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DigitRes - Digital Rehabilitation in Prison


Even though the prison system in Austria is not entirely "offline" and various areas such as the inmates’ administration are increasingly being digitized, prisoners themselves are largely excluded from the internet and from modern information and communication technology (ICT). As our society evolves into a digital information society, there is an increasing demand of developing ways in which inmates can be granted access to modern ICT without putting security in prisons, but also in society, at risk. Digitization in prison entails risks, but also opens up opportunities, as it improves the digital competence of detainees, supports their rehabilitation, and promotes inclusion. Therefore, the aim of the project is to provide scientific knowledge in order to grant prisoners a secure access to the internet and to ICT. To this end, firstly, a needs-based analysis will be carried out, following the perspective of the inmates and focusing on their rehabilitation; secondly, the effects of such an expansion on the prison system will be examined; and thirdly, an innovative pilot project, in which selected inmates are granted access to ICT, will be accompanied by sociological research focusing on the rehabilitative potential of such an innovation. The project builds on national and international expertise and provides primary data on the situation in Austria. For the detailed planning of the pilot project the perspectives of the inmates and the perspective of the prison system are brought together. Based on the empirical findings of all work packages, including the scientific monitoring of the pilot project, we will present a synopsis of the results and a catalogue of measures for a secure access to ICT in prison that meets educational and rehabilitation purposes as well as the need for information, communication, and entertainment, and can reduce the workload of prison staff.
The project is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) as part of the KIRAS Security Research KIRAS

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Project Partners


nov 22 to oct 24

Project Lead

Foto: Hofinger

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