Termine und Veranstaltungen
- 24.02.2025: Defensio of Matthias Gaßner, BScMatthias Gaßner will present his thesis „Resource Manager for the Edge-Cloud Continuum" in SR1 starting at 14:00. You are welcome to join!
- 28.02.2025: Girls! TECH UP KufsteinFor the first time! For all girls! Successful female technicians, exciting hands-on stations and lots of fun await all girls at the FH Kufstein.
- 17.-28.03.2025: Onlinesessions: LFU Master Weeks 2025Prospective students will receive information on the content, structure, admission and (student) life in Innsbruck. The lecturers will be happy to answer your questions!
- 31.03.-01.04.2025: 4th International Workshop on Architecting and Engineering Digital Twins (AEDT)The AEDT workshop addresses the role of software architecture in designing, modelling and maintaining digital twins as well as the role of digital twins in supporting the software architecture process. It is co-located with the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA) which takes place in Odense, Denmark.
- 06.06.2025: Austrian Computer Science Day 2025The Austrian Computer Science Day (ACSD) is an annual assembly to bring together computer scientists from Austria and beyond to improve visibility of the field and foster collaboration. The event features scientific presentations by established and early-stage researchers. Participation is free of charge. The topic in 2025 is "Networks in Artificial Intelligence".
- 03.-04.07.2025: 18th International Symposium on High-level Parallel Programming and ApplicationsThe 18th HLPP symposium will be held as a two-day event, hosted by the Computer Science Department of the University of Innsbruck in Austria. It focuses on high-level parallel programming of multi-/many-core platforms, accelerator architectures, heterogeneous compute clusters, and highly parallel or distributed infrastructures.
- 20.-26.09.2025: MobileHCI 2025Pascal Knierim is a co-organizer of the tutorials and workshops at the ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI) which will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
- 09.-10.04.2026: RoboCupJunior Austrian Open 2026RoboCupJunior is an internationally organized educational initiative. The aim is to introduce young people to robots in a playful way, to awaken their interest in science and technology, and to enable exciting knowledge acquisition in the classroom. The hands-on component is important in RoboCupJunior. Therefore, the participants build and program small robots for special tasks and then show them in presentations and competitions.
- 17.12.2024: Defensio of Stefan Achmüller, BSc
- 17.12.2024: Defensio of Florian Rumpold, BSc
- 10.12.2024: Keynote of Umutcan Serles
- 06.12.2024: wAIke Up: Kaffee mit KI
- 03.12.2024: 1st International Workshop on Models for Simulation (M4S) 2024
- 03.12.2024: Tech Lunch
- 29.11.2024: Defensio of Rebecca Magnussen, BSc
- 29.11.2024: Defensio of Marko Zaric, BSc
- 28.11.2024: "Powering the Future: Tackling Energy Challenges in Supercomputing and AI" with Dieter Kranzlmüller (LMU Munich)
- 25.11.2024: Defensio of Gabriel Mitterrutzner, BSc
- 14.11.2024: inday students 2024
- 13.11.2024: Defensio of Anna-Lena Hetzenauer, BSc
- 08.11.2024: Defensio of Samuel Benjamin Plangger, BSc
- 30.10.2024: Defensio of Jannik Siebert, BSc
- 29.10.2024: Defensio of Christian Lechner, BSc
- 29.10.2024: Defensio of Davide De Sclavis, BSc
- 28.10.2024: Defensio of Martin Hartl, BSc
- 24.10.2024: Defensio of Philip Handl, BSc
- 24.10.2024: Defensio of Simon Haller-Seeber, Bakk.techn.
