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Dienstag, 13.12.2022


Jean Monnet Lecture: Agenda Setting in the EU: Competitive or Collaborative?

19:00 - 20:30 Uhr
HS 1, Universität Innsbruck, SoWi-Gebäude, Erdgeschoss, Universitätsstraße 15, 6020 Innsbruck (A)

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Prof. Amie Kreppel

Amie Kreppel is a Jean Monnet Chair (ad personam), Director of the Center for European Studies and a Professor of Political Science at the University of Florida.

Weitere Informationen

The locus of agenda setting power in the EU has long been a topic of scholarly debate. While formal rules suggest a dominant role for the Commission, political realities point towards other institutions such as the European Council (EUCO) or Council of the EU (Council). Additionally, treaty revisions since the 1987 Single European Act have all incorporated some degree of increased empowerment of the European Parliament (EP), suggesting that it also should be considered among the possible EU agenda setters, or at least agenda influencers. The search for a sole, or primary source of agenda power in the EU has been inconclusive because it is fundamentally misguided. The institutional context of the EU requires consensus building not just in decision making, but also during the agenda setting process. While relative influence of the core institutions varies across procedure, policy arena and the character of initiatives, in general successful agenda setting resulting in substantive policy outcomes occurs through collaboration rather than competition.


Dr. Camilla Mariotto und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Universität Innsbruck