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Colloquium On Violence & Religion



COV&R-Bulletin No. 16 (April 1999)



A Note from the Editor

Since in Februari 1999 a seperate registration form for the spring conference in Atlanta was sent to all COV&R members, and as the preliminary program for this conference wasn't available before april 1, we decided to publish this spring Bulletin in April (instead of March). We invite you all to participate in this very promising conference.

At the same time all of you are invited to send us your contributions for the Bulletin on a floppy disk or by e-mail (to johan.elsen@oxfam-ww.ngonet.be). The length of a book review should be between 600 and 1000 words. The length of an abstract should be between 100 and 300 words.

Johan Elsen



Violence Reduction in Theory and Practice:

From Primates to Nations

Conference Focus

The 1999 annual meeting, to be held at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia (USA), is designed to explore the conference hypothesis: A 'full spectrum' of violence reduction theory and practice already exists, ranging from primate studies to international affairs with much more in-between, and needing only to be correlated in order that new syntheses can emerge to propagate violence-free societies throughout the next millennium.

While COV&R members in particular are dedicated and enjoined to "explore, criticize, and develop the mimetic model of the relationship between violence and religion in the genesis and maintenance of culture" (COV&R Object, Bulletin, p.1), scholars and practitioners of all disciplines have been invited to present papers and practicums or workshops that will make available, or provide critical resources for, a 'best theory/practice' repertory for violence reduction. The conference format will permit only brief synopses of papers or sample workshop presentations and practicums, thus allowing opportunities for audience response and participant assessment.

Conference Registration

New deadline for Registration: April 15.

Please see the detailed Registration Form at the back of this Bulletin, also available on-line at our web site: http://www.emory.edu/COLLEGE/RELIGION/VR/COVR99meeting.html

Detailed Program


This is a preliminary listing and scheduling of Program participants and events. Details may change substantially before our June meeting. Please consult our website for more accurate updates and changes.


9.00a.m. - 5.00p.m.

Pre-Conference COV&R Advisory Board Meeting


9.00 a.m. Gathering time

9.15 a.m.Welcome & Introductory Remarks


Session 1: Generative Anthropology Eric Gans, Ed., "Anthropoetics: The Journal of Generative Anthropology," Anthropology Dept., University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)

Session 2: Primatology Frans DeWaal, Dir., Living Links Center, Yerkes Primate Research Center, Emory Univ.

Early Afternoon:

Session 3: Psychology of Mimetic Theory Tom Pace, Psychotherapist, Seattle, Washington Rusty Palmer, Psychology, University of Washington Jean-Michel Oughourlian, Psychopathologist, Universite de Besancon

Afternoon Parallel Sessions


4. Tom Flores, Correlation between a Girardian Hermeneutic of the Cross and a Perichoretic Negation of Sacred Violence

5. Steve Haynes, Curing the Curse: Genesis 9 in Girardian Perspective

6. Sara Osborne, The Role of an Ultimate Authority in

Restorative Justice: A Girardian Analysis


7. Jim Grote, Business Ethics, Office Politics, and Mimetic Rivalries

8. Daniel Wolpert, Men's Domestic Violence and the Social Discernment Process


Session 9: Plenary Address Charles Villa-Vincencio, Commissioner, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and University of Cape Town, South Africa


Early Morning:

Session 10: Richard Koenigsberg, The Sacrificial Meaning of the Holocaust

Late Morning Parallel Sessions


11. Peter Brecke and William Long, International War and Reconciliation

12. Ted Vehse, Mambu in Morgantown: Collegiate Violence as Expressive of the Cargo Situation


13. Hugh Kierkegaard and Wayne Northey, A Non-Scapegoating Model for Prison Ministry

14. Dawn Perlmutter, Postmodern Iconoclasm: Violence in the School Yard


Session 15: Spiral Dynamics: Mapping Psycho-Social Developments from Prehistory to the Future, Don Edward Beck, Founder, National Values Center


Session 16: Plenary Address René Girard, Hammond Professor of Literature (Emeritus) at Stanford University and Honorary Chair, Colloquium on Violence and Religion


Morning Parallel Sessions


17. William Mishler and others, Kenneth Burke and René Girard on Scapegoating

18. Robert Hamerton-Kelly, The Fall of Creation as a Theological Category and a Biological Problem


19. Billy Hewett, Facing Violence: Girard's Framework for Popular Communication, Participation, and Action

20. Mark Mahoney, Legislating Sacrifice: The Law and the Death Penalty

Noon Box Lunch for COV&R members attending the annual Business Meeting

Afternoon: UNSCHEDULED time for swimming or tennis, walking or resting; trips to Atlanta - e.g., the King Center or Carter Center, Peachtree Street or Sweet Auburn, the historic black colleges, Margaret Mitchell House ("Gone With the Wind") or Stone Mountain


9.00 a.m. Gathering time

9.15-11.00 a.m. Legacy at Atlanta:

An Interfaith Celebration of Religious Nonviolence in Word, Movement, and Song (Tentative location at the M.L. King family church:) Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church


Book Reviews

René Girard, La vittima et la folla.

Violenza del mito e christesimo

(The victim and the mob.

Violence in myth and Christianity),

translated and edited by Giuseppe Fornari,

Treviso, Santa Quaranta, 1998,

172 pp.

For several years now René Girard has been promising us a new publication on the Bible. It should above all prove that his mimetic anthropology can be read entirely from within the old Book, and that his theory is not merely projected on the text as one of many possible interpretations. This collection of essays recently edited by Guiseppe Fornari - containing texts all but one of which were previously unpublished - forms a serious initiative in this sense.

Girard finds once more the absolute unicity of the Christian Revelation. Liberal biblical scholars and well-meaning aggiornamento-theologians liked to deny it, concluding that the Bible just reproduces many recognisable and world-wide mythical scenarios. The Protestant exegete Rudolf Bultmann even proposed to smooth away as much as possible the objectionable mythological elements (Entmythologisierung) in order to isolate the kerygma, the true new message in the Gospel. Girard prefers to look for the 'good news' through a particular attitude towards myth. As a unique source, the Bible - as Girard puts it - constantly raises mythological material in order to expose violent illusions which elsewhere remain covered and unnoticed. Human societies everywhere in the world have survived by regularly passing their tensions onto scapegoats; this spontaneous group "therapy" permeates our history and forms the barbaric root of all culture. It can never definitively exorcise human violence, as this violence itself is a fundamental part of the system. Myths store seriously distorted reminiscences from that archaic horror. The message the Holy Bible brings to us is fundamentally concerned with exposing aggression that is as arbitrary as it is irresistible. An episode like the one on the renouncement of Peter thus illustrates how no one can consider himself a priori immune to the illusions and the entrancing force of violent mimesis.

Within the limited scope of the contributions collected here, it was of course impossible to elaborate the confrontation in all directions. Girard shows us how the most important biblical texts make a stand against the scapegoat mechanism over and over again. He also repeats that caritas, absolute non-violence and unselfishness ('do well to those who hate you'), offers a unique chance to prevent escalations. Slightly more emphasized than in his former publications - except perhaps in the sixth chapter of Quand ces choses commenceront.. - we here learn that this caritas itself is founded on positive mimesis, on the imitatio of the Heavenly Father who after all excludes no one, and who 'makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good' (Mt. V:45).

I keep wondering whether the Bible also confirms the founding role of the scapegoat mechanism. Violent polarisation is in every way a widely spread reality, and thus a

threat to be feared. Still, the idea that all human institutions would permanently participate in this violence because they originated from it in some remote past seems doubtful to me on the one hand; on the other hand, and most importantly within this context, it is, to put it mildly, not obviously present in the Bible. The major studies of René Girard treat, more or less in equivalent doses, myths, rituals and taboos. This new book deals nearly exclusively with myths, relatively simple stories that stick closely to basic scenarios. Might the Bible on this point perhaps be smaller (or milder) than René Girard's anthropology?

Prof. P. Pelckmans

University of Antwerp


Visible Violence: Sichtbare und verschleierte Gewalt im Film

(Visible and Hidden Violence in Contemporary Films).

Beiträge zum Symposium Film and Modernity:

Violence, Sacrifice and Religion, Graz 1997,

ed. Larcher, Gerhard, Grabner, Franz and

Wessely, Christian.

Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 10, 1998.

Pb 232. Münster: LIT, ISBN 3-8258-3756-4

(distributed by Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick/USA and London/UK);

Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus, ISBN 3-85400-075-8

In his book How to Read a Film, a classic of film theory and history, James Monaco points to the extraordinary "mimetic capacities" of the medium film. Whereas modern arts tend to increasing levels of (antimimetic) abstraction, mimesis, as imitation of reality, which Aristotle saw as the main subject of art, seems to become more and more the exclusive domain of film and television. According to the high level of daily presence of violence we should not be astonished that violence is one of the main topics in film and television today. But at the same time there is an amazing lack of serious literature reflecting this context of daily and virtual violence. Merely after "incomprehensible" and excessive acts of violence, especially when committed by juveniles or children like in the school shooting of Arkansas, there is a passionate, but short and fruitless debate about sources of violence, frequently supposing a strong and direct influence of violent movies.

