Diana Culbertson
Kent State University, USA
COV&R President
E-mail: dculbert@core.com
Curriculum vitae
Diana Culbertson, a member of the Akron (Ohio) Dominican congregation, is Professor Emerita of English and Comparative Literature and former Director of Religious Studies at Kent State University.
She received her B.A. from Siena Heights College, Adrian, MI., an M.A. in English from John Carroll University, Cleveland, OH, and her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has done post-graduate study in theology at the University of Toronto and received her M.A. in Theology at Aquinas Institute, St. Louis, MO.
She was the Scanlon-Burkitt Visiting Professor of Religion at the University of Houston (1983) and has been an adjunct professor in Biblical theology at Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, MO. She is the current president of the international Colloquium on Violence and Religion.
Selected Publications
Her publications include:
The Poetics of Revelation: Recognition and the Narrative Tradition (Mercer UP,1989).
Rose Hawthorne Lathrop: Selected Writings (Paulist, 1993).
Her most recent book is entitled Invisible Light: Poems about God (Columbia University Press).
Reviews and articles have appeared in Religion and Literature, Cross Currents, Southern Humanities Review, Commonweal, and other literary journals. She is an editor and writer for the Center for Learning , a Catholic publishing house in Villa Maria, Penn.
Culbertson, Diana: “The Body and the Blood: Sacrificial Expulsion in »Au Revoir les Enfants«.” In: Larcher, G., Grabner, F., and Wessely, C. (Eds.), Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film. Beiträge zum Symposium “Film and Modernity. Violence, Sacrifice and Religion”, Graz 1997. Münster: LIT 1998, 187-197.
Culbertson, Diana: “Ain't Nobody Clean: The Liturgy of Violence in 'Glory'.” In: Religion & Literature 25,2 (1993) 37-52.
Culbertson, Diana: “Sacred Victims: Catharsis in the Modern Theatre.” In: Cross Currents: Religion and Intellectual Life 41 (1991) 179-194