- 24.10.2024: Defensio of Werner Dietl, BSc
- 24.10.2024: Defensio of Stefan Kaufmann, BSc
- 22.10.2024: Defensio of Shakeel Ahmed, BSc
- 18.10.2024: MIP Alumni Homecoming Day
- 18.10.2024: Workshop at ACM Recommender Systems 2024
- 17.10.2024: Defensio of Dott. Ramon Piha
- 15.10.2024: Defensio of Philipp von Spinn, BSc
- 15.10.2024: Defensio of Maximilian Alexander Danelli, BSc
- 07.10.-11.11.2024: Online-Impulsreihe: KI in der Berufsbildung - Herausforderungen und Chancen
- 01.10.2024: Defensio of Andreas Bernhard Treichl, BSc
- 27.09.2024: Aktionstag Junge Uni 2024
- 23.-25.09.2024: Advances in Financial Technologies - AFT 2024
- 20.09.2024: Defensio of Christina Schwaiger, BSc
- 16.09.2024: Defensio of Julian Hotter, BSc
- 13.09.2024: DiSCourse Seminar - Antoine Doucet
- 12.09.2024: Defensio Jonas Pfeifhofer, BSc
- 09.09.-12.09.2024: Hearings "Edge AI"
- 06.09.2024: Defensio of Thomas Wurzer, BSc
- 05.09.2024: Defensio of Petraq Nako, BSc
- 02.-06.09.2024: Programmierkurs für Schüler*innen der Oberstufe
- 25.08.-01.09.2024: ISR 2024 – 14th International School on Rewriting
- 22.08.2024: Defensio of Geni Bushati, BSc
- 02.08.2024: Defensio of Maximilian Franz Ebner, BSc
- 23.07.2024: Master Defensio of Zoltan Melkes
- 02.07.2024: Defensio of Ing. Christoph Haas, BSc
- 27.06.2024: Defensio of Benjamin Vettori, BSc
- 26.06.2024: Defensio of Patrick Hofmann, BSc
- 20.06.2024: Habilitation lecture of Eva Zangerle
- 18.06.2024: Defensio of Zahra Jafari, BSc
- 17.06.2024: Defensio of Simon Triendl, BSc
- 13.06.2024: Defensio of Lukas Walter, BSc
- 10.06.2024: Defensio of Daniel Proksch, BSc
- 29.05.2024: Defensio of Oliver Roß, BSc
- 26.05.2024: Movie Screening - "Bergfahrt – Reise zu den Riesen"
- 24.05.2024: Lange Nacht der Forschung
- 20.-24.05.2024: Evaluation Perspectives of Recommender Systems: Driving Research and Education
- 14.05.2024: Talk "Coding Serverless Workflow Applications in the Edge Cloud Continuum Beyond Von Neumann" (Sashko Ristov)
- 14.05.2024: Tech Lunch
- 11.05.2024: Keynote of Sashko Ristov "Engineering serverless application life-cycles in federated serverless infrastructures"
- 30.04.2024: Defensio of Zoe Michaela Dietmar Pfister, BSc
- 29.04.2024: Defensio of Jamie Hochrainer, BSc
- 25.-26.04.2024: SE Live 2024
- 23.04.2024: Defensio of Cristof Rojas, BSc
- 23.04.2024: Defensio of Fabian Rochelt, BSc
- 18.04.2024: Talk "Quantifying Cyber Risk" (Prof. Rainer Böhme)
- 17.04.2024: Defensio of Wolfgang Vigl, BSc
- 15.04.-16.05.2024: Hearings "Artificial Intelligence"
- 05.04.2024: Invited talk "Empirical research of complex crypto asset ecosystems" by Svetlana Abramova
- 02.04.2024: Bootcamp Performanceorientiertes Softwareengineering – POS Tirol
- 29.03.2024: Defensio von Markus Reiter, BSc
- 26.-27.03.2024: AIRoV – The First Austrian Symposium on AI, Robotics, and Vision
- 21.03.2024: DiSCussion "Was kann KI? Nutzen und Gefahren durch den Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz"
- 14.03.2024: Podiumsdiskussion "think.beyond: Die Zukunft der Grundlagenforschung"
- 24.02.2024: Security Excellence Hackathon
- 22.02.2024: Tag der Mathematik, Informatik & Physik 2024
- 22.02.2024: Engineering Kiosk Alps
- 02.02.2024: Cross Reality Interaction (XR-I 2024)
- 22.01.2024: Rigorosum Thomas Ströhle, BSc MSc
- 03.-06.01.2024: Research workshop ALPSY
- 01.12.2023: Justus Piater als Diskussionsteilnehmer beim 15. Europäischen Mediengipfel
- 29.11.2023: 2nd International Workshop on Digital Twin Engineering (DTE)
- 24.11.2023: Vortrag von Justus Piater beim UIBK Digital Leadership Club
- 13.11.2023: "Wie „denkt“ ChatGPT?" (Vortragsreihe: DiSCussion)
- 19.10.2023: Tiroler Hochschultag
- 11.10.2023: Rigorosum Tek Raj Chhetri, BSc MSc
- 19.09.2023: 3rd Workshop: Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems
- 18.-21.09.2023: Multi-Author Writing Style Analysis@PAN 2023
- 10.-16.09.2023: Autumn school "Proof and Computation" with Georg Moser
- 10.08.2023: Talk of Kfir Levy "Beyond SGD: Efficient Learning with Non i.i.d. Data"
