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Colloquium On Violence & Religion



COV&R-Bulletin No. 14 (March 1998)


Moderator: Raymund SCHWAGER SJ (Universitt Innsbruck/Austria)

9.00 Klaus BOLZANO (Salzburg/Austria): "The Danger of Violence in the Health System"

9.45 Konrad THOMAS (Universit t Gttingen/Germany): "If Control of Mimetic Rivalry Fails"

10.30 Pause

11.00 Round Table: "La r duction de la violence et la non-violence"

Moderator: Christian NARDIN (lyce International de Strasbourg)

Jacques SEMELIN (CNRS): "Une interpr tation du combat non-violent travers la pens e de Ren Girard"

Jean-Marie MULLER (Mouvement pour l'Alternative Non-violente): "Vers une culture de non-violence"

Herv HOTT (formateur l'approche constructive du conflit/France): "Du conflit destructeur au conflit cr atif dans l'ducation"

12.30 Bilan des ateliers, (plus de 40 communications): "conclusions et perspectives"

13.30 D jeuner

15.0019.00 COV&R Bussiness Meeting

Future Meetings

1998, November 2124: COV&R meeting in conjunction with AAR/SBL, Orlando, Florida. This meeting can be held only if proposals are given to the Executive Secretary. At present there are none. The deadline for paper and section proposals is May 15.

1999, June: Annual conference of COV&R in June at Emory University in Atlanta/USA. Theme: "From Primates to Nations: Violence Reduction in Theory and Practice." Organizer: Professor Thee Smith.