Dienstag, 10.05.2022
14:00 - 15:30 Uhr
HS 3, SOWI, Universitätsstraße 15, 6020 Innsbruck
Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich
Eintritt / Kosten: keine
Prof. Ingrid Volkmer
University of Melbourne | MSD · School of Culture and Communication
To cover the complexity of globalized crises – ranging from climate change to the COVID pandemic –
constitutes today a key challenge for journalists across all continents. While decades ago these crises were
perceived in national terms, today – as climate change debates show – the world community is seen as the
key sphere to act, collaborate and solve the climate change threat.
This article argues that within this new inclusive globalized crisis scenario, journalism in the Global North
and Global South has the responsibility to (1) move away from national coverage to communicate the
increasingly important interdependent sphere of globalized crises and (2) journalists take on active roles
as cosmopolitan actors.
Forschungsschwerpunkt EPoS - Economy, Politics & Society