Freitag, 27.01.2023
13:00 - 14:00 Uhr
online, –
Anmeldung ist erforderlich; Anmeldung beim Veranstalter bis 27.01.23
Eintritt / Kosten: keine
Dr. Marsha Henry, LSE
Dr. Marsha Henry is an Associate Professor in the Department of Gender Studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Marsha’s research interests focus on critical military and peacekeeping studies; the political economy of sexual violence in postconflict settings; and intersectional feminist theories and methodologies.
Dr. Henry’s book presentation attempts to recover critical theories in peacekeeping scholarship and argues that a return to these epistemic interventions is a political necessity for contemporary humanitarian and conflict studies. This is a diversion from the dominant peacekeeping literature which martials ‘evidence’ of the ‘life-saving value’ of militarised interventions in conflict and postconflict settings (Hultman, Kathman and Shannon 2019). Or maps whether the turn to increased military methods in global governance actually bring about effective change (Howard 2019). However, this re-emphasising of the martial in peacekeeping has proceeded rather under challenged, while other initiatives increasing female participation; extending community based policing; and providing comprehensive training for peacekeepers on human rights has garnered more public attention (Holvikivi 2021). Returning to critical theories allows for challenging existing knowledge on peacekeeping by exposing the gendered, racialised and militarised bases of such governance projects.
To register for the event contact Sladjana Lazic at
Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies & the Research Center for Peace and Conflict (InnPeace)