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COV&R-Bulletin No. 13 (Oct. 1997)

Bibliography of Literature on the Mimetic Theory, Vol. XIII

Dietmar Regensburger

1) Books concerning the entire work of Renéé Girard

Tomelleri, Stefano. Renéé Girard: La matrice sociale della violenza. Milan: Franco Angeli, 1996.

Góómez Leóón, Enrique. Mimesis Violencia: El pensiamento de Renéé Girard. Ph. D. Diss., University of Barcelona, 1982.

2) Articles concerning the entire work of Renéé Girard

Cailléé, Alain. "Sacrifice, don et utilitarisme: Notes sur la thééorie du sacrifice." In Revue de MAUSS semesterielle no. 5 (premier semestre 1995): 248-292.

Chilton, Bruce. "Sacrificial Mimesis." In Religion 27/3 (1997): 225-230.

Góómez Leóón, Enrique. "Lo sagrado y la violencia." In: Travesia no. 4 (1983/84): 23-27.

McCracken, David. "Scandal and Imitation in Matthew, Kierkegaard, and Girard." In Contagion 4 (Spring 1997): 146-162.

Scubla, Lucien. "Vengeance et sacrifice: De l'opposition àà la rééconciliation." In Revue de MAUSS semesterielle no. 5 (premier semestre 1995): 205-223.

Williams, James G. "Introduction: Christianity: A Sacrificial or Nonsacrificial Religion?" In Religion 27/3 (1997) 219-224.

3) Interviews with Renéé Girard

Girard, Renéé. "Comments on Christianity, Scapegoating, and Sacrifice. Interview by James G. Williams." In Religion 27/3 (1997): 249-254.

Girard, Renéé. """Der Süündenbock hat ausgedient"": Renéé Girard üüber archaische Rituale und Gewalt in der Gesellschaft. Interview by Susanne Koelbl and Michael Schmidt-Klingenberg." In Der Spiegel no. 35, 25 August 1997, 112-115.

Girard, Renéé. "La fine del sacro: Colloquio con Renéé Girard. Interview by M. S. Barberi and P. Casuscelli." In Tellus: Rivista di geo- filosofia 7/17 (1996): 7-12.

Girard, Renéé. "L'ultimo dei porcospini: Intervista biografico-teorica a Renéé Girard. Interview by P. Antonello and J. C. de Castro Rocha." In Iride no. 19 (December 1996): 573-620.

4) Reviews about single works of Renéé Girard

Góómez Leóón, Enrique. "Review of ""Des choses cachéées depuis la fondation du monde"", by Renéé Girard." In: Anthropos no. 18 (October 1982): 37-41.

Siebenrock, Roman. "Von der Gewalt zur Erlöösung: Renéé Girards Süündenbocktheorie." In: Christ in der Gegenwart 49 (1997): 278.

5) Books with references to Renéé Girard

Barberi, M. S. Il senso del politico: Saggio su Carl Schmitt. Milano: Giuffréé, 1990.

Cacciari, M. Dell'inizio. Milano: Adelphi, 1990.

Gutmann, Hans-Martin. Die töödlichen Spiele der Erwachsenen: Moderne Opfermythen in Religion, Politik und Kultur. Freiburg i. Br.: Herder, 1995.

Il capro espiatorio: Discipline a confronto, ed. Francia, A. Milano: Franco Angeli, 1995.

Il giardino di Isaia: Dal fascino della guerra alla pienezza della pace, ed. Goisis, G. and Biagi, L. Pordenone: Edizioni Concordia Sette, 1992.

Jamme, Christoph. Einfüührung in die Philosophie des Mythos. Band 2: Neuzeit und Gegenwart. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1991.

Jamme, Christoph. ""Gott an hat ein Gewand"": Grenzen und Perspektiven philosophischer Mythos-Theorien der Gegenwart. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1991.

L'immaginario e il potere, ed. Chiodi, G. M. Torino: Giappichelli, 1992.

La contesa tra fratelli, ed Chiodi, G. M. Torino: Giappichelli, 1993.

La simbolica del terzo, ed Chiodi, G. M. Torino: Giappichelli, 1994.

Milbank, John. The Word Made Strange: Theology, Language, Culture. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1997.

Safranski, Rüüdiger. Das Bööse oder das Drama der Freiheit. Müünchen: Carl Hanser Verlag, 1997.

Vattimo, G. Credere di Credere. Milano: Garzanti, 1996.

Volf, Miroslav. Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996.

6) Articles with references to Renéé Girard

Anspach, Mark. "Le sacrifice qui engendre le don qui l'englobe." In Revue de MAUSS semesterielle no. 5 (premier semestre 1995): 224-247.

Bodendorfer, Gerhard. "Review of: ""Vom Fluch und Segen der Süündenbööcke"", ed. Niewiadomski, J and Palaver, W." In Bibel und Liturgie 70/1 (1997): 74f.

