Anita Gantner

Science is....helping us make a further step to understand the world.
Anita Gantner

Department of Economics


Major Areas of Research
Behavioral and experimental economics

Which Research Methods do you apply... 
lab experiments, theory

Who are the other Members of your Team in Innsbruck?
Rudi Kerschbamer, Regine Oexl

Which of your Papers should the others know?

What do you expect from IDS?
a good network for enhanced cooperation

Science is....?
helping us make a further step to understand the world.

Being a Researcher and Teacher is?
sometimes challenging, but mostly fulfilling and energizing. 

I like...
seeing people accomplish something when they did not expect they would be able to do it.

I don´t like...
dishonesty, backroom deals, monotony.

The major Societal Challenge is.....
to overcome convenience and half-heartedness in order to tackle pressing problems.

My preferred Holiday Destination is...
my next destination.

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