
The Austrian Grid is a nationwide initiative to establish Grid computing in Austria. It combines Austria's leading researchers in advanced computing technologies with well-recognized partners in grid-dependant application areas.

  • Austrian Grid 1, 2004 - 2007:

    • development and usage of grid computing infrastructures for diverse application areas, and
    • installation and operation of a national grid testbed in Austria.

    For detailed information about Austrian Grid 1 please visit the Austrian Grid 1 website:

  • Austrian Grid 2, 2007 - 2009:

    • fundamental research in the area of grid computing middlewares
    • evaluation of grids through the development of state-of-the art grid applications
    • establishing an Austrian Grid service centre, which should be distributed over Austria and offer a sustainable grid infrastructure beyond the official funding period.
    • establishing an Austrian Grid development centre, which aims on getting the industry on board, i.e. arranging grid research projects between industrial and research partners.

    For detailed information about Austrian Grid 2 please visit the Austrian Grid 2 website:


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