Background Image for the banner©Christina Bailey

General Information

This meeting was traditionally organised by the Functional Analysis groups at the Universities in Linz, Prague and Salzburg. This year it will take place for the sixth time in beautiful Tirol and for the first time at the

Campus Technik of the University of Innsbruck, Technikerstraße, 6020 Innsbruck

which is situated on the west end of Innsbruck.

Our main speakers will be

Igor Balla, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republik

Michael Dymond, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Vojtěch Kaluža, Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Klosterneuburg, Austria

Noema Nicolussi, Technische Universität Graz, Austria

We plan several informal lectures and fruitful mathematical discussions starting on Wednesday morning until Friday noon.

 Registration Information
 Conference Poster

Past Analysis Seminars in Innsbruck: 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2019
Past Analysis Seminar in Traunkirchen (organised by the Functional Analysis group at the University of Linz): 2018


Christian Bargetz, Eva Kopecká, and Tommaso Russo, Universität Innsbruck


If you are interested in participating in the Analysis Seminar, please register as soon as possible but no later than 31st August 2024 by sending an email to:

If you plan to give a talk, please provide a provisional title and abstract. Please also indicate if you would like to present a poster if slots for talks became scarce.


The conference fee will be

€ 110 before 16th July 2024 and € 150 from 16th July 2024.


The conference fee includes the book of abstracts, coffe breaks and the conference dinner.

Payment of the fee should be remitted by a bank transfer to
Hypo Tirol Bank AG
Account holder: Universität Innsbruck
IBAN: AT47 5700 0210 1113 0470
Please do not forget to mention the details of payment
Reference: P7020-022-015 and YOUR NAME


The conference participants are responsible for booking their own accommodation. The following hotels have set aside a limited number of rooms for conference participants at a discount rate. The location of the conference can be reached by public transport in about 20-30 minutes from the city center.

Please book promtly!

Innsbruck is a popular holiday destination for city trips and sport enthusiasts. The rooms are in the upper range in terms of prices and during autumn most of the hotels become fully booked.

The Organizing Secretariat has reserved a number of hotel rooms located at the city centre. These rooms are allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Please book by email and ask about special price for the "Analysis Seminar 2024". The scientific program starts on Wednesday morning and is scheduled until Friday noon.

Hotel Goldener Adler ****

Double room for single use – € 131 
Double room – € 155,80
breakfast incl.

Reserved rooms with special price are only available until 3rd September 2024.

Hotel Das Innsbruck ****

Double room – € 124
breakfast incl.

Reserved rooms with special price are only available until 24th August 2024.



The conference takes place at the University of Innsbruck, Technik Campus, Technikerstraße, 6020 Innsbruck. Please find the location tagged in the map below.

Programme Schedule


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