Mag. Dr. Wladimir Fischer



Education and Professional Experience

  • University of Vienna; Slavic Studies, history, languages and cultures of the Balkans; Mag. phil. 1997, Dr. phil. 2002
  • Research fellowships at the Research Centre European Enlightenment (Potsdam), Canadian Centre for Austrian and Central European Studies/University of Alberta (Edmonton), Centre for Social Research, University of Bergen, Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester, Immigration History Research Center and Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota, (Minneapolis/MN)
  • since 2004 lecturer in the MA program "Balkan Studies", University of Vienna, since 2012 lecturer at the Institute of History, University of Vienna
  • 1996 to 2009 research associate in various research projects at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research, University of Vienna, Department of Economic and Social History, Vienna University of Economics, Department of Romance Studies, University of Vienna, Department of History & Institute for German Studies, University of Vienna, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Urban History Research
  • 2009-2013 Project Manager at the Institute of History, University of Vienna, since May 2013 research assistant in the FWF project "Deprovincializing Contemporary Austrian History" at the Institute of Contemporary History, University of Innsbruck


Fields of Research and Teaching

Modern Central and Southeastern European History and Cultural History; Nationalism; Urban History; Transnational History; Migration History; Communication History; Theory and Methodology of Historical Research

Professional Services

  • Since 2012 Reviewer for the Austrian Academic Exchange Service, the Czech National Research Fund and the European Science Foundation
  • Since 2004 member of the board of the "Science Forum Czechs in Vienna"


  • International Society for Cultural History ISCH
  • American Historical Association AHA
  • Social Science History Association SSHA
  • European Association for Urban History EAUH
  • Austrian Society for the Exploration of the 18th century
  • International Association for Southeast European Studies AIESEE
  • Institute for the Study of Early Modern IEFN

 Select Publications
  • with Waltraud Heindl/Alexandra Millner/Wolfgang Müller-Funk (eds.), Räume und Grenzen in Österreich-Ungarn 1867–1914. Kulturwissenschaftliche Annäherungen, Tübingen–Basel 2010
  • Dositej Obradović als bürgerlicher Kulturheld. Zur Formierung eines serbischen bürgerlichen Selbstbildes durch literarische Kommunikation 1783–1845, Frankfurt/M. e.a. 2007








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