Code of conduct

Inclusivity is a core value of the Corpora & Discourse community and we want this conference to continue to be an environment where everyone feels welcome, valued, and respected. The accessibility of any event is significantly influenced by how safe attendees feel, and this sense of safety is closely linked to factors such as gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, and other personal attributes. We know that you, our participants, share these values and we are confident that no one here will do intentional harm. However, research is inherently a hierarchical community (professors, post-doctoral researchers, graduate students, etc.), but access to science and professional conferences should not be hierarchical! Thus we would ask you to acknowledge this code of conduct to ensure our conference remains a safe and positive environment for all. 

We expect conference organising team, staff and participants to:

  • Treat everyone with respect and consideration.
  • Communicate openly and thoughtfully with your peers.
  • Be considerate of the many views and opinions other than your own.
  • Be respectful and mindful in your critique of others' ideas.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and fellow participants.
  • Be mindful of tone. Deliver your feedback in a friendly and respectful manner. 
  • Avoid sounding condescending or overly critical.

This code of conduct also outlines behaviours that are considered unacceptable:

  • Physical or verbal abuse of any attendee, speaker, volunteer, staff member, or other guests.
  • Disrespectful disruption of presentations.
  • Harassment and intimidation, including any verbal, written, or physical conduct designed to threaten, intimidate or coerce another delegate, conference organisers or staff.
  • Discrimination based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, national origin or culture.
  • Sending emails to conference staff or members of the organising committee that include harassment, bullying or intimidation.

We wish us all a great conference filled with insightful discussions, substantial connections, and a shared commitment to our values!

If you believe this code of contact has been breached, please do not hesitate to the conference organizers. We will then take appropriate measures, involving the Ombudsperson for Good Scientific Practice at the University of Innsbruck, who is available for low-threshold advice and conflict mediation in matters of good scientific practice and in cases of suspected scientific misconduct.



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