Ass.-Prof. Mag. Karin Labek, PhD
Department of Clinical Psychology II
Fachbereich Klinische Psychologie II Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anna Buchheim
Universitätsstraße 5-7 (Grauer Bär)
Postadresse: Universitätssstraße 15
Raum: 3W13 (3. Stock)
Telefon: +43 (0)512 507-56031
--> Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung
Key Research Areas
Attachment Research
Clinical Psychology
Psychotherapy Research
Neurosciences (fMRI, EEG) - Head of the MRI research group: assoz. Prof. Roberto Viviani, PhD
Clinical Practice & Education
Clinical and Health Psychologist
Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Therapist
Therapist specializing in sexual health
OPD Diagnostics (Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostics)
Training Candidate, Psychoanalytic Seminar Innsbruck (PSI)
Head of the EEG Lab, Department of Clinical Psychology II
Fachbereich Klinische Psychologie II (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anna Buchheim)
Leitung: Karin Labek, Stv.-Leitung: Jeff Maerz, BSc, MSc
Member of the institute advisory board
Summer semester 2021 – ongoing
Board Member, Eating Disorders Network
December 2023 - ongoing
The Eating Disorders Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals affected by eating disorders and their families. As a collaborative network, it unites professionals to advance the understanding, treatment, and prevention of eating disorders through shared initiatives and events in Austria. The network organizes congresses, offers self-help groups and counseling services, engages in public awareness initiatives, and provides internship opportunities to promote education, prevention, and professional development in the field.
Link: Netzwerk Essstörungen
Notwithstanding numerous efforts, the success of the translation of neuroimaging knowledge to
the clinic has met only limited success. focuses on the identification of intermediate
phenotypes in neuroimaging data that may be useful in characterizing prognostic factors for
affective disorders. Among the most promising phenotypes that are being used in the group are
cortical and subcortical substrates
Ass.-Prof. Karin Labek uses functional imaging and EEG to investigate neural correlates of
psychic pain (loss, social rejection) and its relationship to personality structure and personality
disorders. This research addresses three goals. First, we pursue the development of paradigms
for modelling interaction processes using formalized economic games. Second, we aim to
experimentally disrupt the partner's cooperative behavior to examine responses to financial
losses associated with unfair treatment. In addition, individual differences will be assessed and
correlated with clinical variables (particularly those related to personality). The third goal is to
identify neural correlates by which different responses to critical life events can be assessed
("Research Domain Criteria" approach; RDocs).