The tenth volume of the German BMT series ("Contributions to the Mimetic Theory") is a selection (mainly in English) of contributions to the annual COV&R conference "Film and Modernity: Violence, Sacrifice and Religion" in Graz 1997. It can be understood as a first attempt to test the usefulness and productivity of the mimetic theory in the field of film critique. The meeting between a group of Girardians on the one hand and a group of film specialists and enthusiasts on the other hand offered an excellent oppurtinity for this experiment. G. Larcher starts the volume with a general reflection on film as an aesthetic and cultural project of modernity and its violent substructures. Based on films of Th. Angelopoulos ("Ullysses's Gaze") and E. Kustorica ("Underground") he goes further into the question of personal and historical identity as well as of reconciliation in the face of the Bosnian conflict. The article of R. Hamerton-Kelly outlines the historical background of this conflict and provides a mimetic interpretation emphasizing the specific role of religion.

M. Ross and B. Murauer look into the presentation of violence and the role of vengeance in films of A. Ferrara ("King of New York", "Bad Lieutenant", "The Addiction"), whereas P. Hasenberg exposes the religious dimension in Ferrara's Films, especially Ferrara's outlook for "pain and redemption" within his dark urban cosmos of extreme violence, sex, drugs and alcohol. H. Meindl and Ch. Suppan introduce the Austrian film director Michael Haneke and his "aesthetics of violence"; the intention of Hanekes films is to "give to violence back, what it is: pain, violation of others". The use of drastic filmic techniques to achieve this intention, especially in his film "Funny Games", led in Cannes as well as at the conference in Graz to very emotional reactions and discussions. Haneke himself presents in his article a general reflection on the relationship between violence and media. A. Duque touches this relationship in "Modern Film and the Crisis of Human Values" too, how-ever in a rather pessimistic view and not so close to film analysis than most of the other articles.

E. Arens, B. Neurathner and C. Ginther go into the topic of capital punishment, represented in films by T. Robbins ("Dead Man Walking") and Herz Frank ("The Last Judgement"). A. Bartlett, A. Heller, J. Pahl and Ch. Wessely on the other hand turn their attention to the presence of excessive violence and sacrificial structures in contemporary American mainstream cinema, exemplified by films like "Natural Born Killers" (O. Stone), "Pulp Fiction" (Qu. Tarantino) and "Halloween" (J. Carpenter). D. Culbertson covers the mechanisms of sacrificial expulsion and scapegoating in her analysis of "Au Revoir les Enfants" (L. Malle). The volume is completed by René Girards (so far unpublished) public lecture "Reconciliation, Violence and the Gospel" in the Schubert-cinema in Graz. Although the lecture, which was part of the Second European Ecumenical Assembly, does not examine directly the film topic, it fits well into this volume frequently referring to violence, mimetic rivalry and scapegoating; moreover Girards unique technique of reading texts may also contribute to find new techniques of "reading" films.

Christian Metz, another important film theorist, warns in his Essais sur la signification au cinéma that film as a simple art runs the permanent risk to fall victim to his simplicity: "A film is difficult to explain, since he is easy to understand." The images of violence, especially those of contemporary mainstream cinema, seem easy to understand, but they are likewise hard to explain. This volume is a good approach of how we may "read" the signs of violence in contemporary films, not least thanks to the mimetic theory.

Dietmar Regensburger, University of Innsbruck


Friday's Children: An Examination of Theologies of Martyrdom in the Light of the Mimetic Theory of René Girard.

by Michael Joseph Kirwan,

Heythrop College, University of London.

Doctor of Philosophy, 1998.

The thesis looks in detail at different understandings of the phenomenon and significance of Christian martyrdom, with a view to what is needed for an adequate doctrine of martyrdom for the present day. My primary methodological tool is the 'mimetic' theory associated with the cultural anthropologist René Girard, which looks at the interrelations between culture, religion and violence. I work, therefore, with two aims in view: firstly, an enhanced doctrine of martyrdom, and secondly, an assessment of the utility or otherwise of mimetic theory when applied to a particular area of Christian doctrine.

In a preliminary first chapter, I establish the theological context within which questions about martyrdom are to be raised, namely the doctrine of atonement. I provide a survey of recent reflection on the principal metaphors of atonement (victory over demonic powers, justice, sacrifice), and indicate how this approach may be of help in constructing a theology of martyrdom.

The second chapter offers a description and definition of Christian martyrdom by way of an extensive historical survey, drawing upon biblical, martyrological and patristic sources. I show how this 'classical' doctrine of martyrdom contains a number of problematic aspects. A discussion of twentieth-century reflections and reworkings of the theme of martyrdom reveals further complexities for an adequate doctrine. It is these aporias, I contend, which require a fresh theoretical approach- namely, that of mimetic theory- if an adequate doctrine is to be worked out.

Chapter Three introduces the mimetic theory associated with Girard and developed for systematic theology by the Swiss Jesuit, Raymund Schwager, and essays a critical assessment. I contend that mimetic theory opens up two methodological options for a reflection on martyrdom: a radical hermeneutic of suspicion, and the basis of a 'dramatic' theology.

On the basis of these two options, therefore, the discussion of the final fourth chapter addresses the aporias of the theology of martyrdom. I confirm here the abiding importance of martyrdom for systematic theology, while making explicit the criteria (drawn from mimetic theory and other sources) by which a non-pathological, 'authentic' theology of martyrdom may be affirmed.

The preceding discussions are illustrated by means of two Appendices, which look in more detail at selected scriptural passages (the Binding of Isaac in Genesis 22, the 'Servant Songs' of Second Isaiah) and early martyrological texts (Ignatius' Letter to the Romans, and the Passio Perpetuae et Felicitas).


7 Park Rd, Harlesden, London NW10 8TB.

tel: 0181 838 3353 fax: 0181 965 8274


"Christ follows Dionysus": Myth, Modernism, and the Mimetic Theory

A Brief Summary of Work-in-Progress

by Matthew R. Kratter

(Dissertation, UC-Berkeley, English Department)

In July 1914, on the eve of apocalyptic violence, the American poet Ezra Pound wrote to his publisher: "Jehoveh is a swine, a low grade anthropomorphic deity invented by the most loathsome of semites. . . America needs some definitely pagan publication." Contra his defenders, I believe that Pound's whoring after strange gods (like his anti-semitism) is constitutive, not intermittent; and much the same (to a greater or lesser degree) might be said of other "high modernists" like Yeats, Lawrence, Forster, Stevens, and the early Eliot. In this genealogy of literary modernism, the noxious influence of Nietzsche is present everywhere. Following the ancient trail trodden by the Lutheran clergyman's son, the modernists turn from the "life-denying" God on the Cross to the "life-affirming" radiance of the philhellene's imagined Attic paradise. In fact, one might define the movement, and the critical schools that have descended from it, in relationship to just this flight from Christianity to myth, the occult, national folklore, fascism, and neo-Dionysian ritual. My dissertation takes as its starting point the old critical debate over the relationship of myth to modernism (two words whose meaning the critics even now cannot agree on), but quickly moves on to the larger context of the birth of the modern social sciences, the history of myth interpretation, and the impact of the Gospel on the West.

Given what we now know (thanks to the mimetic theory) about the genesis of myth, it is a strange historical irony that modernists like Pound and Lawrence should be so anti-Christian, while at the same time employing myths in a manner that allows their original persecutory character to reemerge. Thus we find Pound in the Cantos resurrecting the Artemis/Actaeon myth as a useful model of how a modern genocidal purge might work: Artemis the slayer, for Pound, stands as a bracing alternative to that snivelling little Christian virtue called "Pity," which would have one refrain from setting the dogs on Actaeon. In much the same way, Lawrence (in The Plumed Serpent) resurrects the myth (and rituals) of Quetzalcoatl as a desired alternative to a "weak" Christianity that seeks to rehabilitate the victim. Pound and Lawrence fall into the same trap as Nietzsche and side with Dionysus against the Crucified.

The other half of my dissertation deals with the unmaskers of myth and ritual - especially Eliot, Joyce, and Faulkner, who for the most part belong to that lucky club of authors who (whatever their individual stances towards institutional Christianity) recognize the relevance of the Christian gospels to social theory. These modernists see myth for what it is, demystify it, and demonstrate its genesis in interpersonal rivalry and spasms of collective violence. In St-Denis, I mapped out the implicit anthropology that emerges from Joyce's treatment of enemy twins in Ulysses. Of course, both Joyce and Faulkner had the distinct advantage of having grown up in settings where many traditional rituals were still mostly intact. Joyce took great interest in the Irish custom of "hunting the wren," in which a bird is stoned and then divided up by the community on St. Stephen's Day (December 26). Likewise, much of Faulkner's obsession with lynching stems from his intense interest in the relationship between violence and mythology. In Light in August (1932), for example, he clearly sees that Zeus the thundergod is nothing more than a deified victim, and that Joe Christmas's death is homologous to the Crucifixion. Reading from Calvary, it becomes clear that the anthropologists' comparative method and the modernists' mythical method are just pit stops on the road to the Kingdom.

Matthew R. Kratter

E-mail : mkratter@ix.netcom


Report from the semi-annual American meeting of COV&R

on Fieldwork in Sacred Violence.

(Orlando, Florida, November 21)

The semi-annual American meeting of COV&R met in Orlando, Florida, November 21 in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion. The topic was "Fieldwork in Sacred Violence." Fred Boehrer of the Catholic Worker Community in Albany, New York, described the many ways he and his colleagues work to defend the homeless, the marginalized, and the poor in his city. He is particularly effective in calling attention to the inadequacies of the local government in providing appropriate services to the dispossessed and powerless. He noted that his efforts were often directed to publicizing and mediating problems, and inviting those otherwise unaware of the issue to stand with the Catholic Workers in their own "standing with "the scapegoats" of the American economic and political systems. He left the convention early to fly to Fort Benning, Georgia, to protest with thousands of others at the School of the Americas, the site of U.S. sponsored paramilitary training for Latin American government soldiers.

