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Colloquium On Violence & Religion



COV&R-Bulletin No. 15 (Oct. 1998)

A Note from the Executive Secretary

The annual meeting of COV&R took place in St. Denis, France, from May 27-May 30, a week before the World Cup competition, which would occur a few blocks away from the site of our conference. Held in conjunction with the Centre National de Suresne (CNEFEI), the theme of the conference was "Éducation, mimésis, violence et réduction de la violence." Organized by Marie-Louise Martinez of CNEFEI, the conference focused on the problem of violence in the educational environment with introductory addresses by Bernard Charlot of the University of Paris 8, Paul Ricoeur (Le réligieux et la violence symbolique) and René Girard (Présentation de la theorie mimétique dans son ensemble). To obtain information about (or copies of) the proceedings, write to

Many of the papers presented in English will be accessible in future issues of Contagion.

At the business meeting of COV&R the terms of Advisory Board members Cheryl Kirk-Duggan and Sandor Goodhart were renewed for three years. Wolfgang Palaver, Robert Daly, and James Williams were elected to three-year terms. Julie Shinnick was elected (American) treasurer to succeed Gil Bailie. Dietmar Regensburger will serve as treasurer for our European colleagues. Diana Culbertson was elected Executive Secretary. Cesareo Bandero of the Univesity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill continues as President. Johan Elsen is the new editor of the Bulletin. All North (and South) American payments should be sent to Julie Shinnick at the address indicated elsewhere in the Bulletin.

As the new Executive Secretary of the COV&R Advisory Board, and in the name of the entire membership of COV&R, I would like to express our profound gratitude to James Williams of Syracuse University for his years of service to the Colloquium. As a charter member and one of the first organizers of the Colloquium, Jim has provided invaluable administrative service and steady encouragement and support to members. We have all benefited from his amiable assistance in our multiple inquiries, suggestions, and occasional querulous queries. Fortunately, we will continue to benefit from his membership on the Board.

COV&R will meet in conjunction with the AAR/SBL convention to be held in Orlando, Florida, November 21-24. The session will convene the morning of November 21. The 1999 international meeting will take place in June at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. See details about these meetings elsewhere in the Bulletin.

I look forward to seeing many of you again at these gatherings. In the meantime, if I can be of any help to you, my E-Mail address is dculbert@kent.edu (all lower case). Mail will reach me best at my home address: 7921 Twin Hills Road Streetsboro OH 44241 USA. FAX 330 672 3152 Tel. 330 673 4945

Diana Culbertson