Astrophysikalisches Seminar
WS 2020/21
- 07. Oct, 15:30: Organization MeetingSpeaker: Norbert Przybilla | Location: Online
- 11. Nov, 15:30: Pulsational instability of pre-main sequence models from accreting protostarsSpeaker: Thomas Steindl | Location: Online
- 18. Nov, 15:30: Diffuse Interstellar Bands in the near-infra red and the interstellar extinction curveSpeaker: Alexander Ebenbichler | Location: Online
- 2. Dec, 15:30: Quantitative Spectroscopy of late O-type StarsSpeaker: Patrick Aschenbrenner | Location: Online
- 16. Dec, 15:30: Boron abundance in O- and B-type starsSpeaker: Sophie Gruber | Location: Online
- 13. Jan. 15:30: Recombination in the PN around V4334 Sgr & Survey of Diffuse Interstellar Bands with VLT/XSHOOTERSpeaker: Martin Reichel & Manuel Dornacher| Location: Online
- 20. Jan, 15:30: Physical State of V4334 Sgr before the VLTP eventSpeaker: Isabel Juffinger | Location: Online
- 27. Jan, 15:30: Time Series Spectroscopy of Delta Scuti Stars with FAMIAS & Progress report: Astroseismic analysis of pre-main sequence lightcurves (2 speakers)Speaker: Ana-Maria Stanciu & Christoph Arnold | Location: Online