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Colloquium On Violence & Religion



COV&R-Bulletin No. 13 (Oct. 1997)

Future Meetings

San Francisco, November 23, 1997: annual brief meeting in conjunction with the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature. We will meet from 9 to 11:30 a.m. in the Corintia Room of the Parc 55 Hotel to hear and converse with Renéé Girard about his current book in progress on Christ and mythology.

Paris (St. Denis), May 27 -30, 1998 (Advisory Board May 26). The theme is "Mimesis, Education, and Reduction of Violence." The organizer is Marie-Louise Martinez of Centre National d'Etudes et de Formation pour l'Enfance Inadaptéée. The deadline for abstracts (300-500 words) is December 1 and for papers accepted is March 1.

Emory University, Atlanta 1999--exact date and theme to be announced. Thee Smith is the organizer.