We invite you to become a member of COV&R. The annual dues are
- $ 55.- U.S. / € 50.- EUR (regular fee)
- $ 27,50.- U.S. / € 25.- EUR (reduced fee for matriculated students)
Those in soft currency areas who find it difficult to pay this amount in U.S./EUR currency are encouraged to apply to the executive secretary for a special rate.
Membership includes not only voting rights, research collaboration and discussion, and opportunity to support the aims of the Colloquium, but also subscription to The Bulletin of the COV&R, to Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture and free copies (sponsored by Imitatio) of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture Series (MSU Press) and Breakthroughs in Mimetic Theory Series (MSU Press).
The income from membership dues is important to meet expenses associated with the Bulletin and the journal Contagion, necessary administrative and clerical work, and costs connected with meetings. We will have to supplement an allotment from dues monies with a registration fee. Please do not delay to join COV&R if you are committed to our raison d'etre. Feel free to contact the executive secretary, the president, or any member of the Advisory Board if you have questions about the latter.
Subscription Dues
The Bulletin of the COV&R is the internal organ of communication of COV&R and will be sent to its members free of charge.
COV&R Membership Enrollment Form:
Please use one of these forms and send it by E-Mail or Mail to:
American mailing adress: COV&R
European mailing adress: COV&R E-mail: Dietmar.Regensburger@uibk.ac.at |
Collagues from outside USA/Canada or Europe may feel free to contact either the American or the European branch of COV&R.
Membership Payment:
Members of the American branch are welcome
Members of the European branch who are