Mag.a Judith Genovefa Welz, MA

Tel.: +43 512 507-39823
Room no. 4DG32


Education and Work Experience
  • Since 11/2017 University of Innsbruck: University Assistant at the Institute of Contemporary History and fellow in the doctoral programme Dynamics of Inequality and Difference in the Age of Globalization
  • 2015 University of Vienna, Institute of Political Science: pre-doc researcher in the project INSIDE the Deportation Gap – Social Membership for Non-Deported Persons (Austrian Science Fund, FWF)
  • 2012 – 2014 University of Vienna, Institute of Political Science: pre-doc researcher in the project "Deportation Politics in Austria" (Future Fund of the Republic of Austria)
  • 2014 University of Vienna, Research Platform Migration and Integration Research: development of a database of migration-related research
  • 2013 University of Birzeit, Centre for Development Studies (occupied Palestinian territories): acquisition of funds in the area of Critical Development Research
  • 2012 University of Vienna, Research Platform Human Rights in the European Context & Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights: coordinator of the doctoral programme Empowerment through Human Rights and Vienna-based coordinator of the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation
  • 2008 – 2010 University of Vienna, Institute of Political Science: pre-doc researcher in the project FRAME - Interpretative Frames in the Perception of Televised Political Debates (FWF)
  • 2007 – 2010 University of Vienna: Studies in Political Science (Mag.a)
  • 2005 – 2007 Université de Provence Marseille, Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme (France): Master’s programme in Cultural and Social Anthropology (MA)
  • 2004 – 2005 Institut d’Études Politiques Lyon & Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France): ERASMUS year
  • 2002 – 2004 University of Vienna: studies in Political Science
  • 2001 University of Innsbruck: studies in Political Science and History
  • Research Area Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts, University of Innsbruck
  • Research group INEX: The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion, University of Vienna (2012 – 2015)
  • Research cluster Conflict, Development and Participation in Palestine, University of Vienna (2011 – 2014)
  • Research platform Migration and Integration Research, University of Vienna (2014)
  • Research platform Human Rights in the European Context, University of Vienna (2012)


Selected Publications
  • 2017: Deportabilities. Essay on the complexity of a social condition. In: Oberprantacher, Andreas / Andreas Mubi Brighenti (eds.): Deportations, Bans & Expulsions, lo Squaderno (44), 13-17. Internet:
  • 2015: Willkommen um zu bleiben? Humanitarismus und Abschiebungen in der aktuellen Flüchtlingspolitik [EN: Welcomed to stay? Humanitarianism and deportation in recent refugee politics]. Migrazine. online magazin von migrantinnen für alle. Internet:
  • together with Jakob Winkler 2014: Abschiebepolitik im Spannungsfeld des liberal-demokratischen Paradoxons: Ermessensspielräume in asylrechtlichen Ausweisungsentscheidungen [EN: Deportation and the liberal-democratic paradox: margins of discretion in decisions to expel rejected asylum seekers]. In: Florian Trauner / Sieglinde Rosenberger (eds.): Abschiebungen: staatliche Zwangspolitik zwischen Migrationskontrolle und sozialer Selektion. Schwerpunktheft ÖZP, 169-186
  • 2014: Die österreichische Abschiebepolitik in Zahlen. 1995 bis 2013. [EN: The Austrian Deportation Politics in Numbers. From 1995 to 2013] INEX Working Paper (1), 1- 32
  • together with Emo Gotsbachner 2013: Volksnähe als Zuschreibung, diskursives Konstrukt und politischer Maßstab [EN: ‚Proximity to the people’ as ascription, discursive construction and political benchmark]. In: Politix. Zeitschrift des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Wien. Schwerpunkt: Populismus (34), 14–15
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