Termine und Veranstaltungen


  • 24.02.2025: Defensio of Matthias Gaßner, BSc
    Matthias Gaßner will present his thesis „Resource Manager for the Edge-Cloud Continuum" in SR1 starting at 14:00. You are welcome to join!
  • 28.02.2025: Girls! TECH UP Kufstein
    For the first time! For all girls! Successful female technicians, exciting hands-on stations and lots of fun await all girls at the FH Kufstein.
  • 17.-28.03.2025: Onlinesessions: LFU Master Weeks 2025
    Prospective students will receive information on the content, structure, admission and (student) life in Innsbruck. The lecturers will be happy to answer your questions!
  • 31.03.-01.04.2025: 4th International Workshop on Architecting and Engineering Digital Twins (AEDT)
    The AEDT workshop addresses the role of software architecture in designing, modelling and maintaining digital twins as well as the role of digital twins in supporting the software architecture process. It is co-located with the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA) which takes place in Odense, Denmark.
  • 06.06.2025: Austrian Computer Science Day 2025
    The Austrian Computer Science Day (ACSD) is an annual assembly to bring together computer scientists from Austria and beyond to improve visibility of the field and foster collaboration. The event features scientific presentations by established and early-stage researchers. Participation is free of charge. The topic in 2025 is "Networks in Artificial Intelligence".
  • 03.-04.07.2025: 18th International Symposium on High-level Parallel Programming and Applications
    The 18th HLPP symposium will be held as a two-day event, hosted by the Computer Science Department of the University of Innsbruck in Austria. It focuses on high-level parallel programming of multi-/many-core platforms, accelerator architectures, heterogeneous compute clusters, and highly parallel or distributed infrastructures.
  • 20.-26.09.2025: MobileHCI 2025
    Pascal Knierim is a co-organizer of the tutorials and workshops at the ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI) which will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
  • 09.-10.04.2026: RoboCupJunior Austrian Open 2026
    RoboCupJunior is an internationally organized educational initiative. The aim is to introduce young people to robots in a playful way, to awaken their interest in science and technology, and to enable exciting knowledge acquisition in the classroom. The hands-on component is important in RoboCupJunior. Therefore, the participants build and program small robots for special tasks and then show them in presentations and competitions.











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