OLAT macht mobil ...

Within the scope of the photo competition we would like to know: How does OLAT mobilise you? Show us how OLAT makes your days easier. Show us what you think of mobile studying. Make a picture of yourself, your friends, your study group, your course, your university … while learning "smartly" with your "mobile"!



More information on the photo competition: "OLAT macht mobil … und DU machst mit!" is available in the following OLAT-course: https://lms.uibk.ac.at/url/RepositoryEntry/3991404559

Background: During the 2016 summer OLAT will be redesigned. Within the scope of updates the navigation and the layout will be changed to optimise the learning management system at the University of Innsbruck for use with mobile devices. Additionally, the start page will be made even more attractive and for this purpose we will require pictures.

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