Registration for Euregio course - 800.753 SE Brussels School 2021: The European integration in academic theory and political practice.



The course you are interested in is open to all students from the three Euregio Universities – Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (UNIBZ), Universität Innsbruck (UIBK) and Università degli Studi di Trento (UNITN) – and therefore follows its own registration procedure. Please note: this course has a participant limit and requires a selection process in order to be admitted to the course.

In order to successfully register for this course as a student from one of the three Euregio Universities, we have compiled for you some information below. Please read it through carefully.

1. General information on application and registration 

Please note: all interested students from UIBK, UNIBZ and UNITN have to follow this registration process!


If you are a student at UIBK: You are already registered as a regular student. Despite your status, you must register for the Euregio course via the same link below. However, your nomination is not followed by enrollment at the UIBK, but only by registration for the course. 

If you are a student at UNIBZ or UNITN: In order to be able to attend the course as a student and to receive a certificate upon successful completion, you will be enrolled and registered for this course as a "non-degree seeking student".

After admission to UIBK and successful course registration, Euregio students from UNIBZ and UNITN will receive their access data for the IT services of Universität Innsbruck (LFU: online, OLAT, etc.) via e-mail and can thus use all student resources.

Course recognition: The admission to the UIBK or a possible admission to a course does not guarantee that the achieved learning outcomes or grades will be recognized at the home institution for the respective study program.

We, therefore, urgently advise you to clarify this matter early on with the person or department responsible for recognition at the respective home institution!

Certificates: Grades are entered via LFU:online as for all other regular courses at UIBK. After successful completion of the course, all students can download/print their official transcripts/certificates via LFU: online.

2. Data query and registration for the course

For proper registration or application for the course, UIBK, UNIBZ and UNITN require personal and/or specific (contact) data. 
Please note that the application or registration for the Euregio course can only be considered if all required data has been provided properly and completely. Of course, all data will only be processed for admission purposes or registration for the course!
Forms and specific data for admission. Following documents have to be submitted as part of the registration process via the link below. Students from UNIBZ and UNITN have to upload all documents (a. - e.), students from UIBK are only required to submit the letter of motivation (d.) and the curriculum vitae (e.):
a. Registration form (LINK):   The registration form must be completed, dated, signed (original signature), scanned and uploades as a .pdf. It records the data required for enrollment as a "non-degree seeking student” at the UIBK. The matriculation and/or registration number enables the universities to uniquely identify the student, even if this is not possible based on name or a combination of name and date and place of birth. To avoid any duplicate enrollments, any (previous) Austrian matriculation number must be provided.
  Here you can find the REGISTRATION FORM
b. Digital copy of your passport / ID card: Proof of identity
c. Confirmation of enrollment from the home university: To provide proof of current enrollment in a degree program at UNIBZ or UNITN
d. Letter of motivation (mandatory for everyone): Letter explaining motivation and intended learning outcomes (max. 2 pages). As the course has a limit on the number of participants a ranking of applications basing on the letter of motivation will be necessary
e. Curriculum vitae (CV) in tabular form (mandatory for everyone).
Final decision on your acceptance will be made by the course director, based on the quality of your application (i.e. letter of motivation and CV).

For successful application/registration, all documents (completed registration form + scan of passport + confirmation of enrollment + motivational letter + CV) must be merged and uploaded into one single document (.pdf).

  Tips on how to combine the documents into one .pdf can be found here: Merge PDF



Click here to register for the course

Winter Semester 2021/2022

  SE Brussels School 2021



3. Follow-up questions

If you have any further questions, please contact the Italien-Zentrum at UIBK by email:

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