The second speaker was Paul Bellan-Boyer of All Nations Lutheran Church in Jersey City. The speech and ensuing discussion described a scapegoating experience within a church and parish setting, a community crisis that exemplified in curious detail all the elements of the Girardian dynamic of collective expulsion. The respondents were Rusty Palmer, Thee Smith, and Walter Wink.


Adresses of COV&R Members

American members

Information and administration:

Julie SHINNICK (see below)

Dr. William Abshire

Bridgewater College

Bridgewater, VA 22812-1599



Prof. Barbara Agnew

Dept. of Theology & Religious Stud.

Villanova University

Villanova, PA 19085-1699 - USA


FAX: 610-519-2882

Jeremiah L. Alberg, S.J.

Sophia Univ.

Philosophy Dept. 7-1 Kioi-cho






FAX: 03-5991-6928

Mark Anspach

CREA / Ecole Polytechnique

5, rue Descartes

F-75005 Paris



FAX: (33-1) 43 25 29 44

Perpaolo Antonello

Dept. of French and Italian

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94305-2010 - USA


FAX: 650-723-0482

Dr. Judith H. Arias

East Carolina University

Foreign Language Department

Greenville, NC 27858 - USA


FAX: 919-328-6233

Gerald J. Bednar

28700 Euclid Ave.

Wicliffe, Ohio - USA


FAX: 440-943-7577

Gil Bailie

Florilegia Institute

P. O. Box 925

Sonoma, CA 95476-0925 - USA


FAX: 707-996-7034

Cesáreo Bandera

2009 Fireside Drive

Chapel Hill, NC 27514 - USA


Dr. Andrew Bartlett

#3 - 3624 West 14th Avenue

Vancouver, B.C. V6R 2W5



Antony Bartlett

851 Maryland Ave.

Syracuse, NY 13210


Professor Michel Beaudin

1210 Franchere


Québec J4J 4T8


FAX: 514-343-5837

Mark R. Bell

P. O. Box 4970

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94309 - USA

Paul and Lisa Bellan-Boyer

42 Van Reipen Avenue

Jersey City, NJ 07306 - USA


FAX: 212-346-3729

Charles K. Bellinger

6124 N. Omaha

Portland, OR 97217 - USA


Thomas F. Bertonneau

202 Heidi Court

Mt. Pleasant, MN 48858 - USA


Professor Bill Bezdek

Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology

Oakland University

Rochester, MI 48309 - USA


Byron Bland

235 Wilton Ave.

Palo Alto, CA 94306 - USA


FAX: 650-723-9423

Dr. Bruce Boeckel

Department of English - Northwestern College

3003 Snelling Avenue North

St. Paul, MN 55113-1598 - USA


FAX: 612-631-5124

Bruce Bradshaw

World Vision International

121 East Huntington Drive

Monrovia, CA 91016 - USA


Sarah E. Brewer

521 East Third Street

Redwood Falls, MN 56283 - USA

FAX: 507-637-5181

Drs. Roger and Vivian Brown

907 Sesame Lane

Loredo, TX 78041 - USA

Gerard Bucher

161 Woodward Avenue

Buffalo, NY 14214 - USA

Louis Burkhardt

P. O. Box 1765

Broomfield, CO 80038 - USA


Fr. John C. Calhoun

710 East 11th Street

New York, NY 10009-4229 - USA


Bill Carlsen

284 Alvarado Ave.

Los Altos, CA 94022 - USA


John J.Carmody

167 Fairhill Drive

Wilmington, DE 19808-4312



FAX: 302-239-8971

Alice Carter

108 Kilmarnock Street #418

Boston, MA 02215 - USA

Dr. Mary Ann Cejka

Cent. for Mission Research & Study

Post Office Box 305

Maryknoll, NY 10545-0305 - USA

FAX: 914-941-5753

Mark Chmiel

4525 Arco Avenue

St. Louis, Missouri 63110 - USA


Randy Coleman-Riese

3251 Hidden Valley Drive

Santa Rosa, CA 95404 - USA


FAX: 707-527-6249

Marsha S. Collins

Dept. of Romance Languages

UNC - Chapel Hill - CB #3170

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3170


Thomas Cousineau

Washington College

300 Washington Avenue

Chestertown, MD 21620-1197



FAX: 410-810-7108

Professor Paul G. Crowley, S.J.

Dept. of Religious Studies

Santa Clara University

Santa Clara, CA 95053 - USA


FAX: 408-554-2387

Diana Culbertson

7921 Twin Hills Road

Streetsboro, Ohio 44241 - USA


FAX: 330-672-2938

Robert J. Daly

Boston College

Department of Theology

Chestnut Hill, MA 02167 - USA


FAX: 617-552-0794

Fr. Patrick J. Dooling

435 Monterey Ave.

Capitola, CA 95010 - USA


Paul B. Duff

George Washington University

Department of Religion

Washington D.C. 20052 - USA


FAX: 202-994-9379

Paul Dumouchel

Univ. de Quebeck a Montreal - Philos.

C.P. 8888, Succursale-A

Montreal H3C 3P8


Ms. Lillian E. Dykes

100 N. Main, Bldg.

Suite 2340

Memphis, TN 38103 - USA

FAX: 901-526-1933

Luisa B. Eaves

2030 Amherst Street

Palo Alto, CA 94306 - USA

Pastor Nola M. Eisenbrandt

Box 296

Bottineau, ND 58318 - USA


Neil Elgee

The Ernest Becker Foundation

3621 72nd S.E.

Mercer Island, WA 98040-3330



FAX: 206-232-2994 (call first)

Prof. Gary Ernst

80 Harbor Road

Staten Island, NY 10303 - USA


George S.Erving

2826 Mt. St. Helens Place S.

Seattle, WA 98144 - USA


Loren A. Eyres

P.O. Box 9551

Stanford, CA 94309-9551 - USA

Alyda Faber

4970 Edouard Montpetit #10

Montréal, Québec H3W 1P9



FAX: 514-398-6665

Brother Paul Feeney

Xaverian Brothers Community

800 Clapboardtree Street

Westwood, MA 02090 - USA

Mr. Michael James Galambos

314 Greenway Avenue

Syracuse, NY 13206 - USA

Cecil Garlin

804 NW 90th

Oklahoma City, OK 73114

Jean-Marc Gauthier

281 Jetté

Ste - Sophie

Québec J0R 1S0


FAX: 514-343-5738

René Girard

705 Frenchman's Road

Stanford, CA 94305 - USA

Joe Golsan

2205 Oak Grove

Bryan, TX 77802 - USA

Professor Sandor Goodhart

Department of English

Purdue University

West Lafayette, IN 47907 - USA


Mr. Ron Gottesman

2657 31st Street

Santa Monica, CA 90405 - USA


FAX: 310-477-5906

Tyler Graham

130 Small Road, Apt. 7

Syracuse, NY 13210 - USA

Ian Greenspan

2903 Bywater Drive

Troy, MI 48098 - USA

Colin Grimmond

6 Oatlands Crescent

Richmond Hill



Ted Grimsrud

Eastern Mennonite University

1200 Park Road

Harrisburg, VA 22802 - USA


FAX: 540-432-4444

Jim Grote

1874 Rutherford Avenue

Louisville, KY 40205 - USA


Ms. Lori L. Guzmán

5777 125th Street West

Apple Valley, MN 55124-8390


FAX: 612-891-6474

Scott Halderman

Union Theological Seminary

3041 Broadway

New York, NY 10027 - USA

Prof. Joseph M. Hallman

University of St. Thomas # 4124

2115 Summit Avenue

St. Paul, MN 55105-1078 - USA


FAX: 651-962-5322

Edwin A. Hallsten

5305 Port Drive

Roscoe, IL 61073 - USA


FAX: 815-968-5314

Robert Hamerton-Kelly

565 Encina

Menlo Park, CA 94025 - USA


Michael Hardin

120 Floral Parkway

Floral Parkway, NY 11001 - USA

Mr. Jack Hart

226 Shady Ave., Apt. 203

Pittsburgh, PA 15206-4349 - USA


Stephen R. Haynes

Dept. of Religion

Rhodes College

200 North Parkway

Memphis, TN 38112 - USA


FAX: 901-726-3727

Professor S. Mark Heim

Andover Newton Theological School

210 Herrick Road

Newton Centre, MA 02459-2243



Arlene Hilfer

11552 Vaughn Road

Hiram, Ohio 44234-9786 - USA



Frederick R. Hinckley, Jr.

