Observation and Modeling of Cascade Processes at the Reissenschuh (Schmirn, Austria)
Johannes Branke and Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Bernhard Gems, Margreth Keiler, Martin Rutzinger, Thomas Zieher (BFW)
Xiaoru Dai, Andrea Riehle and Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Wolfgang Fellin, Gertraud Medicus, Merita Tafili (Ruhr Universität Bochum)
Hidden hazard named liquefaction
Mona Siahkouhi and Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Japer Moernaut, Franz Tschuchnigg (TU Graz)
Bahram Salehi and Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Iman Bathaeian (ILF)
Ghader Saadati and Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Javad Mohebbi Abad (Islamic Azad University of Quchan), Sina Javankhoshdel (Rocscience, York University)
Geotechnical design with numerical methods
Wolfgang Fellin and Franz Tschuchnigg (TU Graz), Hans-Peter Daxer (TU Graz)
Mathematical foundations of material models like hypoplasticity and barodesy
Wolfgang Fellin, Alexander Ostermann, Gertraud Medicus
Hypoplastic predictions of strength increase during episodic direct simple shear tests
Gertraud Medicus, Katherine Kwa (University of Southampton), Benjamin Cerfontaine (University of Southampton)
Constitutive modelling of cyclic loading paths
Gertraud Medicus, Merita Tafili (Ruhr Universität Bochum), Wolfgang Fellin
Soil tests as boundary value problems using hypoplasticity
Gertraud Medicus, Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Konstantin Basche, Magdalena Schreter (AB für Festigkeitslehre und Baustatik), Matthias Neuner Schreter (AB für Festigkeitslehre und Baustatik), Cino Viggiani (University of Grenoble), Jacques Desrues (University of Grenoble)
Manfred Scheikl and Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Wolfgang Fellin, Benjamin Cerfontaine (University of Southhampton), Bernhard Gems
Advanced Soil Constitutive Models in Practical Applications with a Focus on Cyclic Loadings
Mehdi Joneidi, Getraud Medicus, Roshanak Shafieiganjeh (ILF), Barbara Schneider-Muntau
Interaction between mass-movements and sensitive infrastructure (KrieInfra)
Maria Honisch (geo.zt), Gerhard Poscher (geo.zt), Martin Rutzinger, Barbara Schneider-Muntau