Alaq Al Rubaye

Alaq Al-Rubaye

University of Innsbruck, Department of Infrastructure Engineering 
Unit of Geotechnical Engineering
Büro 619

Tel.: +43 512 507-961233


Office hours:  Wednesday -Friday (9:00 am- 17:00 pm)





PhD student in Geotechnical department (Computational and experimental soil mechanics group) focusing on advanced soil constitutive models such as (hypoplasticity and Barodesy). Member in the IDC Natural Hazards in Mountain Regions.


Research Interests

Slope stability analysis with advanced soil constitutive models



I am Al-Rubaye Alaq a civil engineer my field of interesting  computational and experimental soil mechanics (soil mechanics, soil constitutive models, Finite element methods, slope stability analysis, laboratory and filed soil tests). A PhD student in geotechnical department under the supervision of (Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn Barbara Schneider-Muntau; assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Martin Rutzinger, and Professor Akbar Javadi. A part time junior geotechnical engineer at ILF CONSULTING ENGINEERS, (, a planning geotechnical engineer in two power underground cable projects located in Germany (Suedlink, Rhein-Main link).

Scholarships and Awards

Doctoral scholarship from the University of Innsbruck

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