



Titel Name
Univ.-Prof. PhD Beutel Jan Networked Embedded Sensing Center
Networked Embedded Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Low-power, Mountain Cryosphere, Natural Hazard
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Böhme Rainer Security and Privacy Lab Security and Privacy, Digital Forensics, Steganography, Cryptographic Currencies, Incentives and Behavior, Cybercrime
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Breu Ruth Quality Engineering Security Engineering, Enterprise Architecture Management, Requirements Engineering and Testing, Change and Risk Driven Workflows
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Fahringer Thomas Distributed and Parallel Systems High Performance Computing, Parallelizing and Optimizing Compilers, Energy Aware Computing, Cloud Computing
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harders Matthias Interactive Graphics and Simulation Interactive Medical Simulation, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Computer Haptics
Univ.-Prof. PhD
Jatowt Adam Data Science
Natural Language Processing, Text Analytics, Information Access, Cultural Heritage Informatics
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Knierim Pascal Interactive Graphics and Simulation Human-Computer Interaction, Mixed Reality, Ubiquitous Computing, Privacy and Usable Security
Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Middeldorp Aart Computational Logic Term Rewriting, Automated Reasoning
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Moser Georg Theoretical Computer Science Automated Reasoning, Programming Languages, Proof Theory, Resource Analysis
Univ.-Prof. PhD
Piater Justus Intelligent and Interactive Systems Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Robotics and Interactive Systems
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Prodan Radu AIM AT endowed professorship for Edge AI Edge-Cloud computing, Artificial intelligence, Distributed systems
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ristov Sashko
Quality Engineering Cloud Computing, Serverless, Performance Modeling, Optimization, Simulation, Resilience
assoz. Prof. PhD
Rodriguez-Sanchez Antonio Intelligent and Interactive Systems Biological plausibility and inspiration, Computer Vision, Machine and Deep Learning
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Roy Arnab  Security and Privacy Lab Cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Secure and Private Computation, Information Security and Privacy
Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. PhD
Sauerwein Clemens
Quality Engineering Information Security, Information Systems, Security & Software Engineering Education
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Specht Günther Databases and Information Systems Databases, Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Writing Style Analysis, Bioinformatics
assoz. Prof. Dr. Thiemann René Computational Logic Certification, Interactive Theorem Proving, Verified Software, Termination Analysis
Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thoman Peter
Distributed and Parallel Systems GPU Computing, Parallel Runtime Systems, Compilers for HPC
Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Tosatto Samuele Intelligent and Interactive Systems Machine Learning for Robotics and Reinforcement Learning
Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Vierhauser Michael Quality Engineering Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Cyber-Physical Systems, Safety-Critical Systems, Software Engineering Education
assoz. Prof. Dr. Zangerle Eva  Databases and Information Systems Social Media Analysis, Recommender Systems, Information Retrieval
Ass.-Prof. PhD Zech Philipp Quality Engineering Software Engineering and Testing, Model-driven Engineering and Testing, Machine Learning

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