Cailléé, Alain. "Préésentation." In Revue de MAUSS semesterielle no. 5 (premier semestre 1995): 3-17. (Introduction to special issue with title A quoi bon (se) sacrifier: Sacrifice, don et intéérêêt)

Calasso, Roberto. "La guerra perpetua." In Karl Kraus, Gli ultimi giorni dell'umanitàà. Milano: Adelphi, 1980. (Reprinted in: Calasso, Roberto. I quarantanove gradini. Milano: Adelphi, 1991: 439-465.)

Duff, Paul. "The Sacrificial Character of Earliest Christianity: A Response to Robert J. Daly's ""Is Christianity Sacrificial or Anti-Sacrificial?""." In Religion 27/3 (1997): 245-248.

Elliott, Neil. "Paul and the lethality of the Law." Forum 9/3-4 (1993): 237-256.

Grande, Per Bjøørnar. "Dostojevskijs religiøøse utvikling (Dostoevsky's Religious Development)." In Kirke og Kultur no. 6 (1996): 513-526.

Nicolas, Guy. "Réésurgences contemporaines du don sacrificiel: Le retour des martyrs." In Revue de MAUSS semesterielle no. 5 (premier semestre 1995): 118-153.

Ouzgane, Lahoucine. "Masculinity as Virility in Tahar Ben Jelloun's Work." In Contagion 4 (Spring 1997) 1-13.

Regensburger, Dietmar. "Auswege aus der Gewalt: Forschungsprojekt ""Religion - Gewalt - Kommunikation - Weltordnung""." In: Uni Intern/Innsbruck no. 2 (1997): 8.

Rospabéé, Philippe. "Le sacrifice du cochon en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinéée: Esquisse d'une thééorie substantielle du sacrifice." In Revue de MAUSS semesterielle no. 5 (premier semestre 1995): 181-203.

7) Books applying the mimetic theory

Martinez, Marie-Louise. Vers la rééduction de la violence àà l'éécole: Contribution àà l'éétude de quelques concepts pour une anthropologie relationelle de la personne. Ph. D. Diss., Universitéé de la Sorbonne, Paris, 1996.

Müüller-Fahrenholz, Geiko. Vergebung macht frei: Vorschlääge füür eine Theologie der Versööhnung. Frankfurt am Main: Lembeck, 1996.

Palaver, Wolfgang. Die mythischen Quellen des Politischen: Carl Schmitts Freund-Feind-Theorie. Beiträäge zur Friedensethik 27. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 1997.

Sombart, Nicolaus. Wilhelm II: Süündenbock und Herr der Mitte. Berlin: Verlag Volk & Welt, 1996.

8) Articles applying the mimetic theory

Alison, James. "The Man Blind from Birth and the Subversion of Sin: Some Questions about Fundamental Morals." In Contagion 4 (Spring 1997): 26-46.

Bailie, Gil. "The Vine and Branches Discourse: The Gospel's Psychological Apocalypse." In Contagion 4 (Spring 1997): 120-146.

Bartlett, Andrew. "Senor Hirsch as Sacrificial Victim and the Modernism of Conrad's ""Nostromo"". In Contagion 4 (Spring 1997): 47-66.

Bland, Byron. "Marching and Rising: The Rituals of Small Differences and Great Violence." In Contagion 4 (Spring 1997): 101-120.

Cochetti, Stefano. "The Lethal Narcissus: Heidegger on Sacrifice / Sacrifice on Heidegger." In Contagion 4 (Spring 1997): 87-100.

Daly, Robert J. "Is Christianity Sacrificial or Antisacrificial?" In Religion 27/3 (1997): 231-243.

Fornari, Giuseppe. "Labyrinthine Strategies of Sacrifice: The ""Cretans"" by Euripides." In Contagion 4 (Spring 1997) 163-188.

Dupuy, Jean-Pierre. "John Rawls et la question du sacrifice." In Revue de MAUSS semesterielle no. 5 (premier semestre 1995): 41-59.

Gauthier, Jean-Marc. "Quand un pauvre diable est prince de ce monde ou le scandale de Satan selon Renéé Girard." In Thééologiques 5/1 (1997): 7-21.

Hamerton-Kelly, Robert G. An Ethical approach to the Question of Ethnic Minorities in Central Europe: The Hungarian Case. Mac Arthus Consortium Working Papers in Peace and Cooperation. Stanford: Institute for International Studies, 1997.

Nash, James. "The ""Justifiable Homocide"" of Abortion Providers: Moral reason, Mimetic Theory, and the Gospel." In Contagion 4 (Spring 1997): 68-86.

Price, Robert M. "In the Beginning Was the Deed: A Neo-Girardian Look at the Passion Narrative." In Forum 9/3-4 (1993): 257-303.

You are welcome to send us copies of your articles as well as to refer to any kind of literature dealing with the Mimetic Theory.

Dietmar Regensburger
Girard-Documentation, University of Innsbruck
Universitäätsstr. 4, A-6020 Innsbruck / Austria
Fax: (43 512) 507-2959
E-mail: Dietmar.Regensburger@uibk.ac.at