Peedom’s Mountain as a City Symphony." Journal of the Austrian Association of American Studies 2.2 (Spring 2021): 189–210. [Access article]
Martinez Diane, "Agency and Environmentalism in Appalachia." Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review 48.3–4 (Spring/Summer 2021): 228–244. [Access article]
Müller, Eva-Maria, "Bergkino: Wenn die Leinwand Berge Versetzt." Blickpunkt:Film. April 2023: 35.
Müller, Eva-Maria, "Cinematic Cultures of Descent: The Other Sides of the Mountaineering Story." New Review of Film & Television Studies 21.1 (Spring 2023): 96–115. [Access article]
Müller, Eva-Maria, "Geschichten vom Gipfellosen und deren Fragen an die alpine Zukunft." Syntopia Alpina. Fall 2022. [Access article]
Müller, Eva-Maria and Christian Quendler, "Mediating Mountains: Introduction to the Special Issue." Journal of the Austrian Association of American Studies 2.2 (Spring 2021): 105–114. [Access article]
Nunes, Mark, "Becoming-Data—Becoming-Mountain: Affordances, Assemblages, and the Transversal Interface." Journal of the Austrian Association of American Studies 2.2 (Spring 2021): 247–262. [Access article]
Peterson, Jennifer Lynn, "Highroads and Skyroads: Mountain Roadbuilding in U.S. Government Films of the 1920s and '30s." New Review of Film & Television Studies 21.1 (Spring 2023): 19–37. [Access article]
Pöhlmann, Sascha, "Thereness: Video Game Mountains as Limits of Interactivity." Journal of the Austrian Association of American Studies 2.2 (Spring 2021): 213–245. [Access article]
Quendler, Christian, “Holy Mountain Hollywood: Hölderlin, Fanck und Herzog.”  Heilige Berge – Berge und das Heilige, edited by Monika Fink and Thomas Steppan. Regensburg: Schnell + Steiner, 2020. 161–173.
Quendler, Christian, “Keaton’s Chimera, or the Comic Assemblage of Mountains.” Ecocinema: Theory and Practice 2, eds. Stephen Rust, Salma Monani, Sean Cubitt. New York: Routledge, 2023. 135–148. [Access article]
Quendler, Christian, "From the Vulture Wally to The Dark Valley: Imaging the Alps at the Crossroads of the Heimat Genre." Colloquia Germanica 56.4 (2023): 379–398. [Access article]
Quendler, Christian and Benjamin Robbins, "Transnational Perspectives: Attachment and Appropriation in 'Our' Appalachia." Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review 48.3–4 (Spring/Summer 2021): 156–167. [Access article]
Quendler, Christian and Daniel Winkler, “Aging, Auteurism and the Bergfilm: Olivier Assayas’ Clouds of Sils Maria (2014) and Paolo Sorrentino’s La givonanezza (2015).”  Journal of Film and Video 72.3–4 (Fall/Winter 2020): 73–89. [Access article]
Quendler, Christian and Kamaal Haque, "Introduction: Beyond the Classical Bergfilm". Colloquia Germanica 56.4 (2023): 311–324. [Access article]
Schaumann, Caroline, "Reframing the Bergfilm: Olivier Assyas's The Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)." Colloquia Germanica 56.4 (2023): 359–377. [Access article]
Sielke, Sabine, "Revisiting Brokeback Mountain — How Mountains Matter, or: Melodrama, Melancholy, (Im-)Mobility." New Review of Film & Television Studies 21.1 (Spring 2023): 53–74. [Access article]
Spill, Frédérique, "Quilting the Mountains into a Poem: Ron Rash's Appalachia." Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review 48.3–4 (Spring/Summer 2021): 212–227. [Access article]
Tschachler, Heinz, "More Than a Feeling: Why the Lewis and Clark Expedition Did not Experience 'the Sublime' at the Great Divide when Crossing the American Continent." Journal of the Austrian Association of American Studies 2.2 (Spring 2021): 143–160. [Access article]

Wedekind, Michael, "Mountain Grand Hotels at the Fin de Siècle: Sites, Gazes, and Environments." Journal of the Austrian Association of American Studies 2.2 (Spring 2021): 163–187. [Access article]

Winkler, Daniel and Andreas Ehrenreich, "The Primetime Television Series Luftsprünge (1969-1970): Luis Trenker and Transnational Bergfernsehen." Colloquia Germanica 56.4 (2023): 341–358. [Access article]


Busriss, Theresa L., Review of Writing Appalachia: An Anthology, edited by Katherine Ledford and Theresa Lloyd, Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review 48.3-4 (Spring/Summer 2021): 292-293. [Access review]
Hansen, Peter, Review of False Summit: Gender in Mountaineering Nonfiction, by Julie Rak,  Journal of the Austrian Association of American Studies 2.2 (Spring 2021): 272–275. [Access review]
Haque, Kamaal, Review of Action: Let’s Climb! History of Mountaineering and Climbing Film, by Roberto Mantovani, New Review of Film & Television Studies, further reading for Special Issue 21.1 (Spring 2023). [Access review]
Müller, Eva-Maria, Review of Peak Pursuits: The Emergence of Mountaineering in the Nineteenth Century, by Caroline Schaumann,  Journal of the Austrian Association of American Studies 2.2 (Spring 2021): 269–272. [Access review]
Raad, Danielle, Review of Uplift: Visual Culture at the Banff School of Fine Arts, by PearlAnn Reichwein and Karen Wall,  Journal of the Austrian Association of American Studies 2.2 (Spring 2021): 265–269. [Access review]
Robbins, Ben, Review of Unwhite: Appalachia, Race, and Film, by Meredith McCarroll, Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review 48.3-4 (Spring/Summer 2021): 297-299. [Access review]
Vith, Johannes, Review of After Coal: Stories of Survival in Appalachia and Wales, by Tom Hansell, Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review 48.3–4 (Spring/Summer 2021): 294–296. [Access review]
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