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Here you'll find all kinds of talks related to the field of mathematics.  From the Mathematics Colloquium to seminar talks, guest lectures and habilitation lectures, everything of interest in the field of mathematics is represented here.

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Date Title Speaker Type Group Time | Location
2025-03-12 Harnack's inequality for nonlocal parabolic equations Naian Liao Universität Salzburg Mathematics Colloquium Analysis of PDEs 3.30 pm
HS 11, Architekturgebäude, Technikerstr. 21b
2025-03-18 TBA William Da Silva      Universität Wien Seminar Talk Stochastics 3.30 pm
HS 10, Architekturgebäude, Technikerstr. 21b
2025-04-01 TBA Alexander Drewitz Universität zu Köln Seminar talk Stochastics 3.30 pm
HS 10, Architekturgebäude, Technikerstr. 21b
2025-05-14 TBA

Ioan Manolescu Universität Freiburg

Mathematics Colloquium Stochastics 3.30 pm
HS 11, Architekturgebäude, Technikerstr. 21b


Date Title Speaker Type Group Time | Location
2025-01-21 The law of the circumferences of sparse random graphs Joshua Erde       TU Graz Seminar Talk Stochastics 1.45 pm
SR 609, Bauingenieur Gebäde, Technikerstr. 13
2025-01-16 Quantitative sub-ballisticity of self-avoiding walk on the hexagonal lattice Christoforos Panagiotis University of Bath Seminar talk Stochastics 2.30 pm
SR 609, Bauingenieur Gebäde, Technikerstr. 13
2025-01-07 Randomness and beyond: shuffling cards, population models and the art of sandpiles Ecaterina Sava-Huss    Universität Innsbruck Antrittsvorlesung Stochastics 4.30 pm
Großer Hörsaal, Bauingenieur Gebäude,
Technikerstr. 13
2024-12-03 Explosive appearance of cores and bootstraps percolation on lattices Lyuben Lichev ISTA Klosterneuburg Seminar talk Stochastics 1.45 pm
SR 609, Bauingenieur Gebäde, Technikerstr. 13
2024-11-20 Restricted subgraphs of edge-colored graphs and applications Benny Sudakov ETH Zurich Mathematics Colloquium Stochastics 3.30 pm
HS 11, Architekturgebäude,
Technikerstr. 21b
Directional split exponential integrators with applications to Turing patterns Marco Caliari Università di Verona Gast lecture Numerical Analysis 4.00 pm
SR 609, Bauingenieur Gebäude 6.OG,
Technikerstr. 13
2024-10-23 CUR for Low-Rank Approximation of Nonlinear Matrix Equations and Extension to Tensor Differential Equations Hessam Babaee University of Pittsburgh Mathematics Colloquium Numerical Analysis 3.30 pm
HS 11, Architekturgebäude,
Technikerstr. 13

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