Terms and Conditions

The Language Centre is a service facility of the University of Innsbruck and offers a wide range of language courses to students, university staff and external interested parties. Language exams (supplementary exams, accreditation certificates, language proficiency tests, etc.) can also be taken at the Language Centre.

Registration for a course or an exam takes place online via LFU:online or in person at the Language Centre office within the respective registration period and is valid as soon as the entire course fee or exam fee has been paid. The registration is specific to each person. A place in a course or an exam cannot be transferred (even in part) to a third person.

There are two course formats at the Language Centre: Face-to-face courses and courses with online teaching. Participants are responsible for choosing their own course and course format. Participants have no right to change the booked course themselves, this requires the express consent of the Language Centre.

Attending courses and exams is allowed only after registration has been com-pleted.

In order for a course or an exam to take place, a minimum number of persons have to register. Should the minimum number not be reached, the Language Centre reserves the right to cancel the course on grounds of lack of interest (see conditions of cancellation).

The amount to be paid depends on the person's status at the time of registra-tion:

  • Students of the University of Innsbruck: Persons, who at the time of regis-tration are regular students at the University of Innsbruck, or students en-rolled in other Austrian universities with a right of attendance at the Univer-sity of Innsbruck.
  • Members of staff of the University of Innsbruck: Persons, who are em-ployed by the University of Innsbruck and can prove so.
  • Erasmus and Joint Study exchange students: Students who are registered at the University of Innsbruck as exchange students within the Erasmus pro-gramme or another exchange programme.
  • External participants: Persons who do not fall under points already men-tioned.

Belated changes of status will not be considered. Therefore, a refund of the registration charge might not be possible.

The possibility to join a course which has already started is subject to the availability of places and to the agreement of the head of the Language Centre. A reduction of the registration charge is ruled out.

Terms of Payment, Terms of Cancellation, Right of Withdrawal

The course fees and examination fees are due before the start of the course or before the exam date and can be paid either in cash or by debit card at the Language Centre office or via online registration and payment. If a course or an exam cannot take place for organisational reasons (e.g., if the minimum re-quired number of participants is not reached), the course charges will be refunded in full. This also applies in the event that participants (due to the assessment of the course instructor or similar) fall into a different course level than previously registered and a newly assigned course cannot be attended for scheduling reasons.

If course units are postponed during the current semester, no compensation can be paid for expenses incurred (e.g., travel expenses, parking fees, costs for lost time). Likewise, there will be no refund if participants are unable to attend a course unit for reasons that are in the responsibility of the participant (in particular illness, absence due to infection, problems with the Internet connec-tion or IT-related problems with courses or course units with online teaching).

In the event of cancellation by participants who have registered in person at the Language Centre office up to one week before the start of the course or, in the case of supplementary and language proficiency exams, before the exami-nation date, the course fee or the examination fee will be reimbursed minus a processing fee of 25 per cent.     For deregistration from a course or an exam after that date, no refund can be made. In case of a free of charge primary registration for supplementary exams: After the one-week deadline, cancellation or non-participation will not be charged. However, all further registrations will be charged.

No refund will be granted if participants drop out of the course prematurely, whether for health or other reason that lie within the sphere of the individual participant. The same applies if participants have to be excluded from the courses due to disregard of the course regulations.

In the case of a consumer business within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, a right of withdrawal only exists if the course or the exam is not carried out in connection with a leisure activity and no specific time or period has been specified for the course or the exam when the contract is concluded. In this case, the period is 14 days from the conclusion of the contract. A cancellation form is attached to the registration confirmation, but it is not mandatory to use it. If the registration is made within 14 days before the start of the course or the exam date, the participants expressly consent to the course start or the exam being held before the withdrawal period has expired. If courses (e.g., blocked courses) or exams are ended be-fore the cancellation period has expired, the participants declare that they will waive their right of cancellation.

Minimum age

The minimum age for participation is 17.

Change of service

The Language Centre reserves the right to make changes to event days, dates and locations as well as the courses offered, course scheduling and course implementation, provided that these are only minor changes or are objectively justified.

Justified changes to services without entitlement to an aliquot refund of course fees include, for example, the setting of alternative dates - either with face-to-face or with online lessons - or the provision of learning materials for up to two missed course dates per course and semester, especially in the event of illness-related absences of course instructors, legal/official requirements or safety measures of the Rectorate of the University of Innsbruck or other unforeseea-ble events.

Certificates and Confirmation of Participation

After the course has been completed, the participants receive a certificate or a confirmation of participation, provided that minimal class attendance as established by the Language Centre reached. Conditions are:

  • For a certificate: attendance of at least 80 per cent of total course time and the fulfilment of the course requirements
  • For a confirmation of participation: attendance of at least 70 per cent of total course time


Every lesson at the Language Centre lasts for 45 minutes. The course instructor is allowed to cancel breaks if agreed upon by the participants.

Course materials

Course materials are not included in the course fees.


Every participant must see to any kind of insurance (health insurance, accident insurance and liability insurance).

Course Rules

Participants must not be accompanied by other people or pets.


The Language Centre is not liable for loss of or damage to the participants' personal belongings as well as for the materials provided, except for gross negligence.


The Language Centre reserves the right to change the programme in case of misprints or mistakes. Participants' right to appeal against a change on the basis of error is not infringed by such a decision.

House Rules and Regulations

Class and exam attendance are subject to the House Rules and Regulations and the safety regulations set by the University of Innsbruck.


Version: February 1, 2025

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