Sonntag, 18.09.2022 bis Samstag, 24.09.2022
08:30 - 21:00 Uhr
Universitätszentrum, Obergurgl
Anmeldung ist erforderlich; Anmeldung beim Veranstalter bis 15.01.22
Eintritt / Kosten: 500€
Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2022 - Close Range Sensing Techniques in Alpine Terrain: The main goal of the Summer School 2022 is to provide participants with innovative practical and methodological skills to characterize complex terrain and object features using close range and remote sensing techniques. This summer school is designed for any well-motivated student; advanced graduate students, PhDs, post-docs and young researchers from any field, provided they have interest in these type of techniques.
Institut für Geographie & International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)