Lev Shadrin, MA
und Neulateinische Studien
Projekt: LAGOOS: A Life in Ancient Greek: The Secret Diary of Karl Benedikt Hase (1780–1864)
Zimmer 06I040
Innrain 52a
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Tel.: +43/512/507-40711
E-Mail: lev.shadrin@uibk.ac.at
With a BA in Art History, and Master’s degrees in Medieval Studies and Digital Humanities, Lev focused his previous research primarily on Ancient Greek and Byzantine Greek literary sources.
Greek palaeography and codicology lie at the core of Lev’s scholarly interests, playing a central role in his MA thesis of St. George’s ‘vision’ miracle (BHG 691u-v). Lev further improved his transcription skills and manuscript identification techniques while working as a research assistant for the Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams (DBBE) project at Ghent University.
During his Master’s degree in Digital Humanities, Lev received comprehensive training in Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Social Network Analysis, and Database Management.
In 2023, Lev joined the LAGOOS project as a PhD candidate and research assistant, inspired by the project’s affinity for combining digital tools and linguistic methodology to study the Greek source text. Lev focuses on transcribing Hase’s diary, training Transkribus HTR models, and implementing NLP tools and programs to analyse linguistic aspects of the text in preparation for the digital edition.