
Seminarvorträge am Forschungsinstitut für Limnologie, Mondsee

Die Seminare für das SS 2024 werden ab 14 Uhr hybrid angeboten. Bitte um Teilnahme an den Seminaren im Seminarraum Drachenwand, 2. Stock, des Forschungsinstituts in Mondsee oder mit folgendem Zoom Link :

Meeting ID: 843 1167 9046

Präsenz: p / online: o

under construction

6 Miao Ding, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China p/o
The mechanism of male occurrence in a gynogenetic fish,  starting 3 p.m.!
13 Elisabeth Jansen, EAWAG, CH p/o
Diversity of natural toxins from cyanobacteria – from lakes to Alpine mountains

Jana Isanta-Navarro, University of Copenhagen, DEN p/o
Changing life in lakes-human impacts on trophic interactions

10 Buumba Mudena Hampuwo, Women's empowerment and reducing rural poverty
through aquaculture
17 Ester Eckert, CNR - Institute of Ecosystem Study Verbania, I p/o
15 IDC
5  Research training: Christian Spanner, Vitali Razumov, Vinayaka Hegde

Anita Narwani, EAWAG, CH, Dienstag, 13 Uhr!
Phyt to complete: evolutionary responses to resource limitation in phytoplankton

19 Dora Certnerova, ILIM, A p/o
Genome size variation in microalgae and its evolutionary consequences
26 Research training: Sophia Mützel, Alessandro Cuzzeri, Ambre Placide
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