Austrian Stochastics Days 2024 Program here and Abstracts
Welcome to the 12th Austrian Stochastics Days!
The Austrian Stochastics Days (ASD) are intended to provide scientists and young researchers working in the field of Stochastics with an opportunity to network, to present their latest research and to initiate collaborations, as well as bringing researchers working on theory and applications together. Earlier ASD took place in Klagenfurt (2023), Vienna (univie, 2022), Leoben (2021), Graz (KFU, 2020), Vienna (WU, 2018), Salzburg (2017), Graz (TU, 2016), Vienna (TU, 2015), Leoben (2014), Innsbruck (2013), and in Linz (2012).
In 2024, the meeting will be hosted by the working group of Stochastics of the Mathematics Department of the University of Innsbruck and will take place from September 4- 6 in Innsbruck.
Plenary Speakers
- Nina Gantert (TU Munich)
- Jan Maas (IST Austria)
- Fabio Toninelli (TU Vienna)
Invited Sessions Speakers
- Mathias Beiglböck (University of Vienna); Session "Mathematical Finance"
- Marcin Lis (TU Vienna); Session "Statistical Mechanics"
- Irene Tubikanec ( Johannes Kepler University Linz); Session "Stochastic PDE/ODE"
- Stephan Wagner (TU Graz); Session "Probabilistic combinatorics"
- Wolfgang Woess (TU Graz); Session "Random Walks"
Organizing Commitee
Steering Commitee:
- Julio Backhoff-Veraguas
- Alexander Steinicke
- Michaela Szölgyenyi
- Sandra Trenovatz