815 North Brookshire Drive

Kaysville, Utah 84037-1579 - USA


FAX: 801-544-1963 - notify first

Scott Holland

1423 Carnegie Avenue

McKeesport, PA 15132 - USA

Jerry Homer

5304 Emerson Drive

Raleigh, NC 27609 - USA

Estella B. Horning

631 Rochdale Circle

Lombard, IL 60148

FAX: 630-620-2190

Rev. James F. Hurlbert, III

St. Anne Rectory

120 N. Ela Street

Barrington, IL 60010 - USA


FAX: 847-382-5363

Rabbi Steven L. Jacobs

103 Lincoln Street, S.E.

P. O. Box 2463

Huntsville, AL 35804-2463 - USA


FAX: 205-722-0370/536-4771

Professor Loren L. Johns

Bluffton College

Bluffton, Ohio 45817 - USA


Bill Johnsen

1042 Lakeside Drive SE

E. Grand Rapids, MI 49506 - USA


Rosemary Erickson Johnson

1042 Lakeside Drive SE

E. Grand Rapids, MI 49506 - USA


Bill Johnson

Religion & Philosophy

High Point University

High Point, NC 27265 - USA

Rev. Britton Johnston

Westminister Presbyterian Church

841 W. Manhattan Ave.

Santa Fe, NM 87501 - USA


Mark Juergensmeyer

Dept. of Sociology

University of California

Santa Barbara, CA 93016-9430



Prof. Richard E. Keady

2850 Middlefield Road #104A

Palo Alto, CA 94306-2546 - USA


Fr. Sean Kealy

Trinity Hall

Duquesne University

Pittsburgh, PA 15282 - USA


Dr. Theresa M. Kenney

4178 West Pioneer Dr. #2065

Irving, TX 75061 - USA


FAX: 972-721-4007

Hugh Kirkegaard

49 Park St. East


Ontario, L9H 1C9



Bette Kiernan

140 Middlefield Road

Palo Alto, CA 94301 - USA


FAX: 650-529-0192

Elbon Kilpatrick

4461 W. Sentinel Rock

Larkspur, CO 80118 - USA

Sean Edward Kinsella

44144 Lakeview Drive

El Macero, CA 95618 - USA

Cheryl Kirk-Duggan

4872 Reno Lane

Richmond, CA 94803-3805 - USA


FAX: 510-649-1730

Professor Peter T. Koper

Dept. of English

Central Michigan University

Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 - USA


FAX: 517-774-1271

E. Christian Kopff

1331 Kennedy Drive

Louisville CO 80027-1043 - USA


FAX: 303-492-3851

Matthew R. Kratter

2 Pyxie Lane

San Carlos, CA 94070 - USA


FAX: (650) 508-9655

Rev. Thomas

110 Garfield Avenue

Eau Claire, WI 54701 - USA


Stuart Lasine

Wichita State University

Dept. of Religion - Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Program

Wichita, KS 67260-0076 - USA


FAX: 316-978-3186

Dr. Leo D. Lefebure

Mundelein Seminary

1000 E. Maple Avenue

Mundelein, IL 60060-1174 - USA


FAX: 847-566-7330

Jacques-Jude Lépine

Department of French

Haverford College

Haverford, PA 19041 - USA


FAX: 215-896-1224

Charles Mabee

560 Lake Forest Road

Rochester Hills, MI. 48309 - USA


FAX: 313-831-1353

Abbot Andrew Marr

St. Gregory's Abbey

56500 Abbey Road

Three Rivers, MI 49093-9533



FAX: 616-244-8712

Gordon Matties

Assoc. Profesor of Biblical Studies

Concord College

169 Riverton Avenue

Winnipeg, MB

R2L 2E5



FAX: 204-663-2468

James McBride, PhD

165 W. 91st Street, Apt. 16H

New York, NY 10024 - USA


FAX: 212-636-7153

Rev. Emanuel Charles McCarthy

49 Burkside Avenue

Brockton, MA 02401 - USA

David McCracken

University of Washington

Department of English - Box 35-4330

Seattle, WA 98195 - USA


FAX: 206-523-1377

Mary McDevitt

100 Duane #1

Redwood City, CA 94062 - USA


Andrew McKenna

Modern Languages & Literatures

Loyola University Chicago

Chicago, IL 60626 - USA


FAX: 773-508-3514

Edward McMahon

3248 Greene Avenue

Fort Worth, TX 76109 - USA

James J. Megivern

4944 Marlin Court

Wilmington, NC 28403 - USA

Allen W. Menton

Four Urey Court

Irvine, CA 92715 - USA

Carola Meyer

1503 Kiefer Avenue

Elmont, NY 11003 - USA

Thomas A. Michael, PhD

Dept. of Management - College of Business

Rowan University

Glassboro, NJ 08028 - USA


FAX: 609-256-4439

Barbara Mikolajewska

36 Everit Street

New Haven, CT 06511-2208



FAX: 860-685-2571

William Mishler

Depart. of Scandinavian Studies

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN 55455 - USA


FAX: 612-624-8297

James Nash

2021 Belmont Road N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20009-5403



FAX: 202-328-7416

Mr. Robert Nellis

P. O. Box 195

N. Pomfret, Vermont 05053 - USA


Ms. Jeanne Andrée Nelson

2 Edward Terrace

Ocean View, NJ 08230 - USA


FAX: 609-652-4550

Wayne Northey

21780 18th Avenue


British Columbia V2Z 1P8



FAX: 604-850-8734

Susan E. Nowak

Syracuse University -- Dept. of Religion

501 Hall of Languages

Syracuse, NY 13244-1170 - USA

Rev. Paul J. Nuechterlein

Emmaus Lutheran Church

1925 Summit Avenue

Racine, WI 53404-2374 - USA


Carol J. Ofstead

610 Brookpark Drive

Cuyanoga Falls, OH 44223 - USA


David P. Ofstead

1001 White Ave.

Linthicum, MD 21090 - USA

FAX: 410-765-8827

Doug Oman

P. O. Box 108

Tamales, CA 94971 - USA

Edward Ondrako

Cornell Catholic Community

G-22 Anabel Taylor Hall

Ithaca, NY 14853 - USA


FAX: 607-255-7793

Richard & Sara Osborne

29 Pearl Street

Schuylerville, NY 12871 - USA


Ms. Penny Lynn Owen

1019 Huntington Dr.

East Lansing, MI 48823 - USA

Rev. David Owens

2635 Princeton Avenue

Evanston, IL 60201 - USA

Tom Pace

2006 1/2 Second North

Seattle, WA 98109 - USA


FAX: 206-632-4467

Ben Paden, Jr.

2700 Reynolds Drive

Winston-Salem, NC 27104 - USA


FAX: 910-722-4690

Dr. Jon Pahl

Theology Department

Valparaiso University

Valparaiso, IN 46383-6493 - USA


FAX: 219-464-5496

Rusty Palmer

10621 N.E. 150th

Jones, OK 73049 - USA


FAX: 405-722-7450

Søren Palmer

430 Sam Jones Road

Chapel Hill, NC 27514 - USA

Fr. Jong-Gou Park

Sogang University Jesuit Community

C.P.O. Box 1142



FAX: 717-4941

Ms. Dawn Perlmutter

Department of Fine Arts

Cheyney University

Cheyney, PA 19319 - USA


Prof. Ted Peters

Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary

2770 Marin Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94710 - USA


FAX: 510-524-2408

Ms. Susan Prier

P. O. Box 580

San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-0580



Serge Quillien

4040 La Salle Avenue #5

Culver City, CA 90232 - USA

Duncan E. Ragsdale

100 N. Main Street

Suite 2340

Memphis, TN 38103 - USA

FAX: 901-526-1933

Vern Redekop

5 Beddoe Lane

Gloucester, Ontario K1B 3X9



FAX: 613-837-4218

Natasha A. Reed

120 Prospect Avenue

Apartment A-2

Princeton, NJ 08540 - USA


Dr. Martha J. Reineke

University of Northern Iowa

Dept. of Philosophy and Religion

Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0501



FAX: 319-273-7095

Dr. Wayne Reinhardt

416 Fenway Drive

Lima, Ohio 45804 - USA

Douglas Remy

17718 North Park Place N.

Shoreline, WA 98133 - USA


Jennifer L. Rike

21538 Green Hill Road #219

Farmington Hills, MI 48335



Johnathan Rinehart

Vanderbilt University

School of Divinity

Nashville, TN 37240 - USA

Starr Rounds

4137 N. Wilmot

Tucson, Arizona 85750 - USA


FAX: 520-791-9059

Mr. Claude Roy

8145 Normandie


Québec, J4Y 1W7


Rev. Laris Salins

35 Beaumont Drive

Melville, NY 11747-3415 - USA


Luc-Laurent Salvador

29, rue de Buci

75006, Paris



FAX: 01-40-51-70-85

Fr. Stuart Sandberg

52 Davis Avenue

White Plains, NY 10605 - USA

Richard R. Schaefer

663 Second Street East

Sonoma, CA 95476 - USA


FAX: 707-938-2919

Frank Schweigert

1294 Van Buren Ave.

St. Paul, MN 55104 - USA

FAX: ( ) 825-7028

Tom and Julie Shinnick

10616 Mellow Meadows #27A

Austin, TX 78750 - USA



FAX: 512-249-5360 notify by email to expect fax

Tobin Siebers

Department of English

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI 48109 - USA


FAX: 313-763-3128

Rev. Fred D. Smith

4190 Carrollwood Drive

Stone Mountain, GA 30083 - USA


FAX: 404-420-5158

Thee Smith

480 Euclid Terrace N.E.

Atlanta, Georgia 30307 - USA


FAX: 404-727-7597

Faith Smith

312 Noblecliff Place

Langley, WA 98260 - USA

FAX: 206-361-4822

James P. Smollon

1017 Lawrenceville Road

Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-3852


William L. Snorf

P. O. Box 812

Yountville, CA 94599 - USA

David Spangler

233-I Decatur

Memphis, TN 38105 - USA


Mr. John J. Steele

2 Palo Alto Square, Suite 800

Palo Alto, CA 94306 - USA


FAX: 415-494-1417

James S. Steinwedell

595 Colorado Boulevard

Suite 329

Pasadena, CA 91101 - USA


FAX: 626-577-5587 x8

Mack C. Stirling, M.D.

