Raymund Schwager
University of Innsbruck, Austria
E-mail: raymund.schwager@uibk.ac.at
Homepage: http://systheol.uibk.ac.at/schwager/
Curriculum vitae
Date of birth: 11.11.1935
1955 member of the Jesuit order
1957 – 1960 Studies in Philosophy at the “Berchmanskolleg” (Lizentiat), Pullach/München
1960 - 1963 pedagogical work in the college “Stella Matutina” Feldkirch/Austria
1963 - 1967 Studies in Theology in Lyon-Fourvière (Lizentiat)
1967 - 1969 Doctoral Studies in Fribourg (Switzerland) with a longer stay in Spain
1970 - 1977 Member of the editorial staff “Orientierung” Zurich, lectures in Switzerland
1973 Guest lecture in Amsterdam
1975 Guest lecture and Habilitation [postdoctoral lecturing qualification] in Innsbruck
Since 1977 Professor of Dogmatics und Ecumenical Theology in Innsbruck
1991 Founding member of the international scientific community "Violence & Religion" (COV&R)
1991 - 1995 First president of COV&R
1992 - 1996 Head of the association of catholic professors for dogmatic and fundamental theology
1998 “Tiroler Landespreis” for science
Since 1999 Honorary member of the COV&R Advisory Board (lifetime)
Since 1999 Dean of the Catholic Faculty, University of Innsbruck
Selected Publications
Must there be Scapegoats? Violence and Redemption in the Bible. Herefordshire: Gracewing and New York: Crossroad 2000. (Translation of „Brauchen wir einen Sündenbock?")
Jesus in the Drama of Salvation : Toward a Biblical Doctrine of Redemption. New York: Crossroad 1999 (Translation of „Jesus im Heilsdrama").
"Relativierung der Wahrheit. Kontextuelle Christologie auf dem Prüfstand" (Herausgeber). Freiburg i.Br.: Herder 1998.
"Jesus of Nazareth. How does Jesus understand his life?" New York: Crossroad 1998 (Translation of „Dem Netz des Jägers entronnen).
Erbsünde und Heilsdrama (Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 5), LIT: Münster 1997.
Christus allein? Der Streit um die pluralistische Religionstheologie. Hg. von R. Schwager (Quaestiones disputatae 160), Herder: Freiburg i.Br.-Basel-Wien 1996.
Brauchen wir einen Sündenbock? Gewalt und Erlösung in den biblischen Schriften. Thaur-Wien-Müchen: Kulturverlag 31994.
Dem Netz des Jägers entronnen: Das Jesusdrama nacherzählt von Raymund Schwager, Kösel: München 1991.
Jesus im Heilsdrama: Entwurf einer biblischen Erlösungslehre (Innsbrucker Theologische Studien 29), Tyrolia: Innsbruck-Wien 1990.