Interaction between mass-movements and sensitive infrastructure (KrieInfra)
Maria Honisch, Gerhard Poscher, Martin Rutzinger, Barbara Schneider-Muntau
Alpine regions are specifically prone to natural mountain hazards such as mass movements or extreme weather conditions. Due to limited space and complex geological settings in mountain regions, the chosen location of infrastructure often cannot avoid being affected by natural hazards. Monitoring and protective structures are trying to limit the risk of casualties. The objective of this project is to gain a process understanding of the DSGSD "Padauner Berg" and model its effect on the motorway bridge by using numerical modelling. With coupled calculations it is possible to model external effects such as climate change but also the impact of construction- and reconstruction work on the creeping rates. The parameters mostly effecting the total system can be retrieved from a finite element model. The result obtained in the course of this project will be presented to the professional audience in order to enable sustainable handling of sensitive infrastructure.