10575 Monaco Way

Traverse City, MI 49684 - USA

FAX: 616-935-5736

Professor Richard Stivers

Sociology & Anthropology, CB 4660

Illinois State University

Normal, IL 61790-5310 - USA


FAX: 309-438-5310

Sister Virginia Stone, B.V.M.

9425 W. Wisconsin Avenue

Milwaukee, WI 53226-3525 - USA

James A. Sullivan

10083 E Weko Drive

Bridgman, MI 49106 - USA

Professor Willard M. Swartley

Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries

3003 Benham Avenue

Elkhart, IN 46517 - USA


FAX: 219-295-0092

Ms. Nora Teikmanis

35 Beaumont Drive

Melville, NY 11747-3415 - USA


Shigeki Tominaga

Kyodai Shukusha 531


Uji 611-0011



FAX: 81-75-753-6903

Stephen Trani

1169 72nd Street

Brooklyn, NY 11228 - USA


John M. Troyer

220 B South 7th Street

Goshen, IN 46526 - USA


Dr. John N. Vielkind

1615 Sixth Avenue, Apt. 301

Huntington, W.V. 25703 - USA


Fr. Joao Vila-Cha, S. J.

St. Mary's Hall

Boston College

Chestnut Hill, MA 02167 - USA


FAX: 617-552-2977

Mark I. Wallace

Swarthmore College

Department of Religion

Swarthmore, PA 19081 - USA


FAX: 215-328-8673

Paul J. Watson

350 Holt Hall - 615 McCallie

Psychology Dept. U. T. Chattanooga

Chattanooga, TN 37403 - USA


FAX: 423-755-4279

Rev. John J. Weaver

Stonefield at Fountaingrove

2104 Stonefield Lane

Santa Rosa, CA 95403 - USA

Christopher S. Webb

367 Hillside Avenue

Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501


Eugene Webb

6911 57th Avenue N.E.

Seattle, WA. 98115 - USA


FAX: 206-685-0668

Richard J. Weiler

Agree Dispute Resolution

7700 Hurontario Street, Suite 410

Brampton, Ontario L6Y 4M3



FAX: 905-455-3066

Professor James G. Williams

321 Main Street

Phoenix, NY 13135 - USA


FAX: 315-443-3958

Walter Wink

155 Sandisfield Road

Sandisfield, MA 01255 - USA

Edward W. Wood, Jr.

2071 Grape Street

Denver, CO 80207 - USA

Ms. Susan Woolsey

4510 E. Kingsway

Anacortes, WA 98221 - USA

Rev. Scott Young

4249 Paramount

Lakewood, CA 90712 - USA

FAX: 562-436-5615

European members

Information and administration:


(see below)


c/Juan Carlos I,10,4?izda

E-26580 Arnedo (La Rioja)


Fax: 41-132400


37 St. George's Square

Narrow Street

London E14 8DI


Fax: (44)171-790-1891


Christian ALM

Elgfaret 29

N-1347 Hosle



CREA / Ecole Polytechnique

5, rue Descartes

F-75005 Paris


Fax: (33-1) 43 25 29 44


Edmund ARENS

Bergstr. 13

CH-6004 Luzern


Fax: 041 4205453



Strensham House

8 Strensham Hill

Birmingham, B13 8AG


Fax: 0121 4497310


7 rue de Viroflay

F-75015 Paris


Fax: (33) 1 42 46 74 70(?)


Kolese St.Ignatius

Jl. Abubakar Ali 1

Teromol Pos.1.




c/ Julio Palacios, 20 1? E.

28029 Madrid



Maria Stella BARBERI

Via S.Filippo Bianchi, No. 60

I-98100 Messina


Fax: (090)29 23 853


Christian BARTOLF

Zinzendorfstr. 8

D-10555 Berlin


Fax: (49) 30 39102806



Wäschergasse 26

A-5020 Salzburg


Fax: 0043 662 830828-13


Institut für Moraltheologie

und Gesellschaftslehre

Universität Innsbruck

Karl-Rahner-Platz 1

A-6020 Innsbruck


Fax: (43) (512) 507-2959

Stanislaus BUDZIK

ul. Urzulanska 9/7

PL-33-100 Tarnow



Hofer Strasse 33

D-09130 Chemnitz


Pierre D'ELBÉE


4 rue Barye

F-75017 Paris



Eiermarkt 11

NL-6042 HV Roermond


Fax: (+31) 4750 40580


Am Schützenplatz 12

D-35039 Marburg


Jean-Pierre DUPUY

CREA - Ecole Polytechnique

5, rue Descartes

F-75005 Paris


Fax: 011-33-1-43-25-29-44


Aquilino DUQUE


E-41930 Bormujos (Sevilla)



Prof. Franz-Spath-Ring 13/14

A-8042 Graz



Koblstatt 2

A-4973 St. Martin



Michael ELIAS


Groen van Prinstererlaan 29

NL-3818 JN Amersfoort




Lindenlaan 19

B-8700 Tielt


Fax: (32) 51-405211(o)



4 rue du Chateau

CH-1203 Geneve



Wolmaranstrasse 16

NL-23122 ZV Leiden


Fax: 01729-9222

Giuseppe FORNARI

via Burlini 31, scala A

I-31050 Ponzano Veneto (Treviso)



Krumerweg 9

A-6065 Thaur


Fax: 05223/492701-30


19 route Henri Dunant

CH-1700 Fribourg


Fax: 41-37-219604



Urbanizacion "Mare Nostrum"

Bloque 11/4/1a

E-43007 Tarragona




ul. Nugat 8m70

PL-02976 Warszawa


Fax: 641 0069

Clemens GÖTZ

Leonhard-Stahl-Str. 6

D-76446 Bruchsal


Per Bjørnar GRANDE

Gildevangen 3

5800 Sogndal


Fax: 57676051



Witzelstr. 9

D-36039 Fulda


William HEWETT

Campion House

112 Thornbury Road

Isleworth MIDSX TW74NN


Fax: 081-569-9645


II King Georges Close

Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 2UW



Borneolaan 24

NL-1217 HB Hilversum


Fax: 0031-2153-10924 (CBT secr. service)


46 Halstead Road


London, E11 2AZ



Institut für Dogmatische und

Ökumenische Theologie

Universität Innsbruck

Karl-Rahner-Platz 1

A-6020 Innsbruck


Fax: (512) 579799


Institut für Fundamentaltheologie

Attemsgasse 8/4

A-8010 Graz


Fax: (0316) 3809365



Old Testament Studies

Aarhus Universitet

Hovedbygningen Ndr. Ringgade

DK-8000 Aarhus C.


Fax: 4586130490



Klokkeblomstvej 2

DK-8900 Hjørring


Fax: 011-45-98-92-35-04

Speratus KAMANZI

Naamsestraat 40 B444

B-3000 Leuven


Fax: 23-16-324518

Hassane KARKAR

44 rue Cray Lussac

F-75005 Paris


Fax: 0144276859



7, Park Road


London, NW 10 8TB



Hohenbergstraße 5

A-8061 St. Radegund


Fax: (43) (3132) 2519-4



Sandomierska 15/55

Pl-40-216 Katowice


Fax: 0048 32 587583



Tschurtschenthalerstraße 7

A-6020 Innsbruck


Daniel LANCE

1 rue de Mirbel

F-75005 Paris




Inst.für Fundamentaltheologie

Universität Graz

Attemsgasse 8 /4

A-8010 Graz


Fax: (43) (316) 380 9365



Paters Dominicanen

Statsdam 1 / Postbus 59

NL-6850 AB Huissen Gld


Fax: 0031-26-3254694



F-09400 Saurat



Templeogue College, C.S.Sp.

Dublin 6W





Hoofdweg 26

NL-1058 BC Amsterdam


Fax: 31-20-6121859


45 Eglinton Road

Donnybrook, Dublin 4



27 avenue de SUFFREN

F-75007 Paris



Av. Can Boada 4, 2, B

E-08225 Terrassa (Barcelona)


Marie-Louise MARTINEZ

50, rue de Sèvres

F-75007 Paris


Fax: 33 1 45 07 60 01



4 Malone View Park

Belfast, BT9 5PN



European University Institute

Dep.Social&Political Sciences

Via Roccettini 9

I-50016 San Domenico (Fiesole)



Sebastian MOORE OSB

Downside Abbey

BA3 4RH UK Bath, BA3 4RM



School of History, Philosophy & Politics

University of Ulster

Jordanstown, BT37 OGB


Fax: (44) 1232 366486

Christian NARDIN

31, avenue des Vosges

F-67000 Strasbourg



Institut f. Dogmatik

Universität Innsbruck

Karl-Rahner-Platz 1

A-6020 Innsbruck


Fax: (43) (512) 507-2959



Staufenbergstr. 8

D-86161 Augsburg


Fax: (49) 821 2580309



16 Rue Piccini

F-75116 Paris


Fax: 33-1-46244938 (Hospital)

