Donnerstag, 24.11.2022
18:30 - 20:30 Uhr
HS 1 Fakultät für Theologie, Karl-Rahner Platz 1, 6020 Innsbruck
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Eintritt / Kosten: Keine
Gina Moseley
Gina Moseley is Assistant Professor of Paleoclimatology at the University of Innsbruck. Prior to arriving in Innsbruck, she graduated with her PhD in Quaternary sea level change from the University of Bristol and later worked as a post-doc working on dating meteorites at the University of Manchester. Gina is a 2021 Rolex laureate, National Geographic Explorer, main protagonist in the IMAX film Ancient Caves, polar explorer and mother.
Inhalt des öffentlichen Vortrages (englisch):
Caves were first documented in North Greenland during an extensive Arctic Cold War military campaign. Several of the caves were explored but many were not, and even today the vast majority remain unexplored as a consequence of the remote location and difficult logistics. Despite these challenges, Prof. Gina Moseley has led three expeditions to explore, map and document the world’s northernmost caves. Through this work, she has developed a pioneering caved-based climate change research programme in which her team is investigating periods in the past that were warmer than today. This information sheds new light on Arctic climate change and is critically important for improving future predictions.
Österreichisches Polarforschungsinstitut (APRI) und Universität Innsbruck (Inst. für Ökologie)
Birgit Sattler