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Donnerstag, 15.05.2025


Constitutional Intolerance: The fashioning of 'the other' in Europe's constitutional repertoires

18:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Katholisch-theologische Fakultät, Dekanatssitzungsaal (1. Stock), Karl-Rahner-Platz 1, 6020 Innsbruck

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Dr. Marietta van der Tol

Dr. Marietta van der Tol is Landecker Lecturer at the University of Cambridge, and Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at Trinity College, Cambridge. Her key-publications include the book "Constitution Intolerance" (CUP 2025), the special issue 'What's ethnicity got to do withit?' with Dr. Elisabeth Becker and 'Secularisation as the fragmentation of the sacred and of sacred space' with Prof. Phil Gorski. Marietta convenes the "Political Theologies Conference Series" at Oxford.


Katholisch-theologische Fakultät, Institut für Systematische Theologie