Wolfgang PALAVER

Institut für Moraltheologie

und Gesellschaftslehre

Universität Innsbruck

Karl-Rahner-Platz 1

A-6020 Innsbruck


Fax: (43) (512) 507-2959



Kamelion 4-6

Psychico 154-52




St. Xavier's College

30 Park Street

IND-700016 Calcutta


Fax: 91-33-441909

Véronique PERRY

52 rue Alfred de Musset

F-31200 Toulouse


Sonja POS

Nieuwe Leliestraat 123 A

SN 1015 Amsterdam




c/o Institut für Dogmatik

Universität Innsbruck

Karl-Rahner-Platz 1

A-6020 Innsbruck


Fax: (43) (512) 507-2761


Luc-Laurent SALVADOR

29, rue de Buci

F-75006 Paris


Fax: 01-40-51-70-85


Willibald SANDLER

Institut für Dogmatik

Universität Innsbruck

Karl-Rahner-Platz 1

A-6020 Innsbruck



Mengerstraße 23

A-4040 Linz


Fax: 0732/244011/72


Institut für Dogmatik

Universität Innsbruck

Karl-Rahner-Platz 1

A-6020 Innsbruck


Fax: (43) (512) 507-2761



Ringdijk 41

NL-1097 AE, Amsterdam


Fax: (254)-2-43441


Diagonal 128c No.58-04 Apt.219




Edvard STANG

John Collets Alle 83

N-0854 Oslo



Ernst Ed. STERN

Da Costastraat 71 sous

NL-1053 ZG Amsterdam


Christophe STROBBE

Wondelgemstraat 70

B-9000 Gent




Casa do Bárrio-Monsol

4830 Póvoa de Lanhoso


Maxwell TAYLOR

Dept. of Applied Psychology

Univ. College Cork

Western Road



Fax: 353-21-270439


Worcester College

Oxford, OX1 2HB



The Understanding Conflict Trust

8 Upper Crescent

Belfast BT7 1NT



Soziologisches Seminar

Nikolausberger Weg 5c

D-37073 Göttingen




Bischof-Kindermann-Str. 17

D-61462 Königstein



Via Leonardo da Quinto, 65

I-37034 Verona


Fax: 39-521-233182

Joost Andreas VERBEKE

Verschansingsstraat 42

B-9030 Gent



13 Mildred Avenue


Middlesex, UB5 4LG


Michael WEIGL

Institut f. Alttestamentl.


Universität Wien

Schottenring 21

A-1010 Wien


Fax: 3109589 (work) 340360 (pr.)

Martin WEITZ

Hauptstrasse 201

D-57587 Birken-Honigsessen



Sous Gourze

CH-1603 Grandvaux


Fax: (41) 21 7992715


Robert WIGGS

The Rectory

10 High View Avenue

Grays, Essex RM17 6RU


Fax: 01375 377379

Sigismund WOLANY

Römerstr. 95

D-41462 Neuss


Harald WYDRA

Institut für Politikwissenschaft Universität Regensburg

D-93040 Regensburg


Fax: 0049-941-9434808



Bibliography of Literature on the Mimetic Theory, vol. XVI

1) Books concerning the entire work of René Girard

Dumouchel, Paul and Dupuy, Jean-Pierre. Die Hölle der Dinge. René Girard und die Logik der Ökonomie. Mit einem Nachwort von René Girard. Herausgegeben von Erich Kitzmüller und Herwig Büchele. Aus dem Französischen von Vanessa Redak und Erich Kitzmüller (L'enfer des choses, german). Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 9. Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur; LIT: Münster, 1999.

Gewalt und Opfer: kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Violence and Sacrifice: cultural anthropological and theological aspects taken from five continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

2) Articles concerning the entire work of René Girard

Cunningham, Adrian and Strenski, Ivan, eds. "Christianity: A Sacrificial or Nonsacrificial Religion? (Conference papers, Colloquium on Violence and Religion, Chicago, 18 November 1994)." In Religion 27 (1997): 219-254.

Desplanque, Christophe. "Pourqoui Jésus a-t-il dû mourir? La réponse de René Girard" In Revue de réflexion théologique No. 39 (1988): 48-62.

Farris, James R. "Choosing Our Victims: Reflections on the Theory of René Girard and the Theology of Power." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 29-32. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Farris, James R. "Die Wahl unserer Opfer: Gedanken zur Theorie von René Girard und einer "Theologie der Macht"." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 29-34. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Ferreira dos Santos, Laura. "A non-violenca do pensamento de René Girard." In Revista portuguesa de filosofia 52/1-4 (1996): 785-795.

Fornari, Giuseppe. "Apologia della Bibbia come apologia della vittima: La concezione antropoligica e religiosa di René Girard." In: Girard, René. La vittima e la folla: Violenza del mito e christianismo. Testi scelti e tradotti a cura di Giuseppe Fornari, 9-34. La Scala di Giacobbe 6. Treviso: Santi Quaranti, 1998.

Gans, Eric. "Beyond "Generative Anthropology": 2. Resistance to (Mimetic) Theory." In Chronicles of Love and Resentment (CLR) No. 145, 25 July 1998: www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/views/vw145.htm

Gans, Eric. "External and Internal Mediation." CLR No. 116, 8 November 1997: www. ... vw116.htm

Gans, Eric. "Love and Originary Violence." CLR No. 104, 9 August 1997: www. ... vw104.htm

Gutmann, Hans-Martin. "Die ansteckende Gewalt, die Sakrifizierung des Opfers und das aufklärende Evangelium: Aspekte der Theorie René Girards." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspecte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 12-20. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Gutmann, Hans-Martin. "The Contagious Effect of Violence, the "Making Sacred" of the Victim, and the Enlightening Power of the Gospel: Aspects of the Theorie of René Girard." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 13-19. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Schwager, Raymund. "Deity/God and Sacrifice: Religious History and the Theory of René Girard." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 7-12. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Schwager, Raymund. "Gottheit/Gott - und die Opfer: Der religionsgeschichtliche Befund und die Deutungstheorie René Girards." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 5-11. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Schwager, Raymund SJ. "Religionswissenschaft und Theologie: Wolfhart Pannenberg und René Girard." Kerygma und Dogma 44/3 (1998): 172-192.

Snyman, S. D. "Trends in the History of Research on the Problem of Violence in the Old Testament." In Skrif en Kerk 18/1 (1997): 127-145.

Tijmes, Pieter. "De romaneske waarheid." In Tijdschrift voor filosofie 57/4 (1995): 667-691.

Urbanska, Anna. "Koncepcja Mimesis René Girarda." In Etnografia Polska 41/1-2 (1997): 21-47.

Vanheeswijk, Guido. "De romaneske waarheid bij René Girard." In Tijdschrift voor filosofie 59/1 (1997): 89-102.

Vergote, A. "René Girards absolute theorie." In Tijdschrift voor filosofie 58/1 (1996): 128-141.

3) Interviews with René Girard

Girard, René. "La lotta fra Gesù e Satana. Interview by Giuseppe Fornari." In: Girard, René. La vittima e la folla: Violenza del mito e christianismo. Testi scelti e tradotti a cura di Giuseppe Fornari. La Scala di Giacobbe 6. Treviso: Santi Quaranti, 1998.

Girard, René. "La violenza, virus e terapia: A colloquia con René Girard. Interview by Pier Maria Mazzola." In Nigrizia 116/4 (1998): 51-53.

Girard, René. "Wie is er bang van Virginia Woolf? Interview by Guido Vanheeswijk and Peter Van Olmen." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 133-149. Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

4) Reviews about single works of René Girard

Beretta Anguissola, Alberto. "La svolta di René Girard." In Avenire, 27 December 1998, 23.

5) Books with references to René Girard

Baudler, Georg: Das Kreuz: Geschichte und Bedeutung. Düsseldorf: Patmos, 1997.

Bernstein, Michael. Bitter Carnival: Ressentiment and the Abject Hero. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992.

Gans, Eric. Signs of Paradox: Irony, Resentment, and Other Mimetic Structures. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997.

Hurka, Herbert M. Phantasmen der Gewalt: Die mediale Konstruktion des Opfers. Passagen Schwarze Reihe. Wien: Passagen Verlag, 1997.

Schlör, Veronika. Hermeneutik der Mimesis: Phänomene, begriffliche Entwicklungen, schöpferische Verdichtung in der Lyrik Christine Lavants. Düsseldorf, Bonn: Parerga, 1998.

Stephan, Cora: Das Handwerk des Krieges. Berlin: Rowohlt, 1998.

Tugnoli, Claudio. Il senso di colpa: Saggio sui limiti della responsibiltà individuale. Bologna: Pitagora Editrice, 1996.

Wettstein, Harri. Qui fixera le jour et l'heure? Lettre ouverte à Ronald Reagan, atteint de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Vevey: Ed. de l'Aire, 1996.

6) Articles with references to René Girard

Algazi, L. G. "Throw Away the Key: The Prison as Maternal Space in the Stendhalian Novel." In Nineteenth Century Studies 26/3-4 (1998): 286-294.

Allen, S. L. "Dispossessed Sons and Displaced Meaning in Faulkners Modern Cosmos." In Mississipi Quarterly 50/3 (1997): 427-443.

Arvanitakis, K. I. "Some Thoughts on the Essence of the Tragic." In Internatinal Journal of Psycho-Analysis (1998): 955-964.

Badosciria, C. "Volatile Bodies: The Photographs of Flor Garduno." In Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana 26/2 (1997): 15-25.

Berenstein, R. J. "Adaptation, Censorship and Audiences of Questionable Type: Lesbian Sightings in "Rebecca" (1940) and the "Uninvited" (1944)." In Cinema Journal 37/3 (1998): 16-37.

