Quantum Optimization - Lechner Group
Welcome to our research group!
The group of Wolfgang Lechner got started in Innsbruck in September 2017 and is one of ten research groups at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the University of Innsbruck, Austria.
Our research group is dedicated to theoretical quantum physics with the aim to solve computationally challenging problems efficiently in near term quantum devices. The focus is research of coherent adiabatic and non-adiabatic processes, applications in machine learning and optimization problems as well as the investigation of implementations in different next generation qubit platforms.
Head of the Research Group
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lechner
+43 512 507-522 32
Administrative Assistant
Nicole Jorda
+43 512 507-522 08
University of Innsbruck
Institute for Theoretical Physics
ICT building
Technikerstr. 21A
A-6020 Innsbruck