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Dienstag, 29.11.2022


De-Democratization and Gender: A First Attempt at Measuring the Impact

16:00 - 17:30 Uhr
SR 5, SoWi-Gebäude, 2. Stock West, Universität Innsbruck, Universitätsstraße 15, 6020 Innsbruck

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Prof. Matthijs Bogaards

Matthijs Bogaards is Professor of Political Science at the Central European University. He was previously a full professor at Jacobs University Bremen, and holds degrees from Leiden University and the European University Institute in Florence.

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The global decline of democracy is accompanied by setbacks in the rights of women and sexual minorities. The Istanbul Convention on violence against women has become a focal point for anti-gender politics, but the problems are wider and the tone of anti-gender movements and politicians is getting shriller. So far, these developments have been documented and analyzed mostly in case studies, for example of prominent cases like Hungary, Poland, and Turkey. In this invited guest talk, Professor Bogaards will present the preliminary results of a comparative examination of the impact of de-democratization on gender equality. Using different operationalizations of both variables, this presentation marks a first attempt to analyze empirically how what some see as a "crisis of democracy" is fuelling what others call a "war on gender".


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ludger Helms, Institut für Politikwissenschaft