Brandstetter, G. "Ritual as Scene and Discourse: Art and Science Around 1900 as Exemplified by "Le Sacre du Printemps"." In World of Music 40/1 (1998): 37-59.

Burnett, L. "Margaret Clarkes "Gertrude and Ophelia": Writing Revisionist Culture, Writing a Feminist New Poetics." In Essays in Theatre / Etudes Theatrales 16/1 (1997): 15-32.

Chauvet, Lois-Marie. "Quand le théologien se fait anthropologue...." In Approches scientifiques des faits religieux, ed. Joncheray, Jean, 29-46. Sciences théologiques et religieuses 7. Paris: Beauchesne, 1997.

Chauvet, Lois-Marie and Mary, André. "Débat avec Louise-Marie Chauvet et André Mary animé par Jean-Marc Aveline." In Approches scientifiques des faits religieux, ed. Joncheray, Jean, 75-85. Sciences théologiques et religieuses 7. Paris: Beauchesne, 1997.

Cole, S. "Conradian Alienation and Imperial Intimacy." In Modern Fiction Studies 44/2 (1998): 251-281.

Collins, A. Y. "Finding Meaning in the Death of Jesus: Tracing the Developmental Lines of Ritual Sacrifice and Suffering in the "Gospel of Mark" from a Hellenistic and Roman Contextual Tradition." In Journal of Religion 78/2 (1998): 175-196.

Cook, A. "The Ordering Effect of Dramatized History: Shakespeare and "Henry VIII"." In Centennial Review 42/1 (1998): 5-28.

Cox, C. S. "An Excellent Thing in Women: Virgo and Viragos in "King Lear"." In Modern Philology 96/2 (1998): 143-157.

Crais, C. "Of Men, Magic, and the Law: Popular Justice and the Political Imagination in South-Africa." In Journal of Social History 32/1 (1998): 49-50.

Dasilva, S. "Transvaluing Immaturity: Reverse Discourses of Male Homosexuality in E. M. Forsters Posthumously Published Fiction." In Criticism 40/2 (1998): 237-272.

Delacueva, J. "Religious Persecution, Anticlerical Tradition and Revolution: On Atrocities Against the Clergy During the Spanish-Civil-War." In Journal of Contemporary History 33/3 (1998): 355-369.

Detels, C. "History, Philosophy, and the Canons of the Arts." In Journal of the Aesthetic Education 32/3 (1998): 33-51.

Fitz, B. E. "Cain as Convict and Convert: Cross-Cultural Logic in the "Song of Roland"." In Modern Language Notes 113/4 (1998): 812-822.

Fletcher, R. P. "Visual Thinking and the Picture Story in the "History of Henry Esmond"." In PMLA 113/3 (1998): 379-394.

Fullbrook, E. "Caroline Foley and the Theory of Intersubjective Demand." In Journal of Economic Issues 32/3 (1998): 709-731.

Gans, Eric. "Aesthetics and Cultural Criticism." In Boundary 2 25/1 (1998): 67-85.

Gans, Eric. "A Thought for Independence Day." In CLR No. 142, 4 July 1998: www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/views/vw142.htm

Gans, Eric. "Beyond "Generative Anthropology": 1. Deferring Resentment." In CLR No. 144, 18 July 1998: www. ... vw144.htm

Gans, Eric. "Clinton and the Sacrificial Paradigm." In CLR No. 151, 17 October 1998: www. ... vw151.htm

Gans, Eric. "God is Love." CLR No. 119, 6 December 1997: www. ... vw119.htm

Gans, Eric. "On Celebrity." CLR No. 108, 6 September 1997: www. ... vw108.htm

Gans, Eric. "Personal Origins of GA: 2. Bronx Romanticism and Theoretical Minimalism." CLR No. 113, 18 October 1997: www. ... vw113.htm

Gans, Eric. "Personal Origins of GA: 4. Class and Universality." In CLR No. 143, 11 July 1998: www. ... vw143.htm

Gans, Eric. "Presidential Kneepads and Phallic Religion." CLR No. 125, 7 February 1998: www. ... vw125.htm

Gans, Eric. "The Body Sacrificial, Revisited." CLR No. 127, 21 February 1998: www. ... vw127.htm

Gans, Eric. "The Critique of Love." CLR No. 102, 26 July 1997: www. ... vw102.htm

Gans, Eric. "The End of "Seinfeld"." CLR No. 121, 10 January 1998: www. ... vw121.htm

Gans, Eric. "The Erotic." In CLR No. 128, 28 February 1998: www. ... vw128.htm

Gans, Eric. "The Problem of the Subject." CLR No. 117, 15 November 1997: www. ... vw117.htm

Gans, Eric. "The Rhetoric of God." In CLR No. 138, 30 May 1998: www. ... vw138.htm

Gans, Eric. "The Voice of Authority." In CLR No. 157, 19 December 1998: www. ... vw157.htm

Gogol, M. and Orlov, P. A. "Prospects for the Study of Theodore Dreiser." In Resources for American Literature Study 24/1 (1998): 1-21.

Kelleter, F. "Portrait of the Sexist as a Dying Man: Death, Ideology, and the Erotic in Phillip Roths "Sabbaths Theater"." In Contemporary Literature 39/2 (1998): 262-302.

Koppenfels, M. V. "Garcia Lorcas "El Publico" or the Fear of Being Shakespeare." In Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 48/3 (1998): 337-353.

Lesch, Walter. "Grenzfragen kommunikativen Handelns: Erfahrungen von Schuld und radikalem Bösen." In Erkenntniswege in der Theologie, ed. Bogensberger, Hugo, Ferschl, Franz, Kögerler, Reinhart, and Zauner, Wilhelm, 233-250. Forum St. Stephan 10. Graz: Styria, 1998.

Levenson, J. D. "Abusing Abraham: Traditions, Religious Histories, and Modern Misinterpretations. Post-Kantian Philosophical-Analysis of the Aqedah as Rational Theology." In Judaism 47/3 (1998): 259-277.

Luis, W. "How to Read "Sab"." In Revista de Estudios Hispanicos 32/1 (1998): 175-186.

Marx, Alfred. "La place du sacrifice dans l'ancien Israël." In Congress volume, Cambridge 1995, ed. Emerton, J. A., 203-217. Vetus Testamentum. Supplements 66. Leiden: Brill, 1997.

Mathews, D. G. "We Have Left Undone Those Things Which We Ought to Have Done: Southern Religious History in Retrospect and Prospect." In Church History 67/2 (1998): 305-325.

Mellor, P. A. and Shilling, C. "Durkheim, Morality and Modernity: Collective Effervescence, Homo Duplex, and the Sources of Moral Action." In British Journal of Sociology 49/2 (1998): 193-209.

Menke, Karl-Heinz. "Der Gott, der schon jetzt Zukunft schenkt: Plädoyer für eine christologische Theodizee." In Mit Gott streiten: Neue Zugänge zum Theodizee-Problem, ed. Wagner, Harald, 90-130. Quaestiones disputatae 169. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1998.

Meyer, L. R. "Athanasius' Use of Paul in His Doctrine of Salvation: On the Expiatory Nature of Christ Death in the Writings of the Church Fathers." In Vigiliae Chritianae 52/2 (1998): 146-171.

Moudileno, L. "Labou-Tansis "La Vie Et Demie" or the Tortuous Path of the Fable." In Research in African Literatures 29/3 (1998): 21-33.

Neilson, B. "D. H. Lawrences Dark Page: Narrative Primitivism in "Women in Love" and the "Plumed Serpent"." In Twentieth Century Literature 43/3 (1997): 310-325.

Neuhaus, Gerd. "Theodizee und Glaubensgeschichte: Zur Kontingenz einer Fragestellung." In Mit Gott streiten: Neue Zugänge zum Theodizee-Problem, ed. Wagner, Harald, 11-47. Quaestiones disputatae 169. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1998.

Neumann, G. ""Iphigenia": Sacrifice and Ritual in Drama." In World of Music 40/1 (1998): 101-117.

Parry, D. L. "Articulating the Third-Republic by Conspiracy Theory." In European History Quarterly 28/2 (1998): 163-188.

Pitts, J. "Writing on - "Blood Meridian" as Devisionary Western." In Western American Literature 33/1 (1998): 6-25.

Richardson, M. "Seductions of the Impossible: Love, the Erotic and Sacrifice in Surrealist Discourse." In Theory Culture & Society 15/3-4 (1998): 375-376.

Rosenman, S. "Review of "The Belief in a Just World: A Fundamental Delusion", by M.J. Lerner." In Journal of Psychohistory 25/3 (1998): 298-309.

Saintamand, P. "Hot Terror - "Quatrevingt-Treize"." In Sub-Stance No. 86 (1998): 61-72.

Sathler-Rosa, Ronaldo. "Antwort auf das Referat von Hans-Martin Gutmann aus brasilianischer Perspektive." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 20-22. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Sathler-Rosa, Ronaldo. "Response to the Lecture of Hans-Martin Gutmann from a Brasilian Perspective." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 20-22. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Schehr, L. R. "Mirbeaus Ultraviolence." In Sub-Stance No. 86 (1998): 106-127.

Shrayer, M. D. "Vladimir Nabokov and Ivan Bunin: A Reconstruction." In Russian Literature 43/3 (1998): 339-411.

Swirski, P. "Literature and Literary Knowledge." In Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 31/2 (1998): 6-23.

