Donnerstag, 27.03.2025
17:00 - 19:00 Uhr
HSB 1, Campus Technik, Technikerstr. 13b, 6020 Innsbruck
Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich
Eintritt / Kosten: Keine
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang A. Wall, TUM
Wolfgang A. Wall is full Professor and founding Director of the Institute for Computational Mechanics at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Born near Salzburg (Austria), he studied at the University of Innsbruck and received his PhD from the University of Stuttgart. Among others, he acted as founding director of the Munich School of Engineering and is co-founder of the companies AdCo EngineeringGW and Ebenbuild GmbH.
Scientific Computing is meanwhile widely acknowledged as the third pillar of scientific discovery and also an essential every day tool in many industries. However, besides impressive growth rates, both on the academic and the commercial side, the full potential of it is not nearly revealed yet. A key to unchain the full potential is to combine all the relevant building blocks at the best possible level - the art of modeling, the development of computational methods as well as the appropriate implementation ready for the best HPC platforms. This talk will try to showcase that such a combination can create game changers in different fields in Science and Engineering and can even lead to a paradigm-shift in health care.
FSP Scientific Computing
lecture series: "ESC - Exchange in Scientific Computing"