Program Review 2016
February 2016
ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF GKS The 37th annual conference of GKS will be organized by the section „Language, Literature and Culture in Anglophone Canada“. The conference theme will be: Date: February 12 - 14, 2016 |
COURSES SUMMER TERM 2016 Instructor: Christian Reyns, PhD (University of Alberta, Canadian visiting professor in Innsbruck) Content: In this course we will first study comics mainly through the superhero genre and its critique through new versions of superheroes (Batman Returns, Watchmen, ….). Superheroes have been around with us for a long time. From Hercules to Achilles to Zorro to Superman and Wonder Woman, they entertain us yet they also move us and serve as strong models or counter-models. The persistence of their “myth” shows how meaningful they are. Venue: University of Innsbruck, Innrain 52e, first floor, room 50101/1 SR Link for signing up for students Organized by the Canadian Studies Centre Innsbruck, the Department for Romance Studies, in cooperation with the Department of Englisch, the Department of American Studies and the Department of Comparative Literature |
March 2016
ESSAY CONTEST Canada – A Land of Extremes Für Schülerinnen und Schüler der AHS-Oberstufe und BHS Kanada, das zweitgrößte Land der Welt, fasziniert nicht nur mit seinen atemberaubenden Naturlandschaften und pulsierenden Metropolen, sondern kennt auch andere Superlative. Es ist die Heimat zahlreicher Nobelpreisträger (Chemie, Physik, Medizin, Ökonomie und Literatur), großer Kämpfer wie Terry Fox („Marathon of Hope“), aber auch das Land, das sich mit seinem humanitären Engagement besonders um die „Schutzverantwortung“ (R2P) verdient gemacht hat. Kanada hat die größte Dinosaurierfundstelle der Welt, war 2015 im Guinness Buch der Rekorde mit dem weitesten Flug auf einem Hoverboard vertreten und… und… und… Der Essay Contest wartet auf findige Geister und spritzige Beiträge. Wähle eine kanadische Spitzenleistung oder ein wie immer geartetes „extremes“ Phänomen und schreibe ein Essay im Umfang von ca. 900 Wörtern in englischer oder französischer Sprache. Warum hast du dich für dieses und kein anderes Phänomen entschieden? Was ist daran bemerkenswert? Was bedeutet es für ein Land wie Kanada? Wo steht Kanada im weltweiten Vergleich? Auf die Antworten zu diesen und vielen anderen Fragen sind wir sehr gespannt. Sende dein Essay (pro Person kann nur ein Essay eingereicht werden) unter Angabe deines Namens, deiner Schule, deiner Schulstufe, der Anzahl der Jahre deines Fremdsprachenerwerbs und der für die Arbeit verwendeten Quellen bis 31. März 2016 an |
April 2016
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE/GUEST LECTURE within the international conference "The Influence of Vernacular Discourses on Neo-Latin Literature", April 21 - 23, 2016 Date: Arpil 23, 2016, 09:40-10:20 am |
May 2016
WORKSHOP Samantha Brennan (University of Western Ontario) Date: May 12, 2016, 9 am Please sign up by sending an e-mail to Organized by the Canadian Studies Centre Innsbruck and the Institute for Christian Philosophy |
INFORMATION EVENT Studying in Canada mit Mag.a Jolanda Kampa Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ursula Moser Mag.a Sandra Scherl 14:30 - 15:10 15:10 - 15:45 15:45 - 16:15 Date: May 19, 2016 Please sign up by sending an e-mail to |
AWARDS CEREMONY Date: May 24, 2016, 5 pm Organized by the Canadian Studies Centre Innsbruck. |Essay Contest - prizewinners| English: 2nd prize: French: |
25. INTERNATIONAL FILMFESTIVAL INNSBRUCK May 24 - 29, 2016 LA OBRA DEL SIGLO | Direction: Carlos M. Quintela With support of the Canadian Studies Centre, the Center for Inter-American Studies, the Italian Center, the Interdisciplinary France Focus and the Russian Center. |
June 2016
GUEST LECTURE "French- and German-speaking traditions of the graphic novel: a comparison" Chris Reyns (University of Alberta) Date: June 13, 2016, 6 pm |
CONCERT A multi-award winning Canadian Blues&Roots artist, Lynne Hanson & the band “The Good Intension”. She is known for her Blues/Country music with a little red dirt. Won for a Canadian Folk Music Award, The Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award and nominated for Juno Awards. Roots music, rough-around-the-edges folk. Canadian songwriter Lynne Hanson prefers “porch music with a little red dirt.” Hanson's songs are like a favorite pair of jeans. They're faded and worn through in spots, with a bit of honestly-acquired grit ground into the seams. Date: June 16, 2016, 8 pm Organized by Innpuls and the Canadian Studies Centre |
