Campus Universitätsstrasse 15 (SOWI), Foyer
- Agilent Technologies Österreich GmbH
- Bruker Austria GmbH
- CEM GmbH
- Dionex Austria GmbH/Thermo Fisher
- Metrohm Inula GmbH
- Milestones MLS GmbH
- Shimadzu Österreich GmbH
Thursday, September 22 2011 13.00 - 14.00, Campus Universitätsstrasse 15 (SOWI)
- Dionex/Thermo Fisher (HS 1)
Dr. H. Herrmann, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Idstein, Germany
"Simultaneous Analysis of API and Counter Ions by HPC with Charged Aerosol Detections" - Milestones MLS GmbH (HS 2)
Dr. E. Heller, Institute of Pharmacy and Food Chemistry, Würzburg, Germany
"Real time observation of microwave-enhanced reations voa fast FTIR spectroscopy and UV/Vis spectroscopy in the reaction solution"
The members of the Organizing Committee gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the "Joint Meeting of the Austrian and German Pharmaceutical Societies 2011" by following companies and institutions: