index.html.en - index.html.enNews from the Lab 2019
- Dec. 18: Davide Breoni "Torus spectroscopy of the chiral Heisenberg quantum phase transition with quantum Monte Carlo simulations" (Master)
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Läuchli
- Nov. 19 at 11:00 in room 2S17: Group seminar
Talk by Lauri Toikka | Abstract: I will give a brief overview of ongoing work on Majoranas in a Fermi superfluid including a possible connection with the Kitaev quantum spin liquid phase. In the rest of the talk I will present recent results on quantum walks. We observe the onset of non-ergodicity from ballistic propagation of a two-body bound state in an interacting discrete-time quantum walk (DTQW) due to time-dependent disorder in the interaction. The effect of the disorder on the two-body state can be interpreted as Anderson-type localisation in a projected DTQW, but without saturation of entanglement entropy. We characterise the two-body localisation in terms of the rate of growth of entanglement entropy and compute the localisation length. We find indications for two distinct growth laws for the entanglement: a logarithmic law in the delocalised phase and a double logarithmic law in the localised phase. We discuss similarities with many-body localisation (MBL). | See you there!
- Nov. 19: Mit Rechenpower neue Einblicke gewinnen
Einen neuen Weltrekord in der Simulation von realen Festkörpersystemen wollen Wissenschaftler um Andreas Läuchli vom Institut für Theoretische Physik aufstellen. Für die Berechnung der Eigenschaften von makroskopischen Quantenspinflüssigkeiten erhalten die Physiker vom europäischen Supercomputer-Netzwerk PRACE insgesamt 40 Millionen CPU-Stunden.
- Oct. 08 at 10:15 in room 2S17: Group seminar to kick of the new semester
- Jun. 05 - Jun. 07: Alexander Wietek, Flatiron Institute, CCQ, New York
We are happy to welcome Alex, a former member of our research group, as our guest at the institute!
- Apr. 09, 10:00 "Subsystem symmetries, quantum cellular automata, and computational phases of quantum matter"
Speaker: Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup (ITP Innsbruck) | Location: ICT building, 1st floor, room 2S16 | Abstract: Quantum phases of matter are resources for notions of quantum computation. In this talk, I will explain a new link between concepts of quantum information theory and condensed matter physics by presenting a unified understanding of symmetry-protected topological (SPT) order protected by subsystem symmetries and its relation to measurement-based quantum computation (MBQC). The key unifying ingredient is the concept of quantum cellular automata (QCA) which I use to define subsystem symmetries acting on rigid lower-dimensional lines or fractals on a 2D lattice. I will explain how states within a non-trivial SPT phase protected by these symmetries are indicated by the presence of the same QCA in a tensor network representation of the state, thereby characterizing the structure of entanglement that is uniformly present throughout these phases. Surprisingly, we can even tie these symmetries to schemes of MBQC, a model for quantum computation where the resource for computation is a highly entangled quantum state. Everybody is welcome to join!
- Mar. 01: Michael Schuler "Energy Sprectroscopy of Quantum Critical Points and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of a Quantum Simulator" (Dissertation)
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Läuchli
- Feb. 19: Martin Schwingshackl "Variational Casimir effect for the multi-critical Ising model series with the truncated conformal space approach" (Master)
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Läuchli
- Feb. 18: Alexander Eberharter "A new Approach to Extract CFT Data from Matrix Product Simulations" (Master)
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Läuchli
- Jan. 14 - Jan. 18: Juraj Hasik, SISSA, Trieste
We are happy to welcome our guest from Trieste!
News from the Department
Further news are available on the German website