Master's Programme Computer Science: Specialisations
The Master's Programme in Computer Science offers specialisations in one of three subject areas:
- Logic and Learning
- Secure and Distributed Computing
- Perception, Interaction and Robotics
For each specialisation 3 modules (amounting to 30 ECTS credits) must be taken. In addition, the Master Thesis must be allocable to the specialisation field. The three modules consist of 5 lectures (VU 3) and 1 Research Seminar (SE 2).
The course offer of each of the 3 specialisations is presented below. The hyperlinked courses are visible in OLAT, the ones in gray are planned.
Logic and Learning
The Logic and Learning specialisation focuses on methods and tools for deductive and inductive reasoning. A variety of courses are offered, ranging from automated and interactive theorem proving to program analysis as well as the use of advanced machine learning techniques. The specialisation welcomes all Master students and is of special interest to those who desire a deeper understanding of formal methods and theory.
Perception, Interaction and Robotics
The specialisation in Perception, Interaction and Robotics focuses on computational and data-driven methods for physical and virtual worlds. Diverse courses are offered on fundamental and specialised methods, including machine-learning methods, powering computer vision, computer haptics, perception and interaction in Extended Reality, physics-based simulation, and autonomous robotics. Some of our machine-learning courses are also offered as part of the Logic and Learning specialisation. The specialisation welcomes all Master students and is of particular relevance to those interested in theory and applications where computation meets the physical world.
Secure and Distributed Computing
The specialisation Secure an Distributed Computing emphasizes the design of novel system architectures that meet future demands in terms of scale, performance, and resilience. It spans a variety of paradigms, including the Cloud-Edge continuum, fully decentralized systems, and scientific computing. Security-focussed courses train students to anticipate malicious behaviour and defend systems with the help of strong cryptography, robust protocols and secure elements. Courses with a focus on distributed systems delve into topics such as application development, load balancing, scheduling, resource management and fault tolerance. The modules in this specialisation are relevant for all Master students, and address particularly those interested in building reliable and performance-oriented infrastructures for the digital age.