READING with the Canadian author Michael Crummey "When we are not remembered" Michael Crummey was born in the mining town of Buchans, Newfoundland, growing up there and in Wabush, a Labrador mining town near the Quebec border. After high school he attended Memorial University of Newfoundland, then moved to Ontario to pursue graduate work in English Literature. He has been a full-time writer for the past 15 years. He moved home to Newfoundland in 1999 and now lives in St. John's with his wife and family. Within the course 610014 VO/2 American Literature and Culture: American Poetry in Cultural Context (Univ. - Prof. Dr. Gudrun Grabher) Date: June 21, 2016, 15:15 pm Organized by the Canadian Studies Centre, the Center for Inter-American Studies and the Department of American Studies |
EXHIBITION Visual Appropriations and Rewritings Students in the Brock University courses "Intermediate Painting" and "Interpretive and Critical Writing in the Arts" reflect creatively on well-known artists’ writings and offer a visual and textual panorama of reinterpreted views. Curators: Catherine Parayre und Shawn Serfas (Brock University) Date: June 1 - 30, 2016 Opening Reception Catherine Parayre (Brock University) "Gemeinsam arbeiten, kreativ plündern: 'Visual Appropriations and Rewritings', ein Studentenprojekt in Kunst und Fiktion an der Brock University (Kanada)" Date: June 1, 2016,5 pm Organized by the Canadian Studies Centre Innsbruck |
September 2016
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Maladies of the Soul, Emotion, Affect: Date: September 22 - 25, 2016 Further information Organized by the Canadian Literature Centre, University of Alberta, and the Canadian Studies Centre Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck |
November 2016
INTERNATIONAL DAY „Schau in die Welt hinaus“ heißt es, wenn die Internationalen Dienste der Universität Innsbruck am Dienstag, 8. November 2016, von 11:00 bis 16 Uhr, wieder ihre Tore öffnen und zum International Day einladen. An diesem Tag der offenen Tür stellen die internationalen Einrichtungen sich und ihre vielfältigen Angebote vor. Ob Fragen zu Studien- und Forschungsaufenthalten im Ausland oder den zahlreichen kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen – der Tag bietet Studierenden und WissenschaftlerInnen, LehrerInnen und SchülerInnen sowie allen Interessierten die Gelegenheit, sich zu den verschiedensten Themen zu informieren. Auch das Internationale Sprachenzentrum (isi) der Universität Innsbruck, die Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft (ÖH) und andere Studierendeninitiativen werden beim International Day vertreten sein und einen Einblick in ihre Tätigkeiten und Angebote gewähren. Neben kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten erwartet Sie ein buntes Rahmenprogramm aus musikalischer Unterhaltung und spannenden Kurzfilmen aus aller Welt. Ein besonderes Highlight stellt in diesem Jahr der Fotowettbewerb „Schau in die Welt hinaus“ dar. Wählen Sie vor Ort Ihr Lieblingsfoto und gewinnen Sie tolle Preise! Das Team der internationalen Dienste der Universität Innsbruck freut sich auf Ihr Kommen! Date: November 8, 2016, 11am - 4 pm Further information: |
GUEST LECTURE Advancing the social pillar of sustainability: Insights from the natural resources sector William Nikolakis (University of British Columbia) Date: November 14, 2016, 6 pm Registration is requested: Organized by the Canadian Studies Centre, in cooperation with the Embassy of Canada to Austria and the Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism |
GUEST LECTURE The CETA drama: Dr. Nikos Lavranos, LL.M., Secretary-General of EFILA
Date: November 17, 2016, 9 am Organized by the Faculty of Law and the Canadian Studies Centre. |
THANKSGIVING Begrüßung und Verleihung der Kanada-Preise durch: Date: November 30, 2016, 6 pm |
December 2016
READING MOUNTAINS FESTIVAL On the occasion of the "Reading Mountains Festival" the Canadian author Angie Abdou (Athabasca University) reads from her book The Canterbury Trail. It’s the last ski weekend of the season and a mishmash of snow-enthusiasts is on its way to a remote backwoods cabin. In an odd pilgrimage through the mountains, the townsfolk of Coalton—from the ski bum to the urbanite—embark on a bizarre adventure that walks the line between comedy and tragedy. As the rednecks mount their sleds and the hippies snowshoe through the cedar forest, we see rivals converge for the weekend. While readers follow the characters on their voyage up and over the mountain, stereotypes of ski-town culture fall away. Loco, the ski bum, is about to start his first real job; Alison, the urbanite, is forced to learn how to wield an avalanche shovel; and Michael, the real estate developer, is high on mushroom tea. In a blend of mordant humour and heartbreak, Angie Abdou chronicles a day in the life of these industrious few as they attempt to conquer the mountain. In an avalanche of action, Angie Abdou explores the way in which people treat their fellow citizens and the landscape they love. Date: December 7, 2016, 6 pm Organized by the Canadian Studies Centre with support of the Alpine Convention |