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Colloquium On Violence & Religion



COV&R-Bulletin No. 5 (Oct. 1993)

Future Events

1. November 19-20,1993, COV&R meeting in conjunction with AAR/SBL in Washington, D.C.. There will be three sessions, all held at the Omni Shoreham-Directors.

(a) Nov. 19, 9:30 a.m.-12 noon: Apocalypse and technological society. Paper by Darrell Fasching, author of The Ethical Challenge of Auschwitz and Hiroshima. Ted Peters, author of God--the World's Future, will respond to Fasching's paper. (b) Nov. 19, 2-4:30 p.m.: Panel discussion of Curing Violence, eds. Thee Smith and Mark Wallace

(c) November 20, 9-12 a.m.: The mimetic theory and the Second Isaiah. This discussion, to be led by Hans Jensen, will revolve around short papers written for the occasion. Papers should be sent to James Williams for distribution no later than Oct. 15. Contact Williams if you plan to write a paper or to attend the session.

There will be a COV&R reception in the COV&R suite at the Omni Georgetown Hotel, Friday, Nov. 19, beginning at 8:30 p.m. Ask at the front desk for the room of James Williams.

2. June 8-11, 1994, annual conference of COV&R in Wiesbaden, Germany. The topic will be "Theology and/or Secular Thinking: Political Philosophy, Economy, and Sociology." This conference will primarely focus on the work of Jean-Pierre Dupuy (Paris: CREA-École Polytechnique and Stanford; see his book Sacrifice et envie: Le libéralisme aux prises avec la justice sociale. Paris: Calman-Lévy, 1992) and the work of John Milbank (Cambridge, England; see his book Theology and Social Theory: Beyond Secular Reason. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990). Representatives of the theology of liberation and other scholars in the fields of theology and social theory will discuss the main theses presented by Dupuy and Milbank. During one afternoon of this conference three parallel meetings will take place to focus on questions not directly linked to the main topic. Judith H. Arias will organize a meeting on "Mimetic theory, Literature and Feminism", Roel Kaptein on "The Mimetic Model in Pschology and Psychotherapy" and Jim Williams on "Mimetic Theory and Biblical Literature". For further information contact Raymund Schwager or Wolfgang Palaver.

3. Late May or early June, 1995: annual conference of COV&R at Loyola University of Chicago. Organizer Andrew McKenna. The topic is yet to be specified beyond an emphasis on interdividual psychology.

AAR/SBL will meet Nov. 19-22, 1994 in Chicago and Nov. 18-21, 1995 in Philadelphia. We will presumably continue our practice of holding COV&R meetings at these conventions.