The event is part of the lecture series State · Religion · Society
Laizität und Menschenrechte in einer vielfältigen Gesellschaft
Cinzia Sciuto (Frankfurt)
Monday, 10.01.2022, 19.00 pm (MESZ/UTC+2), online
Moderation: Marie-Luisa Frick (Universität Innsbruck)
Language: German
Organiser: Italien-Zentrum
Location: Online (Zoom-Link:, Passcode: Innsbruck)
Our society is becoming increasingly complex. Ethnic, religious and cultural conflicts are increasing. Invoking religion and tradition, fundamental individual human rights are being called into question – especially for women. How can cultural diversity and human rights be reconciled? How can living together be organised in the future? Where "cultures" are treated as untouchable museum objects and people not as individuals, but as representatives of a group, one runs the risk of minimising violations of human rights and especially women's rights. That is why we need more secularism. Secularism is not the simple separation of state and religion, but the principle according to which no tradition, no religion, no God can be used to justify a restriction of human rights.
Cinzia Sciuto is journalist and author. She studied philosophy in Rome and Berlin and holds a PhD from the Sapienza University. Today she works as a senior editor at the Italian journal for philosophy and politics MicroMega and writes for some prominent German media. In her blog she deals with secularism, women's rights and questions of bioethics. She has published two books: "The Traps of Multiculturalism. Secularism and Human Rights in a Diverse Society" (Rotpunktverlag, 2020; original edition: "Non c'è fede che tenga. Manifesto laico contro il multiculturalismo", Feltrinelli, 2018) and "La Terra è rotonda. Kant, Kelsen e la prospettiva cosmopolitica" (Mimesis Edizioni, 2015).