Tschuggnall, Peter. "Don Juans Bekenntnis: Erlösung auf der Bühne Mozarts? Mit einem Blick auf Albert Camus' "Dank an Mozart" (1956)." In Religion - Literatur - Künste: Aspekte eines Vergleiches. Mit einem Vorwort von Kardinal Franz König, ed. Tschuggnall, Peter, 379-390. Im Kontext: Beiträge zu Religion, Philosophie und Kultur 4. Anif/Salzburg: Verlag Müller-Speiser, 1998.

Walther, B. K. "Web of Shudders: Sublimity in Søren Kierkegaards "Fear and Trembling"." In Modern Language Notes 112/5 (1997): 753-785.

Warning, R. "Zolas "Rougon-Macquart": Compensatory Images of a Wild Ontology." In Modern Language Notes 113/4 (1998): 705-733.

Williams, James G. "Review of "The Joy of Beeing Wrong: Original Sin Through Easter Eyes", by James Alison." In First Things 89 (January 1999): 45-48.

Wolitz, S. L. ""Der Yid Fun Bovl" ("The Jew from Babylon"): Variants and Meanings." In Yiddish 11/1 (1998): 30-47.

7) Books applying the mimetic theory

Colombo, Adele. Il sacrificio evento e rito: Dalla violenza sacra e strumentale nella visione di René Girard al dono nell'eucaristia. Tesi di laurea 17. Padova: abbazia di Santa Giustina, 1998.

Ecker, Ludwig. Zwischen Recht und Vergebung: Der Beitrag der Theorie René Girards zur Beschreibung christlicher Existenz. Linz: Verlagsatelier Wagner, 1999.

Girard, René. Figuren des Begehrens: Das Selbst und der Andere in der fiktionalen Realität. Aus dem Französischen von Elisabeth Mainberger-Ruh (Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque, german). Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie 8. Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur; LIT: Münster, 1999.

Girard, René. La vittima e la folla: Violenza del mito e christianismo. Testi scelti e tradotti a cura di Giuseppe Fornari. La Scala di Giacobbe 6. Treviso: Santi Quaranti, 1998.

Goodhart, Sandor. Sacrificing Commentary: Reading the End of Literature. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.

8) Articles applying the mimetic theory

N.d. "Logiche di guerra." In Nigriza 116/7-8 (1998): l'editoriale.

Arles, Nalini. "Frau - zum Sündenbock gemacht: Erfahrungen aus Indien." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 53-58. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Arles, Nalini. "Woman - the Scapegoat: Experiances from India." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 50-55. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Atmadja, Nieke. "Antwort auf das Referat von Raymund Schwager aus asiatischer Perspektive." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 26-28. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Atmadja, Nieke. "Response to the Lecture of Raymund Schwager from a Asian Perspective." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 26-28. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Bertonneau, T. F. "Like Hypatia Before the Mob: Desire, Resentment, and Sacrifice in the "Bostonians"." In Nineteenth Century Literature 53/1 (1998): 56-90.

Brown, L. E. and Stivers, R. "The Legend of Nigger Lake: Place as Scapegoat." In Journal of Black Studies 28/6 (1998): 704-723.

Carter, C. A. "Kenneth Burke and the Bicameral Power of Myth." In Poetics Today (1997): 343-373.

Chambers, Diane M. "Triangular Desire and the Sororal Band: The "Deceases Wife's Sister Bill"." In Mosaic 29/1 (1996): 19-37.

De Smul, Tony and Elsen, Johan. "Van mythe tot roman: Een perspectief op de evolutie van het verhaal." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 50-66. Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

Gans, Eric. "In the Beginning Was the Word." In CLR No. 154, 14 November 1998: www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/views/vw154.htm

Gans, Eric. "Models of Identity." CLR No. 103, 2 August 1997: www. ... vw103.htm

Gans, Eric. "On Looking Into Branagh's "Hamlet"." In CLR No. 141, 20 June 1998: www. ... vw141.htm

Girard, René. "Innovation and Repetition." In SubStance No.62-63 (1990): 7-20.

Girard, René. "Mythologie, geweld en christendom." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 13-30. Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

Girard, René. "Violenza e verità nei Vangeli e nella mitologia." In Fedi e violenze, ed. Martini, Carlo Maria, 21-35. Cattedra dei non credenti 9. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 1997.

Grande, Per Bjørnar. "Stepan Trofimovitsj og den borgerlige besettelse (Stepan Trofimovich and the Possessedness of the Bourgoise)." In Kirke og Kultur 103/2 (1998): 143-151.

Horvath, A. "Tricking into the Position of the Outcast: A Case-Study in the Emergence and Effects of Communist Power." In Political Psychology 19/2 (1998): 331-347.

Logie, Ilse. "Argentinië, een romantisch misverstand: Mimetische drijfveren in de Argentijnse maatschappij en literatur." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 67-91.Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

Mozina, A. "An Outcast Twice Removed: Conrad, Razumov, and the Martyr as Model in "Under Western Eyes"." In Conradiana 30/2 (1998): 125-139.

Niewiadomski, Józef. "Aufklärung durch Theologie." In Erkenntniswege in der Theologie, ed. Bogensberger, Hugo, Ferschl, Franz, Kögerler, Reinhart, and Zauner, Wilhelm, 89-106. Forum St. Stephan 10. Graz: Styria, 1998.

Niewiadomski, Józef. "Das "Hiobproblem" in den Religionen: Ein Versuch im Kontext der Perspektive von René Girard." In Warum? Hiob interdisziplinär diskutiert. Mainzer Universitätsgespräche Wintersemester 1997/98, 53-72. Studium generale. Mainz: Johannes Gutenberg Universität, 1998.

Niewiadomski, Józef. "Literatur und Religion - im Kontext einer Weltzivilisation." In Religion - Literatur - Künste: Aspekte eines Vergleiches. Mit einem Vorwort von Kardinal Franz König, ed. Tschuggnall, Peter, 13-27. Im Kontext: Beiträge zu Religion, Philosophie und Kultur 4. Anif/Salzburg: Verlag Müller-Speiser, 1998.

Palaver, Wolfgang. "Die ethischen Grenzen des Mehrheitsprinzips: Zur politischen Theologie der Demokratie." In Ethik und Demokratie. 28. Fachkongress für Moraltheologie und Sozialethik (Sept. 1997/Münster), ed. Autiero, Antonio, 85-111. Studien der Moraltheologie 8. Münster: LIT, 1998.

Palaver, Wolfgang. "Hauke Haien - ein Sündenbock? Theodor Storms "Schimmelreiter" aus der Perspektive der Theorie René Girards." In Religion - Literatur - Künste: Aspekte eines Vergleiches. Mit einem Vorwort von Kardinal Franz König, ed. Tschuggnall, Peter, 221-236. Im Kontext: Beiträge zu Religion, Philosophie und Kultur 4. Anif/Salzburg: Verlag Müller-Speiser, 1998.

Pelckmans, Paul. "De zondebok als romantische leugen: Over "The scarlet Letterr"." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 92-118. Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijk, Guido. "Ten Geleid." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 7-12. Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

Pfäfflin, Ursula. "A Walk in a Rosebush: Violence and Sacrifice in Feminist Intercultural Perspective of Pastoral Care and Counseling." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 55-60. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Pfäfflin, Ursula. "Ein Weg durch Rosenhecken: Gewalt und Opfer aus der Sicht interkultureller feministischer Theologie." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 59-63. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Poling, James N. "Heilige Gewalt und Gewalt in der Familie." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 34-44. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Poling, James N. "Sacred Violence and Family Violence." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 33-41. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Schwager, Raymund. "Das Opfer Christi: Neue christologische Einsichten aufgrund der Erkenntnisse von René Girard." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 23-26. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Schwager, Raymund. "Mimesis und Opfer - Sünde und Bekehrung: Was bedeutet theologische Kritik der Kultur? In Religion - Literatur - Künste: Aspekte eines Vergleiches. Mit einem Vorwort von Kardinal Franz König, ed. Tschuggnall, Peter, 28-40. Im Kontext: Beiträge zu Religion, Philosophie und Kultur 4. Anif/Salzburg: Verlag Müller-Speiser, 1998.

Schwager, Raymund. "The Sacrifice of Christ: New Christological Insights of the Studies of René Girard." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 23-25. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Tijmes, Piet. "Sacraliteit en schaarste: De dubbele huishouding van de mimese." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 31-49. Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

Vanheeswijk, Guido. "Hoe gelukkig is de schizo? Dubbels en demonen in het werk van Gerrit Komrij." In René Girard, het labyrint van het verlangen: Zes opstellen, ed. Pelckmans, Paul and Vanheeswijck, Guido, 119-132. Kampen, Ned.: Kok Agora; Kapellen, Belg.: Pelckmans, 1996.

Zoé-Obianga, Rose. "Gewalt in Familien: Probleme polygamer Familien in Kamerun." In Gewalt und Opfer: Kulturanthropologische und theologische Aspekte aus fünf Kontinenten, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 45-47. Interkulturelle Seelsorge und Beratung 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.

Zoé-Obianga, Rose. "Violence in the Family: The Polygamous Family in Kamerun." In Violence and Sacrifice: Cultural, Anthropological and Theological Aspects Taken from Five Continents, ed. Federschmidt, Karl H., Atkins, Ulrike, and Temme, Klaus, 42-44. Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling 4. Düsseldorf: sipcc, 1998.