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Colloquium On Violence & Religion



COV&R-Bulletin No. 2 (March 1992)

Letter from the Publisher

The response to the first issue of the Bulletin was good, and we now have enough material to produce a second issue. I want to emphasize that the Bulletin depends upon its readers of the Bulletin and to encourage you to send us notes, announcements, and short reviews. We want to publish as many contributions as we can. We especially appreciate short reviews that give an overview of a book, but are also interested in longer reviews that invite further discussion (In this issue of the Bulletin, you will find a review of James Williams's book. We offer it as an important starting point for discussing the mimetic model). The space of the Bulletin does not allow many long contributions. We will try to have at least one significant contribution in every issue.

When sending us articles for publications we ask two things. First, if it is at all possible, your contribution should be written in English. Secondly, if you use a computer -- as most of us today do -- please send a diskette. Both these save us valuable time and money.

There is good news from Innsbruck. Raymund Schwager was able to create a new post at the Institut für Dogmatik in Innsbruck that is designed especially to support his research project. Since November 1, 1991, Mag. Dietmar Regensburger has been working in this position. Among other things, Regensburger will oversee the bibliography of the mimetic model. It will be stored in the data bank of the School of Theology of the University in Innsbruck, and parts of it will be published in each issue of the Bulletin.

A couple of words about financial matters: (1) Please take notice that the bank and account number has changed in Innsbruck. We have found this form of accounting makes it easier and cheaper for our European colleagues to send their dues. (2) Those who paid their dues in Fall, 1991, won't have to pay again this year. (3) Some sent us their membership form but forgot to send us their dues -- please send them now.

Wolfgang Palaver