- 27.07.2023: ChatGPT in der Unternehmenskommunikation
- 17.-21.07.2023: Sommertechnikum MINT
- 06.07.2023: Rigorosum Stanislaw Jozef Purgal, BSc MSc
- 05.07.2023: Keynote von Justus Piater bei den Bodenseegesprächen 2023
- 27.06.2023: Rigorosum Sareh Aghaei Dinani, BSc MSc
- 23.06.2023: Rigorosum Maximilian Haslbeck, BSc MSc
- 20.06.2023: Philipp Gschwandtner zu Gast im Podcast „Der Digital-Stratege"
- 25.05.2023: Vortrag von Justus Piater an der Medizinischen Universität
- 23.05.2023: OVE IT-Kolloquium
- 25.05.2023: Vortrag von Sashko Ristov beim Second Combined Workshop on Interactive and Urgent High-Performance Computing
- 23.05.2023: TechLunch
- 15.-17.05.2023: Vorträge im Rahmen des Besetzungsverfahrens der Laufbahnstelle „Kryptographie“
- 12.05.2023: DiSCourse Seminar von Adam Jatowt
- 02.05.2023: Rigorosum Robert Ehrensperger, BSc MSc
- 30.04.2023: Keynote von Eva Zangerle "What Can We Learn From Analyzing Streaming Music Data?"
- 21.04.2023: DiSCourse Seminar von Samuele Tosatto
- 19.04.2023: Biber Award 2022 Innsbruck
- 28.03.2023: TechLunch
- 17.03.2023: DiSCourse Seminar von Yu Suzuki (Gifu University)
- 19.01.2023: Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Karol Miller
- 18.01.2023: Rigorosum David Peer, BSc MSc
- 17.01.2023: Antrittsvorlesung Univ.-Prof. Adam Jatowt, PhD
- 22.12.2022: Rigorosum Anelia Kurteva
- 14.12.2022: Antrittsvorlesungen von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Moser und Univ.-Prof. Jan Beutel, PhD
- 30.11.2022: Rigorosum Irdin Pekaric, BSc, MSc
- 29.11.2022: Talk of Sashko Ristov "Engineering Serverless Workflow Applications in Federated FaaS"
- 25.11.2022: Rigorosum Benjamin Murauer, BSc, MSc
- 23.11.2022: Rigorosum Sebastian Stabinger, BSc MSc
- 10.11.2022: inday students - Registration open!
- 08.11.2022: Vorträge für die Laufbahnstelle Cloud, Edge, IoT Computing
- 07.10.2022: VWA- und Diplomarbeitentag
- 04.10.2022: First Semester Kickoff & Get Together Master Software Engineering
- 28.09.2022: Workshop Serverless Computing – Cheap, Easy and Powerful
- 27.09.2022: PhD Informatik - Rigorosum Maximilian Hils
- 23.09.2022: DiSCourse Seminar von Michael Färber (KIT)
- 22.09.2022: 2nd Workshop: Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems
- 05.07.2022: PhD Informatik - Rigorosum Michael Fröwis
- 25.06.2022: Straße der Vielfalt
- 09.06.2022: Informationsevent zum Erweiterungsstudium Informatik und Wahlpaket Digital Science
- 07.06.2022: 1st International Workshop on Digital Twin Engineering
- 30.05.2022: inday students
- 20.05.2022: Lange Nacht der Forschung
- 19.-20.05.2022: Software Engineering LIVE
- 11.05.2022: Invited talk of Prof. Piater "Robots that learn like humans?" at the Pint of Science Festival 2022
- 06.05.2022: Virtual talk "Not All Code are Create2 Equal"
- 05.05.2022: Keynote of Sashko Ristov "Hide the Clouds! Serverless applications with portable functions and interoperable cloud services"
- 03.05.2022: Final event of KI-Net project
- 02.-04.05.2022: Training: Fundamentals of Deep Learning and CUDA
- 28.04.2022: LFU Master Weeks - Computer Science
- 26.04.2022: LFU Master Weeks - Software Engineering
- 06.04.2022: DiSCussion "Alles Fake? Vom Umgang mit Risiken und Unsicherheiten der Wissenschaften am Beispiel der Energiewende"
- 23.03.2022: Prof. Böhme "Zu welchem Preis? Digitale Währungen auf dem Vormarsch"
- 23.03.2022: Theory Colloquium of Prof. Moser
- 11.03.2022: DiSCourse Seminar by Rainer Böhme "Watching and Policing Decentralized Finance"
- 03.03.2022: Online talk by Michael Fröwis "Upgradable Code on Ethereum"
- 26.10.2021: Keynote of Prof. Fensel and Umutcan Simsek @ WEBIST 2021
- 05.10.2021: Kick-Off & Get-Together Master`s Software Engineering
- 01.10.2021: Talk of Prof. Böhme at the Responsible Data Science and AI speaker series
- 28.-29.09.2021: The 2021 International Summer School on Software Engineering
- 27.-30.09.2021: The 3rd International Workshop on Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs (MLKgraphs2021)
