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Colloquium On Violence & Religion



COV&R-Bulletin No. 8 (March 1995)

A Note from the Editor

In the October 1994 issue of the Bulletin we published two replies by Raymund Schwager and Józef Niewiadomski to Sandor Goodhart's interpretation of Isaiah 52-53. In this issue you will find Sandor Goodhart's response to these replies. Our Jewish-Christian dialogue was also continued at our November 1994 meeting in Chicago. Abstracts by Sandor Goodhart, Charles Mabee, and Hans Jensen give you a short overview of the debate in Chicago. Due to our ongoing discussion some of those abstracts are a little longer than usual. The Jewish-Christian dialogue will continue at our annual meeting in Chicago in June 1995.

Let me raise also some administrative matters:

(1) We ask you to send us your contributions to the Bulletin on a floppy disk or by e-mail. It greatly simplifies the publication of the Bulletin.

(2) If you would like to write a book review for the Bulletin please contact the editorial office or James G. Williams, the executive secretary. The length of a review should be between 600 and 1000 words. Longer reviews (at most 2000 words) will only be published in special circumstances.

(3) The length of an abstract should be between 100 and 300 words.

(4) Please find out if you have paid your annual dues. You will find the date of your last payment at the top of your mailing label. The regular membership fee is $30.00. Matriculated students may enroll for $15. It is also possible to subscribe to the Bulletin without membership for $15. The Bulletin appears biannually. The terms of payment you will find on the front-page.

Wolfgang Palaver