Titel | Name |
Forschungsgruppe |
Forschungsbereiche |
Univ.-Prof. PhD | Beutel Jan | Networked Embedded Sensing Center |
Networked Embedded Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Low-power, Mountain Cryosphere, Natural Hazard |
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. | Böhme Rainer | Security and Privacy Lab | Security and Privacy, Digital Forensics, Steganography, Cryptographic Currencies, Incentives and Behavior, Cybercrime |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. | Breu Ruth | Quality Engineering | Security Engineering, Enterprise Architecture Management, Requirements Engineering and Testing, Change and Risk Driven Workflows |
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. | Fahringer Thomas | Distributed and Parallel Systems | High Performance Computing, Parallelizing and Optimizing Compilers, Energy Aware Computing, Cloud Computing |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. | Harders Matthias | Interactive Graphics and Simulation | Interactive Medical Simulation, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Computer Haptics |
Univ.-Prof. PhD |
Jatowt Adam | Data Science |
Natural Language Processing, Text Analytics, Information Access, Cultural Heritage Informatics |
Ass.-Prof. Dr. | Knierim Pascal | Interactive Graphics and Simulation | Human-Computer Interaction, Mixed Reality, Ubiquitous Computing, Privacy and Usable Security |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. |
Middeldorp Aart | Computational Logic | Term Rewriting, Automated Reasoning |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. | Moser Georg | Theoretical Computer Science | Automated Reasoning, Programming Languages, Proof Theory, Resource Analysis |
Univ.-Prof. PhD |
Piater Justus | Intelligent and Interactive Systems | Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Robotics and Interactive Systems |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. | Prodan Radu | AIM AT endowed professorship for Edge AI | Edge-Cloud computing, Artificial intelligence, Distributed systems |
Ass.-Prof. Dr. | Ristov Sashko |
Quality Engineering | Cloud Computing, Serverless, Performance Modeling, Optimization, Simulation, Resilience |
assoz. Prof. PhD |
Rodriguez-Sanchez Antonio | Intelligent and Interactive Systems | Biological plausibility and inspiration, Computer Vision, Machine and Deep Learning |
Ass.-Prof. Dr. | Roy Arnab | Security and Privacy Lab | Cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Secure and Private Computation, Information Security and Privacy |
Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. PhD |
Sauerwein Clemens |
Quality Engineering | Information Security, Information Systems, Security & Software Engineering Education |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. | Specht Günther | Databases and Information Systems | Databases, Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Writing Style Analysis, Bioinformatics |
assoz. Prof. Dr. | Thiemann René | Computational Logic | Certification, Interactive Theorem Proving, Verified Software, Termination Analysis |
Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. | Thoman Peter |
Distributed and Parallel Systems | GPU Computing, Parallel Runtime Systems, Compilers for HPC |
Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. | Tosatto Samuele | Intelligent and Interactive Systems | Machine Learning for Robotics and Reinforcement Learning |
Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. | Vierhauser Michael | Quality Engineering | Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Cyber-Physical Systems, Safety-Critical Systems, Software Engineering Education |
assoz. Prof. Dr. | Zangerle Eva | Databases and Information Systems | Social Media Analysis, Recommender Systems, Information Retrieval |
Ass.-Prof. PhD | Zech Philipp | Quality Engineering | Software Engineering and Testing, Model-driven Engineering and Testing, Machine Learning |