- 27.09.2021: Workshop on Variable Impedance Robotics Skills: Challenges and Opportunities
- 27.09.2021: Talk of Matteo Saveriano at the 5th Workshop on Semantic Policy and Action Representations for Autonomous Robots (SPAR)
- 25.09.2021: Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems - Workshop at ACM Recommender Systems 2021
- 24.-26.09.2021: HackZurich 2021
- 22.09.2021: Kryptoasset-Forensik Training
- 20.-23.09.2021: 17th IEEE eScience 2021
- 13.-15.09.2021: Doctoral Consortium @ RuleML+RR 2021
- 09.09.2021: Talk of Liao Zhang at the 6th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving (AITP 2021)
- 01.-03.09.2021: I-Enabled Software Development and Operations (AI4DevOps)
- 30.08.2021: Keynote of Prof. Fahringer @ AMTE 2021
- 23.-27.08.2021: GMAR Robotics Summer School 2021
- 05.08.2021: Vorträge für das Besetzungsverfahren Laufbahnstelle Kryptographie
- 18.06.2021: Talk von Prof. Böhme beim Austrian Computer Science Day 2021
- 10.06.2021: Information Event on the new Master's Programme Software Engineering
- 01.06.2021: Keynote von Prof. Rainer Böhme beim Blockchain Technology Symposium 2021
- 27.05.2021: Informationsveranstaltung Erweiterungsstudium Informatik und Ergänzung Digital Science
- 18.05.2021: Talk "Automated Analysis of Splaying et al." (Prof. Georg Moser) at the SCOT Seminar (Università di Bologna)
- 05.05.2021: Talk "Knowledge Graphs - Smart Big Data Alive" (Prof. Dieter Fensel & Umutcan Simsek)
- 28.04.2021: Information Session - Two new Master Curricula
- 22.04.2021: Workshop Testautomatisierung
- 23.03.2021: Talk "Vulneralibity Management in Decentralized Systems"
- 27.01.2021: Talk "Towards Exascale Computing in Europe"
- 20.01.2021: Talk "Herbrand Complexity and Hilbert's Epsilon Calculus"
- 18.01.2021: Talk "Alles Fake? Über neue Formen der Manipulation in digitalen Zeiten"
- 02.12.2020: inday students 2020 online
- 08.-09.10.2020: International Conference on Technical Debt 2020
- 14.-17.09.2020: 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs
- 01.-03.07.2020: 6th International School on Software Engineering
- 30.06.2020: Annual Meeting IFIP Working Group 1.6
- 29.06.-06.07.2020: 5th Int. Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction
- 09.06.2020: Informationsveranstaltung Ergänzungs- und Erweiterungsstudium
- 22.-24.05.2020: Reply Creative Challenge
- 24.-28.02.2020: Software Engineering Konferenz (SE 20)
- 26.11.2019: inday students 2019
- 20.-22.11.2019: Diskussionsforum: Zukunft denken
- 07.-08.11.2019: Kryptowährungs-Forensik Training
- 24.10.2019: Keynote "Gemeinsam sind wir stärker: Empirische Untersuchungen & persönliche Erfahrungen zur erfolgreichen Kooperation zwischen Firmen & Universitäten"
- 15.10.2019: Question the Future - Insights into the University of Innsbruck
- 02.09.-05.09.2019: 1st International Summer School on Security & Privacy for Blockchains and Distributed Ledger Technologies
- 26.-29.08.2019: 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs (MLKgraphs 2019)
- 26.-30.08.2019: 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE)
- 17.08.2019: Forum Alpbach - JungforscherInnen/JunginnovatorInnen-Arbeitskreis
- 01.-03.07.2019: The Honeynet Project Annual Workshop 2019
- 13.06.2019: Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik als theologisch-ethische Herausforderung
- 24.05.2019: 2nd International Workshop on Computational Models of Affordance in Robotics
- 22.05.2019: inday teachers 2019
- 14.-15.05.2019: TourismFastForward 2019 Konferenz
- 09.+10.05.2019: Software Engineering live
- 26.-27.04.2019: RoboCupJunior Austrian Open
- 26.-27.04.2019: Campus-Tage Technik
- 26.04.2019: Aktionstag Junge Uni 2019
- 07.-12.04.2019: 4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving (AITP 2019)
- 03.04.2019: Humans in a digital era – New Opportunities and Threats for Information Security
- 01.04.2019: Talk - Where, how, and when to offload data processing to public cloud?
