Stefan Gandler (Promotion 1997 in Frankfurt/Main bei Alfred Schmidt) ist Univ.-Professor für Philosophie
2021: Bolívar Echeverría Prize, awarded biennially by the International Herbert Marcuse Society
Research Project: Aspects of a Critical Theory from the Americas
One of the promising results of this theoretical reorganization is to overcome the ongoing dominance of philosophical Eurocentrism, a dominance that actually is no less virulent than it was in the times of the Colonialism. Only through an open and non-Eurocentric reorganization of the international discussion on social theory and philosophy, will it be possible to give society the conceptual tools it needs in order to leave the state of reflective stagnation it has been trapped in for over the past three decades. This stagnation, reflected in our inability to leave behind the so-called neoliberal ideology, has propelled us into going about our everyday lives in a world where both the social and ecological consequences of this ideology are becoming irreversible.
Stefan Gandler (Hrsg.), Teoría crítica desde las Américas. México, Miguel Ángel Porrúa, Reihe Las Ciencias Sociales. Cuarta Década, 2021, 252 S. ISBN 978-607-524-444-0.