Creeping slopes

Xiaoru Dai, Andrea Riehle and Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Wolfgang Fellin, Gertraud Medicus, Merita Tafili (Ruhr Universität Bochum)

Slow landslides are widespread, especially in the mountainous areas all over the world with displacement rates of millimetres to metres per year. Slope creep describes the behavior of a slope that moves slowly downward due to the long-term effects of gravity. It’s well known that groundwater has a great influence on slope stability, and seasonal fluctuations of pore water pressure can lead to changes in creep velocity. The viscous material model can be used to estimate the creep velocity with the consideration of the influence of pore water pressure. The work is carried out on infinite slope firstly, which focuses on investigating concise and effective equations to describe the relationship between the factor of safety and creep velocity. This study helps to clarify the relationship between the two most important parameters for slope creep, which is of great practical significance for the estimation of the factor of safety based on creep velocity.

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