- 31.03.2019: Call for Papers - 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs (MLKgraphs 2019)
- 27.03.2019: Fake News (Vortrag und Diskussion)
- 21.03.2019: Science Slam Innsbruck
- 13.03.2019: Einsteiger Workshop - Data Science für Unternehmen
- 12.-14.03.2019: Postdocs2Innovators Enterprise Fair
- 04.03.2019: Tiroler Wissenschaftsförderung - Antragstellung (Informationsveranstaltung)
- 28.02.2019: Ende der Bewerbungsfrist für den KlarText-Preis der Wissenschaftkommunikation
- 25.02.2019: Die dezentrale Revolution - Prof. Böhme in der Ö1-Radiokolleg-Reihe über Blockchains
- 18.02.2019: Doktoratsstipendium aus der Nachwuchsförderung der Universität Innsbruck
- 12.02.2019: Fallstudiendialoge: Hochschuldidaktik aus der Praxis
- 11.-14.02.2019: The Swiss Blockchain Winter School
- 25.+26.01.2019: QSP Lab - Documentation of Information Security Requirements
- 21.01.2019: Lecture Series of the Research Center HPC
- 18.01.2019: QSP Lab - "Web Application Security"
- 17.01.2019: Clemens Sauerwein nimmt UMIT-Lehrepreis 2018 entgegen
- 11.01.2019: QSP Lab - Wir machen eine LAN Party - domänenspezifischer Einsatz eines Dokumentenmanagementsystems
- 10.01.2019: Taste Digitalization - CAMPUS:digi:TOUR (4)
- 08.01.2019: Transhumanismus, Smart Cities und Massenüberwachung
- 22.02.2018: Digitale Innovation in Research and Teaching 2019
- 19.12.2018: Hearings für die Laufbahnstelle "Deep Learning"
- 14.12.2018: QSP Lab - "What the hack is IoT really?"
- 05.-07.12.2018: BeSt 2018 - Messe für Beruf, Studium, Weiterbildung
- 30.11.2018: Spectre, Meltdown and L1TF - why should we care?
