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Veranstaltungen · Universität Innsbruck · Medizinische Universität Innsbruck

Dienstag, 15.11.2022

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Patent Search – Searching for scientific results and inventions

08:30 - 11:30 Uhr
online (link will be sent after registration), online

Anmeldung ist erforderlich; Anmeldung beim Veranstalter bis 14.11.22; Veranstaltung ist nur für Universitätsangehörige zugänglich

Eintritt / Kosten: Eintritt frei


Dr. Hildegard Etz

Technical Patent Examiner of the Austrian Patent Office

Weitere Informationen

In this workshop of the Austrian Patent Office, the most important basic concepts of developments/inventions/patents, the structure of a patent and the information contained in a patent specification will be explained. Subsequently, the handling of free patent databases and search engines (see.ip, ESPACENET, DEPATISNET) will be explained and directly implemented on the basis of examples on the computer. It is also possible to search for current research results that may constitute an invention. In addition, patent searches in the run-up to scientific work serve as a valuable source for recording the state of the art outside known scientific databases.


projekt.service.büro – Wissens- und Technologietransfer

Cornelia Rhomberg
0512 507 34413

Cornelia Rhomberg
0512 507 34405