- 29.-30.11.2018: 2nd Berlin Conference Crypto-Currencies in a Digital Economy (CCConf 2018)
- 28.11.2018: Opening of the Visual Interaction Labs 1669
- 23.11.2018: Tag der Lehre
- 23.11.2018: QSP Lab - Testgetriebene Softwareentwicklung (TDD) in der Praxis
- 29.11.2018: inday students 2018
- 20.11.2018: KarriereGipfel 2018 IT&Technik
- 20.11.2018: Kolloquium - Panel "Blockchain und Cryptocurrencies"
- 16.11.2018: Coding Contest @ MCI
- 13.11.2018: Lange Nacht der Karriere Tirol
- 12.11.2018: In-house talk of Andreas Schrempf
- 09.11.2018: Steganography and Steganalysis - Guest lecture at the University of Trento
- 29.-31.10.2018: RoSsinI Herbst Action @ Lienz
- 29.10.2018: In-house talk of Miguel Otaduy
- 19.10.2018: Symposium on Post-Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies
- 17.10.2018: Hearings Embodied Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Part 2
- 16.10.2018: Fraunhofer IZT Expert Talk »Digitale Plattformen & Data Science«
- 15.10.2018: Hearings Embodied Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Part 1
- 12.+13.10.2018: Erasmus Days
- 12.10.2018: QSP Lab - Cybercrime verhindern - Schwachstellen und Angriffe erkennen
- 04.10.2018: Abschlussevent des Q-WEST
- 28.09.2018: WiMIR 1st Annual Workshop @ ISMIR 2018
- 28.09.2018: VWA- und Diplomarbeitentag
- 24.-28.09.2018: Brückenkurs für das Informatikstudium
- 21.-23.09.2018: Hackathon HackTheAlps
- 10.-14.09.2018: Training Course: High Performance Programming with OpenMP and MPI
- 10.-12.09.2018: PAN-Workshop @ CLEF 2018
- 31.08.2018: Aufnahmeverfahren Bachelorstudium Informatik
- 02.08.2018: In-house talk of Dong-Soo Kwon
- 01.-03.08.2018: RoSsini Summercamp
- 18.07.2018: Linked Open Data im Tourismus - Workshop
- 08.07.2018: IUadaptME @UMAP
- 03.07.2018: In-house talk of Chris Wojtan
- 03.07.2018: Campustag des BORG Schwaz
- 30.06.2018: 1st International Workshop on Computational Models of Affordance in Robotics
- 27.06.2018: JugendMedienTag Imst
- 22.06.2018: IT-Preis der Stadt Innsbruck 2018
- 21.06.2018: Abschlussveranstaltung des Praktikum Robotik
- 20.-22.06.2018: ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security
- 18.-19.06.2018: 17th Annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security – WEIS 2018
- 12.-13.06.2018: TourismFastForward Kongress
- 12.06.2018: inday teachers
- 08.06.2018: In-house talk of Juan J. Durillo
- 05.06.2018: Vortrag "Pflege- und Sexroboter"
- 28.05.2018: In-house talk of Matthias Müller
- 24.05.2018: Vortrag "Artificial Companions"
- 17.-18.05.2018: Austrian Robotics Workshop 2018
- 15.-16.05.2018: OAGM/AAPR Workshop 2018 - Medical Image Analysis
- 04.05.2018: QSP Lab - Container virtualization for IT operations
- 27.+28.04.2018: QSP Lab - Statistical Methods for Software Engineering
- 26.04.2018: Girls' Day
- 23.-25.04.2018: WissensDurst - Das Festival der österreichischen Wissenschaft
- 21.04.2018: QSP Lab - Getting started for IoT
- 13.-16-04.2018: Seminar "IT-Outsourcing"
- 13.04.2018: Lange Nacht der Forschung
- 11.04.2018: ELSA Podiumsdiskussion "AI - Wird der Mensch ersetzbar?"
- 26.03.-28.03.2018: RoSsini Workshop
- 23.03.2018: QSP Lab - Testgetriebene Softwareentwicklung (TDD) in der Praxis
- 16.03.2018: QSP Lab - Cybercrime verhindern - Schwachstellen und Angriffe erkennen
- 12.-16.03.2018: "Enabling Music" - 1st Hackathon of the Holon Institute of Technology (HIT)
- 09.+10.03.2018: QSP Lab - Domain-Specific Modeling with Code Generation
- 23.02.2018: Start des Informatik-Praktikum-Robotik
- 09.02.2018: Safer Internet Day
- 19.01.2018: QSP Lab - "Cyber Risks Hackathon"
- 12.01.2018: QSP Lab - Web Application Security
- 15.12.2017: QSP Lab - A Journey to Filesystem Lands
- 12.12.2017: In-house talk of Elena Simperl
- 01.12.2017: QSP Lab - Clone-Detection, Architekturanalyse & Co: Statische Qualitätsanalysen in Forschung und Praxis
- 30.11.2017: QSP Lab - Grundlagen Informationssicherheit nach ISO / IEC 27001 und IT-Sicherheitsanalyse / Forensik intensiv
- 23.11.2017: inday students 2017
- 17.+18.11.2017: QSP Lab - Documentation of Information Security Requirements
- 09.11.2017: VWA- und Diplomarbeitentag
- 15.09.2017: Diskussion - Wie gefährlich ist Künstliche Intelligenz?
- 30.-31.05.2017: Tourism Fast Forward 2017 Konferenz
- 23.05.2017: inday teachers 2017
- 01.03.2017: Aufnahmeprüfung Bachelorstudium Informatik - Anmeldung startet